Juan Pablo Libossart

참여 작품

Man with Doves
Consulting Producer
A figure straight out of a novel by Victor Hugo. Each day, the hunchback emerges from the depths of the metropolis to perform a ritual of vivid and bizarre beauty in the shadow of the Centre Pompidou. The man is filthy and eccentric and insults the police officers who try to get him to move on. But he is also a tender and devoted magician with the power to unleash a storm of doves.
Associate Producer
1973년 여름, 다섯 명의 남성과 여섯 명의 여성은 소형보트 ‘아칼리’에 몸을 싣고, 장장 101일에 걸쳐 대서양을 가로지르는 해양과학모험을 떠난다. 멕시코 인류학자 산티아고 헤노베스가 처음 착수한 이 실험은 폭력의 근원과 성적 매력의 역학관계를 탐구하기 위한 것이다. 보트에 오른 열한 명의 사람들은 전세계에서 엄격한 기준을 거쳐 선발되었는데, 특히 피실험자의 종교와 성별, 국적을 다양하게 유지하여 선상에서의 갈등을 극대화하고자 하였다.
멀지 않은 미래, 4살 된 지미와 그의 아버지는 대혼란에 빠진 조국 스웨덴을 등지고 안전한 나라를 찾아 긴 여정을 떠나게 된다. 고단한 여정 속에서 같은 처지에 놓인 다른 난민들을 만나고 그들을 통해 삶의 희망을 보기 시작한다. 어린 자식과 부모의 애틋함이 잘 표현된 작품.
The Rebel Surgeon
Portrayal of a surgeon who feels stifled by Swedish bureaucracy and relocates to Ethiopia to practice medicine. In a small field hospital, with limited resources, he uses anything at hand to help the patients.
Amalimbo is the story of TIPUANA, a five year-old girl who experiences "the limbo" when she tries to pass to 'the other side' in her desperate urge to mourn the recent death of her beloved father. It is a short story that happens in an undefined place in an also undefined near future. The main characters are TIPUANA (5) as well as OLDER TIPUANA (27) Tipuana's grown-up version and alter ego. The genre of the story is fantasy and the technique is 2D animation. In the very closing sequence of the film, animation fusions with live action.
Amalimbo is the story of TIPUANA, a five year-old girl who experiences "the limbo" when she tries to pass to 'the other side' in her desperate urge to mourn the recent death of her beloved father. It is a short story that happens in an undefined place in an also undefined near future. The main characters are TIPUANA (5) as well as OLDER TIPUANA (27) Tipuana's grown-up version and alter ego. The genre of the story is fantasy and the technique is 2D animation. In the very closing sequence of the film, animation fusions with live action.
Dear Director
During the summer of 1980, the American jazz concert pianist Kazzrie Jaxen writes a 16 pages long letter to director Ingmar Bergman. His film 'From the Life of the Marionettes' have sent her on a dramatic inner journey, making her realize that she is not alone in her own body.
Glorious Accidents
Car crashes are instant art and sculptures made in seconds. At least to a certain Buenos Aires photographer, who spends his nights driving through the city in search of capturing the perfect accident. Meanwhile, another man is trying to find a legendary cock sucker who hides somewhere in the dark rooms of a gay sex club. Accidentes Gloriosos tells nine different stories of death and transformation. From the man who undergoes a heart transplant and wakes up with new and strange artistic powers, to the woman who receives a last letter from her husband, written just before he freezes to death in one of history s most dramatic polar expeditions.