Lyudmila Rauzhina

참여 작품

Makeup Artist
After the murder of Krymov, Alika was sentenced to prison. In prison, she falls into the hands of a fragment of the novel "Anna Karenina". By pure chance, a director comes to the colony to select the heroines for the film of the same name, and Alika is trusted to play one of the roles...20 years have passed. Now Alika is a popular actress, she has a daughter. In a new life, psychological and criminal circumstances are again intertwined.
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning
Makeup Department Head
A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.