Makeup & Hair Assistant
부유한 패션 모델과 인스타그램 인플루언서 커플 등이 호화 유람선에 올라탄 뒤 이 배가 좌초되면서 유일하게 낚시를 할 줄 아는 청소부를 중심으로 계급관계가 반전되는 이야기
Makeup Artist
The story of Mattheus, a boy from the suburb Jordbro, south of Stockholm. Mattheus has a gift. He's fast. Really fast. Mattheus' dream is to become the athletics star and represent Sweden in the Olympic Games.
Makeup Artist
Simon returns to the suburb where he grew up in after his graduation, to work as an teacher in his old school. He becomes aware of an event that involves some of his students in his class. This puts him in a difficult situation.