Karolina Czarnecka

참여 작품

바이오 테러리스트
한 저명한 의사가 살해된 사건. 단순한 치정살인으로 조사하던 경찰들은 용의자인 여자친구마저 살해당하자 연쇄 살인에 대한 조사를 시작한다. 하지만 그들이 설립한 의료재단에 대한 조사가 상부의 압력으로 막히기 시작한다. 차츰 그들은 인간들의 더러운 욕망과 부패가 뒤엉킨 군인들의 장기와 DNA 정보가 거래된 흔적을 발견한다. 바이오 테러리스트 조직과의 처절한 대결이 시작된다.
Sophie's Ordinary Life
Sophie has bad luck in life. She is a romantic, she doesn’t like her job and everyday, little inconveniences meet her. Real trouble starts when she meets her ex partner from whom she once ran away to another city. In the beginning, the girl believes in his transformation but their relationship turns into a string of fights and verbal abuse again. Sophie decides for a final resolution – she calls on her father.
Game On
jako Wanda
Fine-arts student Zosia is a young daredevil mural painter who enlivens Warsaw with lovely graffiti. She lives with her mother Roma and grandmother Romy in a beautiful villa that has come under threat from property developers. Romy has long lost the deeds to the house. Will the women lose their home? And will they want to stay there once Roma finds new love and granny reveals a secret from long ago?