Ori Derdikman

참여 작품

Alone Together
Ravit spends all of her time spreading her love wherever it is needed. During the day she cooks for hundreds of Tel Aviv's homeless. In the evenings she hugs abandoned babies in the birthing ward. Without human touch and the warmth of a hug, the abandoned babies won't develop properly and can even die. Ravit always wanted children of her own, but life dictated otherwise. As she turns 50, she decides that she too wants to be on love's receiving end, but that may prove to be a lot harder to find.
평화로 가는 길목에서
전쟁과 테러와 보복의 악순환에서 벗어나지 못하는 팔레스타인과 이스라엘에서 비폭력을 통해 평화를 지키려고 노력하는 뜻있는 시민들의 활동을 그린 다큐멘터리