Jack Davis finds himself adrift after his father, the legendary Coach Davis, cuts him from his renowned soccer club, the Carolina Mantis. Estranged from his father, at odds with his brother, Mantis All-Star goalie Sam, and desperate for purpose, Jack turns to his ex-girlfriend Sophia. Jack is inspired by her tough love and unwavering pursuit to become a recording artist. He tackles his depression and takes one last shot at his lifelong dream, by trying out for a rival soccer club. Can Jack finally prove that he is worthy of his dad's love? Can he forgive and believe in second chances?
오래된 저택의 상속 문제를 코믹하게 다룬 영화
Spring is in full bloom when urban gardener Vicki fights to save her community garden from a handsome real estate developer. Both are caught off guard when it's not just the flowers that are blooming, but also love.
아름다운 아내와 함께 레스토랑을 운영하며 행복한 삶을 살아가는 가브리엘. 평범한 삶을 살아가는 듯한 가브리엘은 매일 밤마다 누군가를 살해하는 악몽에 시달린다. 아내의 소개로 만난 정신과 의사 리즈 박사에게 상담을 받지만 쉽게 나아지지 않는다. 어느 날, 가브리엘은 꿈에서 자신이 암살한 정치인이 실제로 죽었다는 뉴스를 보고 더욱 혼돈에 빠지고 자신을 둘러싼 비밀과 맞닥뜨리게 되는데…
Debbie (voice)
Young Rapper Rick. E gives a teddy bear to a girl who doesn't like it and throws it away. But then she wants it and it's up for Santa to give her a bear. Rick. E also busts rhymes.
An ex-con Henry (Rick Schroder) returns to town after being released from prison and contacts his old college frat members about a murder that they committed years earlier. They have to return to move the body to a new location before it is uncovered by recent digging in the area. Now a lot older and bitter about going to prison Henry has planned revenge on his old friends.