Maiki Marín

참여 작품

15 이어스 앤드 원 데이
Costume Design
Jon is a troubled teenager who has been expelled from school. His mother decides to teach him a lesson sending him away with his grandfather Max, a retired military man who lives in a village by the seaside. But the time they will spend together won’t be that simple, Jon likes to flirt with danger and bad companies, and the veteran has now settled down into a comfortable life.
Costume Design
Adolescent Hector faces a major lifestyle change after moving into his aunt's flat in a blue-collar suburb of Madrid.
햇빛 찬란한 월요일
Costume Design
스페인의 항구 마을 비고. 실직한 부두 노동자 다섯 명이 모여 있다. 즐거울 것 하나 없는 일상에서 유머를 잃지 않는 산타. 아내와의 갈등을 키워가고 있는 호세. 환상의 세계에 사는 러시아 이민자 세르게이. 자기의 곤궁한 처지를 숨기고 살아가는 아마도르. 다섯 명 중에서 유일하게 취업을 위해 노력하는 리노. 동네 술집에서 시간이나 죽이는 그들. 하지만 지루하고 때로는 견디기 힘든 삶의 무게로 짓눌리는 그들에게도, 일터로 향하던 햇빛 찬란한 월요일의 꿈만은 놓을 수 없는 희망이다!
Niño nadie
Costume Design
Unbenownst to a middle-aged teacher of handicapped children, his long-term suffering girlfriend is pregnant with his child. The film philosophically explores the ideas of free will and destiny as they relate to the characters and their life choices.
Costume Design
Santiago wakes up like any other morning. He goes down to the kitchen and his whole family is waiting for him: it's his birthday. They all sing "Happy Birthday to You" and give him presents. But when he opens the present of his youngest son, he gets angry and says he doesn't like it. The boy starts crying and saying that he loves him, but Santiago answers that he doesn't believe him and he tells the boy that he is fired and that he wants another son, who is thinner, who doesn't need glasses and who resembles him more. Written by Pablo Montoya
Stories from the Kronen
Costume Design
Carlos is a young student, just 21. Nice or annoying as he likes, enjoys provoking and transgreding. In the night he goes out to meet his friends in the Kronen, a bar. Every situation can be taken a little farther. There are no limits, no accepted barriers. And more each time, each adventure is chained to the next, as if it were a continuous night. A long description of people: grandfather, parents, sister, girlfriend, friends. And, among that, the obscure will of living every minute as if it were the last one. But something which happens puts Carlos and his friend against a reality they have been trying to ignore.
Letters from Alou
Costume Design
A group of Africans clandestinely reaches the coast of southern Spain. Among them is Alou, a 28 years old Senegalese. As all his belongings are stolen while in Almsería, he has no choice but to engage in street vending. His only pleasure are the letters he writes to his family to tell the vicissitudes of his Spanish adventure.
Course Completed
Costume Design
A 50-year-old playwright (Jesus Puente) bemoans his fate from his secluded home in Northern Spain in this depressing drama. Side plots include an actress and former acquaintance who comes to visit and his amorous diversions with a 20-year-old local woman.
Costume Design
스페인 북부 도시에 사는 소녀 에스트레야는 어느 날 아버지에게 다른 여자가 있을지도 모른다는 의심을 하게 된다. 아버지는 그 여자의 정체에 대해 한 마디도 해주지 않지만, 에스트레야는 막연히 그 여자가 남쪽에 있을 거라 생각하며, 한 번도 가보지 못한 남쪽에 매혹을 느낀다.
Sweet Hours
Costume Design
Juan Sahagún, since childhood, feels passion for his mother. One day in the street he sees a woman identical to her. He follows her and finds out that she works as an actress in a theater company, so Juan decides to hire the whole company to represent the people who have influenced him in his past. They recreate the same situations of yesteryear and Juan acts as the child he was, to relive the memories already forgotten.
