Nancho Novo
출생 : 1958-09-17, A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
Venancio Manuel Jesús Novo Cid-Fuentes (A Coruña, September 17, 1958), is a spanish actor.
Tano works for Manuel, a businessman who’s made his fortune in the construction sector and who has a tight network of friends in local government who help him carry out his business safely, in exchange for making sure that the drugs enter and leave the city without causing any violence or making any noise. Tano knows that the golden era is long gone. Now, he’s 54 and struggling to make ends meet. His mission is to keep the drug-trafficking business from Morocco under control and to make sure the money keeps flowing, but someone has brought some samples of a new drug into the city and its effects are devastating, causing the local junkies to go completely crazy. Angel, Manuel’s son and heir to his business empire, is convinced that if they start dealing this new drug, they could go back to making the millions they were before the economic crash.
30권의 책, 전세계적으로 1억6천5백만부 이상의 판매, 전세계 80개 언어로 번역되어 150개 이상의 국가에서 출판. 최고의 반열에 오른 베스트셀러 의 저자, 파울로 코엘료. 그는 이 시대 최고의 베스트셀러작가이자, 전세계적으로 가장 사랑 받는 작가이다. 자신의 꿈(최고의 작가)을 포기하지 않는 한 남자로 다시 태어난 그의 삶. 파울로 코엘료, 작가로서의 놀랍고 진정한 삶의 여정을 전세계 사람들에게 이야기 한다. 파울로 코엘료의 작품에 대한 영감의 주요 소스는 자신의 삶이다. 와 의 저자인 파울로 코엘료는 의심의 여지가 없는 유명 인사이지만, 실제 그의 삶에 대한 이야기가 소설보다 더 낫다는 것은 소수만이 알고 있다. 자살 시도와 세 차례의 정신병원 입원, 60년대와 70년대 히피문화 속에 직면 할 수 있는 혼란과 충돌, 선과 악 사이의 갈등. 삶에 대한 오해와 반항기 많았던 파울로. 그는 정형적 삶을 거부했다. 자유를 받아들이며 강렬한 삶을 택한 그는 음악파트너 라울을 만나며 자유로운 락앤롤에도 빠진다. 음악을 통한 명성을 누렸지만, 무언가 자신의 삶에 빠진 것을 느끼고 40세가 되던 해 모든 것으로부터 떠나 산티아고의 도보 순례길에 오른다. 그리고 자신의 꿈, 작가로서의 꿈을 펼친다. 파울로 코엘료 최고의 이야기, 죽음과의 장난, 광기에서 탈출, 마약시도, 고문, 고통 그리고 사랑에의 미소, 브라질에서 록앤롤의 큰 역사를 이룬 그이지만, 그는 가장 큰 꿈을 포기하지 않았다. 작가로서의.. 꿈을 잃지 않는 긍정의 메시지
Lola and Alfredo survive on the fringes of crime. Their business comes to an abrupt end when Alfredo is arrested. Lola gets the chance of working in a jazz club where the couple meet some very different characters, who open up new worlds and possibilities, but, along with this, the opportunity to change and choose.
Pudor is about intimacy, about the desires, obsessions, secrets and fears that we keep hidden, even from those we love most. The characters in this story are a man who is going to die, a woman who receives anonymous erotic notes, an older man who is offered a last chance at falling in love, a teenager struggling to handle the doubts generated by puberty and a small boy who sees ghosts. As is the case in many families, in spite of living together, all the characters in Pudor are alone.
15 years after of its breakdown, a music band have a second chance of exit.
A story of love and obsession during the Spanish Civil War
Daniel is approaching forty. Laura is almost sixteen. From what they say about him he must be a poet or a comic-strip illustrator, or both. He has just overcome a long addiction and, once back home, is trying to recongnize his life based on a strategy which consists basically in DOING EXACTLY WHAT A "NORMAL" PERSON DOES. Everything that happens to Daniel is, more or less, foreseeable because that's what it's all about: he should look after his personal grooming, take care of the small things, immerse himself in the real world... and so on until he has completed the ten small achievements in his manual, a set of COMMANDMENTS devised by an insipid public health system psychiatrist. And, in the midst of all this, an unexpected happening: Laura arrives in the city searching for her brother Andres, Daniel's neighbor. But the brother is not home and she decides to wait for him, while organizing around Daniel what could be his "perfect world".
Cristina is a young literature student who works at night in a bar, Rosa is a brilliant executive in his thirties, and Anna is married and has one son. All three are sisters, and every one thinks her life is worthwhile and that their sisters have taken the wrong way. But it is time to recognize their dissatisfaction, and perhaps they are needed more than they are willing to admit ...
The film is based on the novel (of the same name) by the Chilean writer Francisco Coloane, and on the chronicles of the Romanian engineer Julius Popper, a nationalized Argentine and one of the principle actors in the genocide of the Selk'nam, one of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago.
