Sophie Rodrigues

Sophie Rodrigues

프로필 사진

Sophie Rodrigues

참여 작품

가족이 되기까지
Mrs. Gautier
세상에 나온 지 이틀 만에 엄마와 이별한 아기, ‘테오’. ‘테오’는 위탁보호사 ‘장’의 손에 잠시 맡겨지고, 그 사이 사회복지센터와 입양기관 담당자들은 ‘테오‘를 받아줄 가족을 찾는데…… 과연 ‘테오’는 자신을 사랑해줄 가족을 만나 행복해질 수 있을까?
The Secret of the Abby
Justine Lazarri, l'ex-femme d'Alex
Who would kill a Carthusian monk and why? As the investigators will find out, the key to the mystery lies in the ultra-secret formula of the Chartreuse plant liqueur.
The Lisbon Thief
There is a special brigade dedicated to camera thefts in Lisbon. Few cameras are found, although sometimes tapes are thrown in the gutter like lost memories. Policemen watch these tapes hoping to find clues in this flow of touristic and intimate video recordings. One image leads the investigation to France.
Number One Fan
Muriel Bayen, a divorced beautician and mother of two, loves to tell stories. She is a huge fan of this singer Vincent Lacroix, in fact she is a dedicated fan. One day Vincent knock on her door and ask for her help.
Queen of Montreuil
La voleuse de robes
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
Ça, c'est vraiment toi
After studying political science in Paris, Antoine decides to go to Strasbourg to become a parliamentary assistant at the European Parliament. His motivation: to find his ex-girlfriend Cleo, who is a television editor. Half-documentary, half-fiction, with the students of the Théâtre National de Strasbourg.