Sandra von Ruffin

출생 : 1986-12-12, Hamburg, Germany

참여 작품

Stand up! Was bleibt, wenn alles weg ist
The Last Supper
Sarah Glickstein
On the day Hitler assumes power, the German-Jewish Glickstein family come together for dinner. Most of them—like many Germans at the time—do not take the Nazis seriously. When Leah announces her plans to emigrate to Palestine, her family talks her down. But when Michael indicates he’s actually an admirer of the National Socialist Movement, the family is on the brink of being torn apart.
Dance Fight Love Die: With Mikis On the Road
An intimate look into the life of composer Mikis Theodorakis from 1987 until 2017: comprising three decades, four continents, 100 locations and 600 hours of film material. The film interweaves personal moments with archive footage, documentary recordings and fictional pieces, all accompanied by Theodorakis’ music in jazz, classic, electro and rap versions.
The Penal Colony
A fictional film based on the true accounts of human rights abuse in a Mordovian prison.
Zwei verlorene Schafe
Isabell Stanew
What happens when an ambitious but unsuccessful actress in the middle of her life coaches a young, not a bit ambitious and equally unsuccessful pastor?
Gut zu Vögeln
After her fiancee cancels the wedding, Merlin's life changes drastically when she moves in with one of her brother's best friends.
Der Traum von Olympia
Gretel Bergmann
Karos handball team is facing a big international competition. When it becomes public that her boyfriend is an active member of a far-right party, the team, the club, Karo's family and last but not least she is put to the test: Does Karo have to be marginalized in order to signal against exclusion in society?
샬레이 걸
예쁘장한 톰보이인 킴(펠리시티 존스)은 스케이트보딩 챔피언이었으나, 지금은 아버지와 자신을 부양하기 위해 햄버거 가게에서 일한다. 하지만 우연찮게 얻은 기회로 알프스 스키 샬레에서 케이터링을 하는 자리를 얻게 되고, 킴은 고급스러운 사람들, 빈티지 샴페인, 웅장한 산맥과 허리까지 오는 깊은 눈 등 새로운 환경에 어리둥절해 한다. 그러던 중 킴은 스노우보딩을 발견하게 되고, 그녀는 기존의 재능을 바탕으로 엄청난 상금을 탈 수 있는 대회에 참가하기 위해 연습에 몰두하게 된다. 챔피언이 되기에 앞서 킴은 그녀 내면에 자리잡은 두려움과 맞서야 하며, 상관의 아들이자 애인까지 있는 조니(에드 웨스트윅)과의 관계에 대해서도 생각해 봐야 하는 문제에 직면하게 되는데……..