Maxine Yule
A Christmas mystery with Lana, who comes back to her hometown to visit her mom for the holidays only to encounter Nick, a new police detective, with whom she teams up to discover who is behind a string of unusual burglaries in their town.
Busy chocolatier Charlotte has left her boyfriend James at the altar three times and now she needs to prove to him that she really does want to marry him. Things are complicated when James’ ex-girlfriend Nicole, who is also the owner of Chocolate Monthly Magazine, arrives on the scene and says she wants him back.
A chance meeting between two strangers who share a disdain for Christmas results in The Mistletoe Promise, a pact to help them navigate their holiday complications - together. But as they spend more time with each other and experience the magic of Christmas the phony couple discovers there may be more to their contract than business.
When the executives at Heartstrings Press wants to drop Michael Rothchild’s next romance book, junior editor, Dori Shephard, argues her way into working as the lead editor. But Dori’s dream job becomes her nightmare as she realizes Michael isn’t everything she imagined. Dori breaks the news to Michael that the executives think he’s an ill-mannered, washed up novelist and want to terminate his contract. Not wanting to be dropped from Heartstrings Press, Michael agrees to work with Dori for 30 days. While Dori wrestles with Michael’s languorous behavior she’s also in the midst of planning her wedding to her fiancé, Philip. However, things go awry for Dori when work becomes an obstacle in her relationship. Dori must learn what true love really means before it’s too late.
When business executive Amelia returns home to help a family-run ornament company, the employees see her as their savior who is coming in to rescue the company. They are heart-broken and shocked to learn that her plan to get the company on track involves massive layoffs. As Amelia prepares for the holiday ‘trimmings’, she finds herself rekindling an old romance with her high school boyfriend Jesse, who is also the company’s owner. She also soon begins to see the charm of the local business – but will she be able to save it in time?
Susan is a newspaper staffer who decides to generate some Christmas spirit by writing an article about her family’s storied 100-year-old, hand-carved, heirloom Christmas angel. This leads her to accidentally meet Brady, a cute, upbeat artist who insists that he and Susan become fast friends (at least). It turns out that this angel also has the spiritual power to bring people together – as it seems to be doing with Susan and Brady. What’s behind this enchanted ornament? As time moves on, more about this captivating artifact is revealed.
Hotel Executive
플래시몹으로 유튜브를 강타하며 부푼 야망을 안고 LA로 진출한 션과 크루들, 하지만 높은 할리우드 벽에 부딪혀 팀은 뿔뿔이 흩어지고 꿈은 물거품이 되고 만다. 홀로 방황하던 션은 천금같은 기회인 세계 최고의 쇼 배틀 '더 보텍스'가 열린다는 소식을 듣고, 오랜 친구이자 환상의 파트너 무스를 찾아가 우승을 위해 의기투합한다. 파워풀한 스트릿 댄스의 일인자 앤디를 비롯해 로보팅 고수, 비보이 챔피언 등 개성 넘치는 실력파 댄서들과 함께 새로운 팀‘엘레멘트릭스’를 결성해 대회에 출전한다. 하지만 라스베가스에서 그들을 기다리는것은 강력한 우승후보 '그림 나이츠'와 과거 절친이자 팀 동료가 이끈 '더 몹', 이제 남은 것은 치열한 댄스 배틀 뿐이다. 인생을 바꿀 단 한번의 기회! 꿈, 사랑, 열정, 젊음의 전부를 올인하라!
Tessa Williams
A newly engaged bride dreamed of her wedding day with her late mother for her entire life, and is looking forward to planning every perfect detail to honor her mom's memory. But her special day is nearly ruined by her intimidating future mother-in-law and her fiancé's sudden work transfer, which pushes her perfect outdoor June wedding ceremony up to a January date -- just three weeks away!
With the Christmas season fast approaching, department store window decorator Sloan Van Doren is hoping to take over the recently-vacated head window designer spot but finds she has to prove herself by going up against rival Jake Dooley. As the two compete they find they may have more in common than they think. Stars Chyler Leigh and Naomi Judd.
Revolves around three friends who have dream weddings only to find out that the pastor who married them failed to complete the key paperwork required to make them official.
The television movie is set in the city of Dimmsdale and centers on the series' main protagonist Timmy Turner with his fairy godparents Cosmo and Wanda and his fairy godbrother Poof. In the movie, Timmy is now 23 years old but is still in fifth grade with his fairy-obsessed fifth grade teacher Mr. Crocker. Despite being grown up, Timmy finds a loophole in the fairy rulebook Da Rules: if he continues to act like a kid, he will still get to keep his fairies. However, the dilemma rises when Tootie, who was once a dorky girl when she was 10 years old, returns to Dimmsdale as an attractive woman. Timmy falls in love with her, a sign that he is growing up to an adult, which means he is closer to losing his fairies. Meanwhile, an oil business tycoon named Hugh J. Magnate, Jr., who teams up with Mr. Crocker, plans to use Timmy's fairies' magic in order to promote his oil business.
A Californian family inherits a castle in Romania. This is especially exciting to the son, who is obsessed with monsters. And he is not disappointed.
