Olivier Pasquier

Olivier Pasquier

프로필 사진

Olivier Pasquier

참여 작품

150 Milligrams
Arsène Weber, Cnam's "Father Christmas"
In the hospital where she works in Brest, France, a lung specialist discovers a direct link between suspicious deaths and state-approved medicine. She fights single-handedly for the truth to come out.
새 학기가 시작되는 9월의 어느 중학교 교실. 프랑스어 선생님 마랭과 아이들은 설렘과 긴장을 안고 수업을 시작한다. 좀처럼 다루기 쉽지 않은 개성 넘치는 아이들과 이성적인 면과 감정적인 면을 동시에 가진 열혈 4년차 교사 마랭의 수업은 매 시간이 불꽃 튀는 작은 전쟁의 연속이다. 서로 간에 흥미로운 교감과 치열한 갈등이 오가는 동안, 자신의 마음을 조금씩 열어가는 마랭과 아이들. 그러나 예상치 못한 상황이 벌어지면서 이들은 숨겨 왔던 진심을 들키게 되는데…
Jacques Laurent made pornographic films in the 1970s and '80s, but had put that aside for 20 years. His artistic ideas, born of the '60s counter-culture, had elevated the entire genre. Older and paunchier, he is now directing a porno again. Jacques's artistry clashes with his financially-troubled producer's ideas about shooting hard-core sex. Jacques has been estranged from his son Joseph for years, since the son first learned the nature of the family business. They are now speaking again. Joseph and his friends want to recapture the idealism of 1968 with a protest. Separated from his wife, Jacques strives for personal renewal with plans to build a new house by himself...