Guenièvre Sandré

Guenièvre Sandré

프로필 사진

Guenièvre Sandré

참여 작품

A web series of fiction in six episodes of ten minutes each featuring Nichole. Originally from the Saguenay region, now established in Montreal, the self-proclaimed “rising star” is looking for fame and recognition in an attempt to break into the international music scene. Through a documentary project, over the course of one week, a small TV crew gets a glimpse into the singer’s daily life filled with devotion, hard work, courage and ingenuity. As a result, Nichole brings us to meet the valiant people who surround and support the artist’s dream : becoming an icon.
A web series of fiction in six episodes of ten minutes each featuring Nichole. Originally from the Saguenay region, now established in Montreal, the self-proclaimed “rising star” is looking for fame and recognition in an attempt to break into the international music scene. Through a documentary project, over the course of one week, a small TV crew gets a glimpse into the singer’s daily life filled with devotion, hard work, courage and ingenuity. As a result, Nichole brings us to meet the valiant people who surround and support the artist’s dream : becoming an icon.
A web series of fiction in six episodes of ten minutes each featuring Nichole. Originally from the Saguenay region, now established in Montreal, the self-proclaimed “rising star” is looking for fame and recognition in an attempt to break into the international music scene. Through a documentary project, over the course of one week, a small TV crew gets a glimpse into the singer’s daily life filled with devotion, hard work, courage and ingenuity. As a result, Nichole brings us to meet the valiant people who surround and support the artist’s dream : becoming an icon.
Goodbye Happiness
Carole - ex de Thomas
To commemorate the passing of their beloved father, four brothers very much at odds congregate for one final week at their summer house in the Magdalen Islands. As they bid their final goodbyes, the four brothers revisit their past joys and hardships as each one of them struggles to give meaning to their very different lives.
마티아스와 막심
단지 친구 사이의 ‘마티아스’와 ‘막심’이 뜻밖의 키스 이후 마주한 세상, 그 시작을 담은 이 순간 뜨겁게 빛나는 우리들의 드라마. 너와 나의 드라마는 지금부터
Mon ami Walid
Walid works in a grocery store thanks to an integration program. After a difficult day where clients have argued and his boss yelled at him, he tries to end his life. He is saved by Antonin, an extroverted employee who decides to follow him everywhere in order to avoid an irreparable gesture. Together, they roam the city, multiplying chance encounters. Antonin even decides to bring him to his support group. Regardless of the results, he will do everything in his power to make his new friend want to live again.
Switch & Bitch
Fanny meets her high school friends at home for the annual Switch & Bitch. A ton of clothes, girls, alcohol and old grudges are at stake during this reunion.
Billiard Player's Girlfriend
불 같은 성격이지만 유쾌하고 당당한 엄마 '디안'은 거칠지만 사랑스러운 사고뭉치 아들 '스티브'가 보호시설에서 사고를 쳐 쫓겨나자 홈스쿨링을 시작한다. 엄마가 행복하다면 무엇이든 할 수 있는 아들 스티브와 함께 행복한 생활을 꿈꾸는 디안. 하지만 홀로 생계를 책임지며 불안정한 성격의 스티브를 돌보기란 쉽지 않다. 이때 이들 앞에 나타난 이웃집 여인 '카일라'. 카일라의 등장으로 세 사람은 유일하게 서로에게 의지하며 지금까지 느껴보지 못한 작은 행복을 찾아가게 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 디안 앞으로 한 장의 편지가 날아오는데…….