‘다아시’(제니퍼 로페즈)와 ‘톰’(조쉬 더하멜)의 결혼식 당일, 우여곡절 끝에 결혼식에 참석할 모두가 섬에 모인다. 모든 게 순조로워 보이던 그때! 갑자기 들이닥친 해적으로 인해 결혼식장의 모두가 인질이 되고… ‘다아시’와 ‘톰’은 무사히 혼인서약을 마치기 위해 목숨을 건 버진 로드를 걷게 되는데… 죽이든가, 죽든가! 2023년 3월, 가장 화X한 웨딩이 온다!
Three friends join their musical talent to escape the harsh reality of their neighborhood. But their lack of money for recordings will force them to involve in shady business.
Sargento Romero
A young peasant is forced to flee for killing involuntarily an abusive guard. After an entire year hiding in a remote fishing island, he decides to return to his countryside and reunite with his wife and daughters.
Big eater Tubérculo and his neighbor Tirson broke their friendship because of a misunderstanding, but 20 years later, an unexpected event brings them together again.
Ben, a frustrated writer, has decided to end his life. But when his suicide attempt is unknowingly interrupted by his neighbor, his life is thrown in disarray following a series of misadventures that will bring his world truly upside-down, giving him the reality check he needed.
Robert Papaleta