Reinhardt Beetz

참여 작품

Spielball der Weltpolitik – Als Elten niederländisch wurde
It is an unknown chapter of the German post-war history: On April 23rd, 1949, the kingdom of the Netherlands occupied German soil as a pledge for demanded war reparations. Part of the annexed territories was also the small municipality of Elten. While the people of Elten were initially afraid of the occupation, the time “with Holland” actually became a miracle of prosperity and economy about which many people from Elten still rave today. The occupation period ended with the largest organized smuggling in the history of the federal republic of Germany. The Documentary shows this in never before released 8 mm footage!
We Are Half The World
They were, at best mocked or ridiculed, at worst incarcerated, tortured, or even beheaded. But they would not be deterred. For decades ten thousands of women in Germany, Great Britain, in France, the U.S. and many other countries fought for their right to vote. Some used the institutions, others turned into media savvy politicians, and still others turned to terrorism, went on hunger strike, or died as martyrs. 100 years later we tell a multi-perspective and emotional story of the international fight, against all odds, for women’s suffrage as an important step towards equal rights.
We Are Half The World
Line Producer
They were, at best mocked or ridiculed, at worst incarcerated, tortured, or even beheaded. But they would not be deterred. For decades ten thousands of women in Germany, Great Britain, in France, the U.S. and many other countries fought for their right to vote. Some used the institutions, others turned into media savvy politicians, and still others turned to terrorism, went on hunger strike, or died as martyrs. 100 years later we tell a multi-perspective and emotional story of the international fight, against all odds, for women’s suffrage as an important step towards equal rights.
Leningrad Symphony
August 1942: Amidst the unimaginable suffering inflicted during the blockade of Leningrad by the German Wehrmacht, an orchestra director was given an almost impossible task: to stage the premiere of Dimitri Shostakovitch's "Leningrad Symphony". The performance became a symbol of the brief triumph of culture over the barbarism of war.
Erich Kästner – Das andere Ich
With "Emil and the Detectives" Erich Kästner is revolutionizing children's book literature. In the Weimar Republic, he quickly rose as an editor, writer and screenwriter. His books were burned in 1933. Nevertheless, he does not emigrate, published under a pseudonym and abroad. In the post-war period, Kästner was a moral authority. But he can no longer build on his previous success, gets caught up in love affairs and fights his frustration with alcohol. Until his death in 1974, he struggled with the decision not to go into exile. The documentary drama takes a new look at Kästner's picture.
Viking Women
"VIKING WOMEN" gives completely new insights into a fascinating culture, about which it seemed everything was already known. Exclusive interviews with experts from around the globe draw an authentic picture of the Viking world according to the latest scientific findings. High quality recreations with an international top-class cast will lead us to the early medieval world of the Vikings and revive this fascinating, long-lost era. Based on characters of the Nordic sagas, the mini-series displays the life stories of two Viking women: those of Sigrun and Jova.
Saving the Titanic
Executive Producer
In the hours after the Titanic struck an iceberg 100 years ago, a team of shipbuilders and engineers raced against time to save the stricken vessel. Based on eye-witness accounts, this film reveals what went on below decks in the hours before the Titanic sank, telling the previously relatively unheralded stories of engineers who fought courageously to hold back the power of the sea and keep the power systems running, even when they learned that all was lost. Most of these men died but their actions bought enough time to save many lives. This drama-documentary tells a poignant story of self-sacrifice by the Titanic's engineers, stokers and firemen in the face of impending death.
The Most Secret Place on Earth
After 30 years of conspiracy theories and myth making, this film uncovers the story of the CIA's most extensive clandestine operation in the history of modern warfare: The Secret War in Laos, which was conducted alongside the Vietnam War from 1964 -1973. While the world's attention was caught by the conflict in Vietnam, the CIA built the busiest military airport in the world in neighboring and neutral Laos and recruited humanitarian aid personnel, Special Forces agents and civilian pilots to undertake what would become the most effective operation of counterinsurgency warfare. As the conflict in Vietnam grew, the objective in Laos changed from a cost effective low-key involvement to save the country from becoming communist into an all-out air war to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail and bomb Laos back into the Stone Age that it had never really left in the first place. Conventional bombs equivalent to the destructive power of 20 Hiroshima-type weapons fell on Laos each year - 2 million tons
Hunting the Zodiac
A film by John Mikulenka documenting various people's investigation into the mystery of the Zodiac.
Boom Operator
우울한 왕따, 엽기녀 조이! ‘조이(로빈 튜니)’는 20대 중반의 컴퓨터 애니메이터. 애인이 없는 우울증으로 정서 불안에 빠져버린 조이는 집에 혼자 있는 것을 잠시도 못견뎌한다. 직장에서는 상사에게 쪼이고 집에 있으면 너무나 외로운 그녀의 유일한 돌파구는 바로 흘러간 팝송을 들려주는 'KACH' 라디오 프로그램. 60~80년대 러브송들을 ‘나타샤’라는 익명으로 신청하고 라디오에서 흘러나오는 음악을 들으며 로맨틱한 환상에 빠지는 것이 그녀의 유일한 즐거움. 그러던 어느 날 회식자리에서 평소 흠모해오던 직장 내 최고 킹카 앤드류(제이슨 프리스틀리)와 함께 자신이 좋아하는 음악 얘기를 하며, 분위기 있게 마티니를 마시고, 평소 좋아하던 노래인 'Season's in the Sun'에 맞춰 멋들어지게 브루스까지 추게 된다! 발목잡힌 인생에 찾아온 체리빛 사랑! 색다른 인생! 하지만 꿈만 같은 행복에 빠져있는 조이를 기다리고 있는 것은 바로 스토커! 순식간에 조이는 그녀를 남몰래 흠모해오던 스토커의 인질이 되어 차를 몰다가 사고로 순찰 경찰을 치고 체포된다. 조이는 차에서 스토커의 위협을 받았다고 주장하지만 증명할 길이 없고! 그 후 조이는 재판을 받을 때까지 거리로 감지되는 전기 발찌 족쇄에 차인 채 감옥과 다름없는 곳에서 나가지도 못하고 혼자 살아야하는 운명에 놓이게 된다. 그녀를 찾아오는 유일한 방문객은 발찌 프로그램 관리자인 '빌(팀 블레이크 닐슨)'뿐이다. 폐쇄공간에 갇혀 지내는 그녀에게 예측할 수 없는 묘한 사건들이 생기면서 시들했던 인생이 활짝 피기 시작한다. 게다가 무뚝뚝하고 매력이라고는 조금도 찾아볼 수 없는 빌에게 조금씩 색다른 감정이 자라나고… 하지만 갑작스럽게 재판일이 코앞으로 당겨지면서 그녀는 진범을 찾아내야하는 절대 절명의 위기에 처한다!
Lebanon - Borders of Blood
The story of Lebanon is one of ongoing tragedy. A march of follies orchestrated by heads of state, sects, and militias. The Palestinians, French, British, Iranians, Syrians, Americans, Israelis and the Lebanese themselves, have all, at one point or another, contributed to the country's tragic history. Caught up in the chaos were the Lebanese themselves - made up of different sects, religions, and ethnicities - writing their own history in a string of political assassinations, massacres, and betrayals.