Eduardo Cáceres

참여 작품

스파이의 침묵
영화는 과테말라 역사상 가장 억압적이었던 정부에 잠입한 한 저널리스트의 삶을 쫓으며, 침묵을 강요당한 나라의 기억으로 우리를 이끈다.
우는 여인
“울면 죽여버리겠다”는 말이 귓가에 맴도는 가운데 알마와 그녀의 아이들은 살해된다. 30년 후, 민간인 대량학살의 주동자였던 퇴역장군 엔리케는 유족들로부터 형사 소송을 당한다. 그는 유죄를 선고받지만 부당한 세부조항으로 인해 석방된다. 분노한 유족들은 그의 대저택 앞에 모여 시위를 벌이고, 엔리케의 가족들은 혼란 속에서도 나름의 평정을 찾아간다. 그러나 엔리케의 신경쇠약 증상은 점점 심해지고, 밤이 되면 여인의 울부짖는 소리가 들린다며 소동을 피운다. 불안감에 휩싸인 저택의 고용인들은 모두 그들 곁을 떠나고 곧 새로운 가정부가 고용된다.
Sound Mixer
A family man torn between the love for his family, the boundaries of religion and the freedom to choose whom to love.
500 이어스
Sound Recordist
From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala’s recent history is told through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.
Ayotzinapa en mí
Documentary on the 43 normalistas students who disappeared from the state of Guerrero, Mexico in 2014. This film seeks to understand what really happened with the students of Ayotzinapa and, beyond these disappearances, what is happening in Mexico that has transformed this state into a human rights violator.
The Devil's Elbow
Sound Editor
Puerto Limon, Costa Rica, 1948. Four days before Christmas, Setico a 12-year-old boy must take a train in search of his father. A trip that will reveal the forgotten memories of this banana enclave and the murder of six political prisoners in a place known as Devil's Elbow.
The Illusion
Sound Mixer
Susana Barriga’s documentary, the illusion, begins with violence. A long shot reveals a man standing on a street corner, his features indiscernible in the night. He moves out of the camera’s line of vision, but the filmmaker, persistent, moves with him as the jostling of the camera marks her steps. As we learn moments later, the man in the distance is Susana’s father – and this is the clearest image of him we will have. Suddenly, an angry British man demands that Susana cease filming. Susana protests in heavily accented English, “He is my father!” Glimpses of a man’s torso are followed by blurred images as the camera spins rapidly over surfaces. The image cuts to black. A new male voice asks in carefully spaced out words if Susana would like him to call the police. When she doesn’t respond immediately, he speaks louder, as though volume would compensate for the language difference. She gives her name; she refuses the offer of an ambulance.
Señales de ruta
Original Music Composer
Examines the mind and work of artist Juan Luis Martinez. Martinez's contemporaries expound upon his of reality and the political climate in Chile.