Faster, Faster
Costume Design
Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with Pablo’s gang of car thieves, the pair embark on a drug and disco-fueled robbery spree as they hurtle toward oblivion.
Blindfolded Eyes
Costume Design
A drama teacher casts a woman in a play about torture, and the two eventually become lovers. As production of the play develops, the director begins to receive threatening letters.
To an Unknown God
Costume Designer
José, a fifty-year-old homosexual magician, feels the need to return to Granada, the place where he spent his childhood, perhaps to embrace the painful memory of tragic experiences, perhaps to bury it definitively.
El monosabio
Costume Design
Juanito, a peaceful fan of bullfighting, has become picador's assistant to see from the same arena the show in which he brags he is one of the protagonists. Furthermore, he believes he has discovered in a neighbor a potential figure of bullfighting sphere.
파스쿠알 두아르테
Costume Designer
In Extremadura, Spain, Pascual Duarte, a humble, simple and ignorant peasant, condemned to a boring and humiliating existence with no future, commits a horrible act during a day of such heat that enervates his disturbed mind and his anger, which he will not be able to calm down until, after following a bloody path of senseless violence, he faces his own tragic destiny.
까마귀 기르기
Costume Design
엄마인 마리아가 지병을 앓다 죽자 아나는 아버지 때문이라며 독약이라고 생각되는 가루를 탄 음료수를 아버지에게 먹인다. 그 때문인지 아빠 안셀모도 죽게 되고, 아나와 이레네, 마이테는 졸지에 고아 신세가 된다. 죽은 엄마 아빠의 자리를 대신해 세자매는 이모와 거의 식물인간이나 다름없는 외할머니와 살게 된다. 영화는 아빠 안젤모의 죽음으로부터 시작해서 방학을 끝내고 다시 학교로 가는 세자매의 모습을 담은 간단한 줄거리를 가지고 있다. 그러나 이 영화는 시간을 가로지르며 아빠가 죽은 해인 현재를 중심으로, 부모가 살아있었을 때인 과거와 어른이 되어 '현재'를 회상하는 '미래'의 모습을 뒤섞어 프랑코 독재 정권 말기의 스페인 중산층 가족의 모습을 입체적으로 담아내고 있다. 프랑코 체제에 맞섰던 사우라의 긴 예술적 투쟁의 완성점을 이루는 걸작. 세 자매 중 둘째 아나는 한밤 중 아버지의 복상사를 목격하고 자신이 독살했다고 믿는다. 병으로 죽은 엄마에 이어 아버지마저 죽자 이모가 할머니와 세 자매의 보호를 맡는다. 아나는 계속 엄마의 환영을 보는 한편 이모를 독살하려 한다.
Costume Design
Angel is a poacher who lives in the forest with his domineering mother. One day he goes to the city and meets Milagros, an escapee from a reform school and the lover of a known criminal so he takes her to his house in the mountains.
Hay que matar a B.
Costume Design
In a fictitious South American country there's lots of political tension, the labor-unions have all their members on strike. The public demands the return of politician B. from exile. However private trucker Pal can't afford to strike, so he's beaten up and his truck burned. In the headlines he's described as strike-breaker. This is only part of an intrigue which shall get him to murder B.
사촌 앙헬리카
Costume Design
40대의 독신남 루이스는 어머니의 유골을 가족묘지에 옮기기 위해 어린 시절 여름을 보냈던 세고비아의 작은 마을로 찾아간다. 그곳에서 친지들과 재회하며 그는 과거의 일들을 하나씩 떠올리게 된다. 회상장면을 플래쉬백을 사용하지 않고 현재의 인물이 직접 과거 속으로 들어가는 방식으로 처리하면서 스페인 내전으로 인한 의식의 분열과 기억의 파편화를 보여주는 독특한 작품. 프랑코 치하 말기에 제작된 영화로 사우라 특유의 은유와 쓸쓸한 상실감의 정서가 작품을 채우고 있다.
My Dearest Senorita
Costume Design
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?