Nola Devlin is an unassuming, frumpy magazine editor who is overlooked and teased by her coworkers. Though, when she is behind the glow and anonymity of her computer screen, she becomes the famous advice columnist Belinda Apple. Nola’s friends, tired of being overworked and overweight, band together to create the Cinderella Pact, vowing to lose pounds by following the advice of Belinda Apple. When her secret identity is threatened, Nola is forced to take her own alter ego’s advice. But, as the group of friends drops dress sizes, their real issues are exposed, and better-than-expected life changes begin to blossom.
Aphrodite Girl
고대 그리스 신들과 함께 공존하고 있는 현대도시. 그 속에는 신과 인간 사이에서 태어나 각기 특별한 능력을 부여받은 데미갓들이 존재한다. 어느 날 세상에서 가장 강력한 무기인 제우스의 번개가 사라지는 사건이 발생하고 포세이돈의 아들인 퍼시 잭슨이 도둑으로 지명된다. 이로 인해 신들은 인간세계에 엄청난 재앙을 불러 올 대전쟁을 일으키려 하고, 물을 지배하는 능력을 소유한 퍼시잭슨은 지혜의 신 아테나의 딸 아나베스, 퍼시의 수호신 그로버와 함께 자신의 억울함을 풀고 신들의 파괴적인 전쟁을 막기위한 여정을 시작한다. 퍼시 잭슨은 그를 가로막는 신화 속 괴물 메두사 히드라 등과의 대결을 펼치고 엄마와 사라진 번개의 교환을 제안한 하데스가 살고있는 지옥의 세계로 향하는데..
20년 전 숲에서 캠핑을 하던 학생들이 무차별 살해되는 사건이 벌어진다. 살아남은 사람은 단 한 명. 세월이 흘러 대학살은 사람들 기억 속에서 잊어져가고 어느 날 대학생 무리가 이 숲으로 놀러오게 된다. 목적지로 이동하던 중 이들은 지저분하고 험악한 인상의 두 남자, 터커와 데일을 만나게 되고 왠지 모를 공포와 불안감이 엄습해온다. 밤늦게까지 술을 마시다 우연히 20년 전 살인사건에 대해 알게 된 대학생들은 으스스한 기분에 빠져들게 되고, 같은 시각 가진 돈을 탈탈 털어 구입한 폐가(별장)에서 행복한 시간을 보내던 터커와 데일은 밤낚시를 즐기러 호수로 나오게 된다. 배를 타고 낚시를 즐기던 중, 이들을 보고 놀란 여대생이 물에 빠지자 그녀를 건져내기 위해 안간힘을 쓴다. 그 모습을 보게 된 대학생 일행, 연쇄살인마가 나타났다며 줄행랑을 치고. 살인마들 손에서 친구를 구하기 위해 달려드는 대학생들로 인해 감당할 수 없을 정도로 일이 커지게 되는데….
A stressed out lawyer and mother of three gets her yuletide wish when she wishes to see what her life would be like if she had chosen to pursue her career in Law rather than marrying and becoming a working mother.
북미에 위치한 시더 베이라는 어촌마을의 잔잔한 물속에 숨을 죽이고 있는 공포의 존재. 해양 생물 생태계의 변화에 의해 탄생한 그것은 서서히 물 밖으로 고개를 내밀고 인간고기를 맛보기 위해 뭍으로 나온다. 가공할 만한 식인 괴물에 맞서 인류를 구하기 위해 용감한 선장 윌과 해양 생물학자 아덴은 목숨을 건 싸움을 시작하는데...
Chingy's Girl #2
패러디의 끝은 어디인가? 박스오피스를 화려하게 장식했던 작품 중에서도 명장면 명대사만 골라 기발한 아이디어를 첨가해 탄생한 무서운 영화가 벌써 4회를 맞았다. 이번에는 ‘소우’, ‘그루지’, ‘브로크백 마운틴’, ‘우주전쟁’. ‘빌리지’등을 패러디해 유쾌 상쾌 통쾌한 해학을 선사한다. 전편의 가슴 아픈 과거를 간직한 채, 가정에서 환자를 돌보는 간병인이 된 ‘신디 캠벨’은 크레인 운전기사로 일하는 ‘톰 라이언’에게 첫눈에 반한다. 급작스런 외계군단의 침공으로 도시가 아수라장이 된 가운데, 억울하게 죽어 지구를 떠돈다는 한 꼬마 아이의 영혼으로부터 침공을 막을 수 있는 방법을 알게 된 신디는 우연히 만난 옛친구, 브렌다와 함께 외딴 마을에 숨어든다. 트라이포드가 지구인의 목을 조여오면서, 미국 대통령은 비밀병기를 소개하며 반격을 약속하지만, UN을 ‘언’으로 읽으며 무식함을 만천하에 공개하는 실수를 저지르고 만다. 신디는 베일에 싸인 마을에서 꼬마의 영혼을 달래고 외계인의 침공을 중단시킬 실마리를 찾게 되는데...
Sexy Girl
Nick is a successful young man whose comfortable West Coast life couldn't be better. However, when his girlfriend falls under the influence of lecherous music producer Lenny Swackhammer, Nick impulsively decides to travel to Toronto to intervene. Nick's buddies Tyler and Dime opt to turn the quest into a cross-country road trip that's complete with wacky antics and encounters with beautiful women.