A polyamorous female couple with an open relationship host a dinner party and find their guests, a straight couple, might be interested in more than just dessert after dinner.
7 girls and 1 fab gay guy plan a getaway to a remote ranch for a week of gossip and grub. They start off where they always do, old rivalries in place, extreme vanity covering great insecurities, but with a true love for each other underneath the bickering, sniping and sassing. A number of drinks into night one and a dark secret is revealed. The house they rented is the site of a mass murder of teenage girls 15 years earlier. Blood still stains the floors under replacement carpets. The killer still runs free. The girls take it for what it seems - a fun story for a rainy night by a roaring fire. But after one of them disappears and is discovered dead, the story doesn't seem so fun anymore. 1 by 1, they die, killed by their own vanity. The fun-filled week turns into a race against death. Who will make it out alive?
7 girls and 1 fab gay guy plan a getaway to a remote ranch for a week of gossip and grub. They start off where they always do, old rivalries in place, extreme vanity covering great insecurities, but with a true love for each other underneath the bickering, sniping and sassing. A number of drinks into night one and a dark secret is revealed. The house they rented is the site of a mass murder of teenage girls 15 years earlier. Blood still stains the floors under replacement carpets. The killer still runs free. The girls take it for what it seems - a fun story for a rainy night by a roaring fire. But after one of them disappears and is discovered dead, the story doesn't seem so fun anymore. 1 by 1, they die, killed by their own vanity. The fun-filled week turns into a race against death. Who will make it out alive?
Kyle Peoples never wanted to be the man he has become in his 30s, an accountant stuck in a dead end job, with a lover who is more successful than he and a family that doesn't get him at all. So when a night of partying leads to a new family of friends and fun, Kyle sees an opportunity for escape from reality. But Kyle's new friendship with Maia and Dusty and the trio's love of crystal meth eventually cost Kyle his job, his companion, his home and his family. Kyle's escape becomes his trap, the party is an illusion and the crystal is slowly killing him, physically and psychologically. When he finally bottoms out and is no longer the young man his father once boasted about with pride, Kyle must choose: life or meth.
Kyle Peoples never wanted to be the man he has become in his 30s, an accountant stuck in a dead end job, with a lover who is more successful than he and a family that doesn't get him at all. So when a night of partying leads to a new family of friends and fun, Kyle sees an opportunity for escape from reality. But Kyle's new friendship with Maia and Dusty and the trio's love of crystal meth eventually cost Kyle his job, his companion, his home and his family. Kyle's escape becomes his trap, the party is an illusion and the crystal is slowly killing him, physically and psychologically. When he finally bottoms out and is no longer the young man his father once boasted about with pride, Kyle must choose: life or meth.
The wife of a pastor who preaches against homosexuality embarks on an affair with a female writer.
Set in 1906, Renee Vivien, a celebrated lesbian poet, struggles to remember the last moments with her lover. A letter arrives taking her back to that time.
Storyboard Artist
13세가 된 해리 포터는 또 한번의 여름 방학을 이모 가족인 더즐리 일가와 우울하게 보내야 했다. 물론 마법을 쓰는 건 일체 금지. 하지만, 버논 이모부의 누이인 마지 아줌마가 더즐리 가를 방문하면서 상황은 변한다. 위압적인 마지는 해리에겐 늘 공포의 대상. 마지 아줌마 때문에 스트레스를 받던 해리는 급기야 실수로 그녀를 거대한 괴물 풍선으로 만들어 하늘 높이 띄워 보내버리고 만다. 이모와 이모부에게 벌을 받을 것도 두렵고, 일반 세상에선 마법 사용이 금지돼 있는 것을 어겼기 때문에 호그와트 마법학교와 마법부의 징계가 걱정된 해리는 밤의 어둠 속으로 도망치지만, 순식간에 근사한 보라색 3층 버스에 태워져 한 술집으로 인도되고 마는데...
Storyboard Artist
A criminal subculture operates among U.S. soldiers stationed in West Germany just before the fall of the Berlin wall.
