Franziska Dreyer and Sebastian Pauli are a happy couple. When one day the police arrest her boyfriend on suspicion of murder, Franziska assumes it's a mistake. But in a trial marked by circumstantial evidence, Sebastian is tried, convicted and sentenced to life. Franziska believes he's innocent and fights to get him released. This puzzles her parents and friends who advise her to cut all ties to him. Her reaction is to marry Sebastian in prison. Then Franziska discovers completely unknown sides to her husband and now doesn't know who or what to believe any more.
법대 중퇴생인 니코는 변변한 직업 없이 그가 아직 대학교를 다니는 줄 알고 있는 부자 아버지가 주는 용돈으로 생활하고 있다. 여자 친구에게도 차인 그는 배우지망생인 친구와 레스토랑에서 우연히 여배우가 된 동창생 율리카를 만나게 된다. 율리카는 그들을 자신이 출연하는 연극에 초대하고 니코는 은행카드마저 정지 당하자 아버지를 찾아간다. 2013년 독일 오스카상을 휩쓴 이 영화는 뚜렷한 목적 없이 하루하루를 살아가는 이른바‘루저’ 니코의 24시간을 흑백 화면으로 담고 있다. 얀 올 게르스터 감독의 장편극영화 데뷔작으로 달콤하지만 씁쓸하기도 한 커피 한잔을 마시는 것(영어제명은 커피 인 베를린) 같은 블랙 코미디이다.
Edward Kaminsky, an aging ad man, wants a golden parachute from his agency; he must first land the Opel auto contract. Rosa, a youth with wealthy parents, wants to establish herself as an artist. The clumsy and enthusiastic Viktor, not quite honest, wants work. When he wanders into Kaminsky's meeting with Opel and says something about irony, the Opel director wants him in on the campaign. Then he steals an idea from Rosa that the Opel director loves. Before Rosa discovers he's expropriated her idea, Rosa and Viktor become lovers. Father-son feelings materialize between Kaminsky and Viktor. Can the impulsive Viktor hold it together before Rosa learns the truth and flies away?