Richard Ridgely

참여 작품

Seven Deadly Sins: Passion
One in a series of seven films with the subject of the Seven Deadly Sins. The film makers decided not to use the title "Lust"
Seven Deadly Sins: Pride
Eve Leslie is sent to boarding school. Proud of the fortune that has come to her she feels herself above Adam Moore, who loves her. Eugene D'Arcy, a powerful banker, who also suffers from pride and arrogance, meets Eve and wants her. In order that her pride may be further satisfied, she decides to marry a count.
Seven Deadly Sins: Envy
Eve Leslie is a poor country girl, who wishes she could have fine clothes, motors and wealthy friends. The person she envies most is Betty Howard, a famous actress. Eve does not know that Betty's life has been full of sorrow
A Message to Garcia
Filmed in Cuba, A Message to Garcia is an adventure story based on the writings of Elbert Hubbard
The Heart of the Hills
Natali, a Hindu, marries an Englishman, Sir Christopher Madgwick. They have a daughter who is kidnapped by Natali's former suitor Sani. The girl is handed over to be trained as a vestal virgin. Natali dies and Madgwick returns to England, taking with him the precious ruby that Natali had snatched from Sani in a struggle. Years pass; Sir Christopher remarries and has two more children who mistreat him and Sani dies, revealing to the priests the location of the ruby, which he stole from them in the first place.
The Magic Skin
Ralph Valentine, a penniless pianist, goes to Paris to pursue his career. He is attracted to two women: Pauline, the sweet and innocent daughter of his landlady, and Flora Margot, a woman of loose morals who runs with a wild crowd. Because of his irrational passion for Flora, Ralph makes a bargain with Satan, who gives him a magic skin which gratifies every wish and shrinks, along with the well-being of its possessor, in proportion to the number of wishes realized. Ralph tries in vain to rid himself of the skin after Pauline commits suicide because of his vices. Just as the devil comes to lead him into hell, Ralph awakes with the skin in his hands in an antique store where he had gone to buy a necklace for Flora. He throws down the skin, and runs to Pauline and professes his love for her, happy that he had been only dreaming.
The Treasure of Captain Kidd
The story of this film begins with the ominous day on which Lord Bellomont gave William Kidd a commission to rid the seas of pirates. Instead of complying with Lord Bellomont's desires, Kidd immediately commenced a series of piratical attacks at first on French and Spanish vessels and later on ships of all nationalities indiscriminately.
The Portrait
Not "as in a looking glass" but "as in his own portrait" in a dream does Paul Le Grand, the famous artist, see the lines of dissipation come, one by one, after each successive debauch.
A Proposal Under Difficulties
The Chef - the Housemaid's Sweetheart
Short film involving a flirtatious maid.
Revenge Is Sweet
The Office Manager
A short comedy in which the newest employee is teased by the office girls, but he retaliates by putting black polish in a powder-box. Ultimately the girls use the resulting black powder on the young employee himself.
The Test of Friendship
Two of the workmen, Tom and Jim, whose fists are as hard as steel but whose hearts are of sterling worth, are in love with the same lady. Tom believes that Jim is the successful one and though hard hit, takes the blow like a man; but the supreme test of friendship comes when Jim, who has a quarrel with a truck driver on the top of a huge sky structure, is knocked unconscious and is hung out over the sidewalk twenty-two stories below. The slightest move one way or the other and he is dashed to death, and when Tom is called upon to save Jim's life at the risk of his own, it is a fest that proves the mettle of the man. There they swing in mid-air, Tom and Jim, clinging together at this dizzy height. A thriller, a supremely dramatic moment in the motion picture art. The rescue and the winning of the girl by Tom gives a sweet touch of human nature to the close of this exciting picture.