Desray Armstrong

Desray Armstrong


Desray Armstrong is an independent producer with a diverse slate of credits. From 2007-2011, Desray and producer/director Chelsea Winstanley ran New Zealand production company StanStrong with a focus on creating compelling, conscious and informative content with a Maori worldview. In recent years, Desray has built up a mass of physical production experience, predominantly in feature film.

프로필 사진

Desray Armstrong

참여 작품

The Mountain
Explores the journey of three young people as they seek solace under the watchful gaze of the Taranaki mountain and companionship in the spirit of adventure.
배드 비해비어
Lucy, a former child actor, seeks enlightenment at a retreat led by spiritual leader Elon while she navigates her close yet turbulent relationship with her stunt-performer daughter, Dylan.
Millie Lies Low
A panic attack causes Millie to miss her flight to New York. Everyone thinks she’s made it though, thanks to her fake Instagram posts from the “Big Apple”. A tragicomic hunt for a new ticket ensues, as she attempts to beat the clock, her fears and the truth.
학교에서 정학 처분을 받은 자기 파괴적인 10대 남자아이에게 까칠한 성격인 데다 알코올 중독인 조모를 돌보라는 처벌이 떨어진다. 두 사람이 함께 보낸 폭풍 같은 시간은 그의 인생을 완전히 뒤바꾼다.
커밍 홈 인 더 다크
Traffic Patrol Officer
고등학교 교사 호기는 아내 질, 양아들 마이카와 조던과 함께 외진 해안으로 소풍을 나간다. 그러나 두 명의 흉악한 떠돌이와 만나면서 이들의 나들이는 악몽으로 바뀌고 만다. 사이코패스처럼 보이는 두 남자의 진짜 의도가 무엇인지 도무지 알 수 없는데, 밤이 깊어 가면서 호기와 질은 이 악몽의 근원이 20년 사건에 있었음을 깨닫게 된다.
커밍 홈 인 더 다크
고등학교 교사 호기는 아내 질, 양아들 마이카와 조던과 함께 외진 해안으로 소풍을 나간다. 그러나 두 명의 흉악한 떠돌이와 만나면서 이들의 나들이는 악몽으로 바뀌고 만다. 사이코패스처럼 보이는 두 남자의 진짜 의도가 무엇인지 도무지 알 수 없는데, 밤이 깊어 가면서 호기와 질은 이 악몽의 근원이 20년 사건에 있었음을 깨닫게 된다.
Merata: How Mum Decolonised the Screen
Post Production Supervisor
A documentary portrait of the pioneering indigenous filmmaker and activist Merata Mita and an intimate tribute from a son about his mother that delves into the life of the first woman from an Indigenous Nation to solely direct a film anywhere in the world. Known as the grandmother of Indigenous cinema, Merata’s independent political documentaries of the 1970s and 80s highlighted injustices for Māori people and often divided the country. Mita was fearless in her life, her activism and her art. Chronicling the director’s journey to decolonize the film and television screens of New Zealand and the world, the film documents her work, her early struggles with her family and her drive for social justice that often proved personally dangerous.
모털 엔진
Production Coordinator
헤스터 쇼는 알 수 없는 이유로 런던 최상류층이자 새로운 견인도시 시스템을 정착시킨 과학자 발렌타인을 살해하려 한다. 발렌타인을 평소 존경하던 하위계층 톰 내츠워디가 이를 목격하고 저지하는데 발렌타인의 음모에 의해 헤스터와 톰이 모두 런던 바깥으로 쫓겨나고 만다. 아무것도 모른 채 시키는 대로만 살아온 톰은 발렌타인 때문에 비운의 삶을 살게 된 헤스터 옆을 졸졸 따라다니면서 세상 돌아가는 풍경과 권력자들의 음모, 이를 저지하려는 반견인도시연맹 세력들과 만난다.
A hazy night in Wellington is lit up with the pulsating colors and sounds of party people exploring their youth and freedom.
In a cold and remote landscape, two strangers struggle to repair their broken pasts. A young man is on parole after serving time for attempting to murder the man who killed his girlfriend in a hit and run. A woman is released from a psychiatric facility far from her homeland. These two damaged strangers cross paths in the mountains in winter and fall into a complex intimate relationship, putting to the test their capacity to trust and heal.
포크 파이
Second Assistant Production Coordinator
A trio of accidental outlaws travel the length of New Zealand, protesting conformity and chasing lost love, with a posse of cops and a media frenzy in pursuit.
파도가 지나간 자리
Production Coordinator
1차 세계대전 참전용사였던 ‘톰’(마이클 패스벤더)은 전쟁의 상처로 사람들을 피해 외딴 섬의 등대지기로 자원한다. 그곳에서 만난 ‘이자벨’(알리시아 비칸데르)에게 마음을 열고 오직 둘만의 섬에서 행복한 생활을 시작한다. 하지만 사랑으로 얻게 된 생명을 2번이나 잃게 되고 상심에 빠진다. 슬픔으로 가득했던 어느 날, 파도에 떠내려온 보트 안에서 남자의 시신과 울고 있는 아기를 발견하고 이를 운명으로 받아들이며 완벽한 가정을 이룬다. 그러나 수년 후 친엄마 ‘한나’(레이첼 와이즈)의 존재를 알게 되고, 가혹한 운명에 놓인 세 사람 앞에는 뜻하지 않은 선택이 기다리고 있는데...
Field Punishment No.1
Production Manager
In 1916, the New Zealand Government secretly shipped 14 of the country's most outspoken conscientious objectors to the Western Front in an attempt to convert, silence, or quite possibly kill them. This is their story.
Ellen Is Leaving
On the eve of departing overseas Ellen makes the fateful decision to gift her boyfriend a new girlfriend.
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata
Production Manager
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata is the final work of director Merata Mita, who passed away suddenly before the film could be completed. The film addresses some of the deepest and most distressing issues Māori communities face, and shows how extraordinary creative solutions are being provided by Māori communities themselves. Mita asks Maori men to front up to some grim realities by talking openly and honestly about the violence and abuse that has plagued their communities for many years. The film is a personal response to this violence, with Mita making a case for a return to an older model of Maori manhood, when men were the ones who sweetly sang the children to sleep. “Merata intended the documentary to count in ways that mattered deeply to her and to change perceptions of abuse and violence by using themes of responsibility, redemption, revitalisation, forgiveness and, most of all, love.” - Carol Hirschfeld, Māori Television.
Ebony Society
Young Vinnie and Jonah are bored on the mean streets — tagging, BMX-ing — when Jonah peer pressures Vinnie to join him in breaking and entering a house. When they find more than Christmas pressies inside, it tests mateship, moral codes and festive spirit.
Ways to See
Amaia lives with her deeply depressed mother in an inner-city apartment. With no family or friends close by, she desperately seeks out her absent father. Believing that mystical powers and a mysterious woman can reconnect them, Amaia goes to extreme lengths to win her attention and friendship. When the woman visits the family home, she becomes a familiar and welcome playmate for Amaia but also carries the hard truth of her father’s absence. The young mother and daughter cannot pretend any longer and will have to decide if they can continue living with each other.