Storyboard Artist
서른 두살의 노처녀 브리짓 존스(Bridget Jones: 르니 젤위거 분). 칼로리와의 전쟁에 몰두하고 완벽한 남자를 만나겠다는 희망을 간직한 그녀. 어김없이 새해가 다가오고 그녀는 엄마의 성화로 부모님 댁에서 수다스럽고 참견하기 좋아하는 이웃들과 함께 명절을 보내야 한다. 브리짓은 파티장에서 잘나가는 인권 변호사 마크 다아시(Mark Darcy: 콜린 퍼스 분)를 소개받는데, 두 사람은 서로에게 아무런 매력도 느끼지 못한다. 더구나 마크는 브리짓을 가리켜 골초에 알콜 중독자라고 입방아 찧는 사람들의 얘기를 듣게 된다. 모욕감을 느낀 브리짓. 그녀는 일기를 쓰면서 새해 결심을 굳게 다진다. 그 중 한가지, 최고의 남자를 만나 멋진 데이트를 즐기겠다는 것. 브리짓이 점찍은 상대는 같은 출판사에 근무하는 직장 상사, 다니엘 클리버(Daniel Cleaver: 휴 그랜트 분). 서로 장난스럽고 은밀한 메일을 주고받으면서 둘의 관계는 직장 상사와 부하 이상으로 발전한다. 하지만 브리짓과 다니엘은 마크와 자주 마주치게 되고 곧 이상한 삼각관계가 만들어진다. 다니엘은 브리짓과 데이트를 즐기면서도 다른 여자와 말썽을 일으키고, 브리짓은 예전에 다니엘이 마크의 여자를 가로챘다는 것을 알게 된다. 다니엘을 잊으려는 브리짓에게 마크는 자신의 진실된 감정을 고백하는데...
Lesbian couple Beth and Claire have been together for a year, and it's high time (at least in Beth's mind, if not in Claire's) that they have a baby. After ruling out adoption or artificial insemination, Beth starts methodically seeking out a proper man to be the father. Enter David, who seems to fit the bill to a T; trouble is, he immediately falls in love with … Claire.
Rape Victim
태양계의 머나먼 별, 센테리아를 우주의 반군들이 공격해 온다. 반군 대장 카일라(Kyla: 리차드 몰 분)는 센테리아의 지도자 타르킨 왕자(Tarkin: 그레이그 페어브라스 분)를 죽이고 우주를 제패할 수 있는 힘을 지닌 크리스탈을 빼앗는다. 타르킨은 숨을 거두며 여동생 라데라(Ladera: 브리짓트 닐슨 분) 공주에게 머나먼 별 지구에 또 하나의 크리스탈이 있으니 그것을 찾아 카일라의 횡포를 막으라고 말한다. 라데라는 크리스탈을 찾아 지구로 시간여행을 오는데. 한편, 폭력배 빅터(Victor: 프레드 아스파라거스 분)에게 큰 빚을 진 제드 센더슨(Jed Sanders: 존 H. 브렌난 분)은 남미에서 찾은 '잉카의 별'이라는 고대 보물을 중국인 매니 홉킨스(Manny: 마이클 폴 찬 분)에게 맡긴다. 그 보물은 바로 라데라가 찾고 있던 크리스탈. 제드가 술을 마시고 있는 주점에 빅터 일당이 들이닥치고 거기에 라데라까지 나타나 LA에는 한바탕 큰 소동이 벌어진다. 급기야는 빅터가 던져놓은 폭탄이 터지고 LA 경찰국 카터(Carter: 로저 아론 브라운 분) 반장과 여형사 켈리(Kelly: 신디 모간 분)가 출동한다.
Follows Eve and Danni as they go through individual and romantic evolutions, while the moon and all it represents accompany them, also serving as a marker for the passage of time.
Follows Eve and Danni as they go through individual and romantic evolutions, while the moon and all it represents accompany them, also serving as a marker for the passage of time.
Follows Eve and Danni as they go through individual and romantic evolutions, while the moon and all it represents accompany them, also serving as a marker for the passage of time.
Follows Eve and Danni as they go through individual and romantic evolutions, while the moon and all it represents accompany them, also serving as a marker for the passage of time.