Liang Che-fu

출생 : 1920-12-11,

사망 : 1992-09-07

참여 작품

The Saviour Monk
지장보살(地藏菩薩, 산스크리트어: क्षितिगर्भ, Ksitigarbha, 크시티가르바)은 석가모니불의 열반 후 미륵보살이 성불할 때까지의 무불시대(말법시대)에 육도중생(六道衆生)을 교화하겠다는 큰 대원을 세운 보살마하살(대비보살)이다. 지장으로 줄여 부르기도 한다. 일체중생에게 불성이 있다고 보는 여래장사상에서 비롯된 보살로, 지장신앙은 대체적으로 민중 지향적인 성격이다. 생명을 낳고 기르는 대지를 모태로 한다는 뜻으로, 그리스 신화에서 대지의 여신 가이아, 데메테르와 비교된다. 그리고 불교 세계관에서 지장보살은 일체 모든 중생들이 전부 모두 다 성불 한 뒤에 최후에 마지막으로 성불할 보살이다.
Secret Agent Chungking 001
Taiwanese spy thriller. Agent No 1, a super sleuth from Chungking, is sent to Nanjing to investigate the murder of a Japanese general, which leads to even more intrigue and skullduggery.
Lover No Return
Taiwanese drama film.
Qin Xue Mei
Zhen Jia Hong Mei Gui Dou Fa
Zhen Jia Hong Mei Gui Dou Fa
Reluctantly Seeing My Lover Off
Taiwanese language film. Qiren and Bilian are a couple who are bullies by the Japanese during the occupation. Qiren wounds one officer and is sent to the labor service team to serve in prison. Will they eventually see each other again after the Japanese are defeated?
Tarzan And The Treasure
During World War Two, two Japanese army soldiers, Fan from Macau and Zheng from Taiwan, observe the Japanese hiding treasure in the mountains of Malaya. They make a treasure map and keep half each. Later, Zheng’s brother finds out Fan has died. The film opens when Zheng’s brother goes to Macau to buy the other half of the map from his friend’s descendants, having sent his niece Shufen (Liu Qing) and son (Ba Ke) to wait for him in Malaya with their half. But after a series of double- crossings and betrayals, Shufen and the boy set off to search for the treasure alone, with the Macau triads and the police in hot pursuit. At their moment of greatest danger in the jungle, the Taiwanese Tarzan (Gao Ming) swings onto the scene to save them.
Slave Born Child Becomes Top Student
A Taiwanese language film
Slave Born Child Becomes Top Student
A Taiwanese language film