Mario and Berto are brothers and they live in Galicia at the “Finis Terrae”. Their father left them when they were children and they grew up with the idea of finding him someday, without knowing that they were the ones separating from each other. Once reunited they will intent to take up again their mission
끝이 시작이 되는 순환적인 구조 속에 두 연인의 비극적인 운명을 마치 퍼즐처럼 직조한 러브스토리로, 주인공들인 오토(OTTO)와 아나(ANA) 이름 또한 바로 읽으나 거꾸로 읽으나 똑같은 ‘회문’으로서 순환 구조의 일부가 된다. 주인공 아나와 오토는 8살 때 처음 만나 영혼의 교감을 나누게 된다. 그러나 두 사람의 만남으로 인해 오토의 아버지와 아나의 어머니가 결혼하는 바람에, 아나와 오토는 비밀스럽고 고통스러운 사랑을 간직하게 된다. 많은 우여곡절 끝에 서로를 떠난 두 사람은 25살이 되어 운명처럼 북극권의 가장자리 핀란드에서 다시 만나지만, 이들에게는 죽음이라는 또 다른 비극이 기다린다.
Paco Reine
Andrés's wealthy father-in-law runs a textile factory; he retires and brings Andrés to Madrid, with wife and son, to run the company. Andrés works long hours, but his wife is bored, and there are tensions at home. When Isabel, a femme fatale, spots Andrés at a party, he's easy prey - but soon, she might be falling for him, perhaps enough to dump her boyfriend Paco, a small-time cocaine dealer. What if Andrés falls for her? What would he sacrifice to have her? And what about his wife; will she fight to keep him?
Óscar Marsal
A wealthy woman twice widowed, lives with his family and two servants in a shady country house in Galicia in the late nineteenth century isolated from the world to hide a serious incident occurred in the family ten years earlier. This event is subject to certain blackmail the family of which will be released by the arrival at the mansion of two strangers who triggered the investigation of the facts and a change in the future family life.
Based on an original argument by Luis Buñuel, this is a love story mixed with tragedy in a Galician noble family.
Young Benigno is institutionalized after witnessing his mother murder his father. Years later, Benigno is released back into the world, now considered sane, intelligent and literary man. He leads a peaceful life in a mission for the homeless run by nuns until one day, on his birthday, something snaps.
In the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War, a young man comes of age sexually, through a string of relationships with a wide range of mature, older women.
From the land of Almodovar comes a hot new film about drugs, sex & everything else!
The young nobleman Calisto falls in love with Melibea, the daughter of a rich merchant. Calisto's servant Sempronio suggests they get the sorceress Celestina to further the romance. However Calisto's other servant Parmeno is suspicious of Celestina, as he knows about her tricks.
Nico is a guitarist who , after eleven years playing from town to town , is expelled from the orchestra unable to suppress the power within. Only in the road Nico meets Ferrari, a young man traveling with his girlfriend but has also left alone, and that will run from the police in a dilapidated 1500 . Their meeting is not exactly cordial , but Nico does not want to keep walking and Ferrari needs someone to push the vehicle . So they decide to stay together , but the journey is interrupted when they steal the car. Lost in the night, Nico and Ferrari 1500 found in a small wooden house in the woods , owned by " The Hot Rod " . The Hot Rod, well known for his radio listeners, is a man of integrity , who has not left gobble by commercial radio circuits formula .
성서적인 상징과 암시로 가득 찬 아름답고 몽환적인 판타지. 자신이 천사라고 믿고 있는 젊은 청년 앙헬은 스페인의 작은 와인 생산지에서 발생한 해충을 구제하기 위해 파견된다. 이 벌레는 포도에 균을 만들어 포도주에서 흙맛이 나게 만드는 것이다. 마을에 도착한 앙헬은 수줍고 소극적인 유부녀 앙헬라를 사랑하게 되는데, 그와 동시에 대범하고 극단적인 19살의 빨강머리 소녀 마리의 구애 또한 받게 된다. 앙헬과 이 두 여자들의 관계는 조용하던 마을에 파문을 일으키고, 앙헬은 자신의 존재에 대해 고민하기 시작한다. 루이스 부뉴엘의 을 연상시키는 모호하면서도 촉각적인 분위기 속에서 인간의 욕망과 욕구, 좌절과 비애, 삶의 의미에 대해 성찰하고 있는 작품. 전작 과 에서 보여진 메뎀의 영화적 재능이 최고로 빛을 발한 작품으로 90년대 유럽영화 중 가장 뛰어난 작품이라는 평을 받았다.
Doctor B
로맨스 소설 작가인 ‘레오’(마리사 파레데스)는 남편 ‘파코’(이마놀 아리아스)를 사랑하지만, ‘파코’는 더 이상 아내를 사랑하지 않는다. 그런 남편의 태도에 속상한 ‘레오’는 친구 ‘베티’(카르메 엘리아스)에게 마음을 털어 놓지만, 얼마 안 가 남편이 진정으로 사랑하는 여인이 그녀의 가장 절친한 친구인 베티라는 사실을 알게 되는데…
Dengue is a shy, innocent and passionate boy. Without realizing it, he becomes victim of a plot to extort his father. The cause is Candela who lures him into fall in love with her.
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
부둣가에서 실연의 아픔으로 자살하려던 호다는 오토바이 사고를 당한 한 여인을 구한다. 그런데 그녀는 사고로 기억을 잃어 자신의 이름조차 기억하지 못한다. 호다는 그녀를 리사라고 부르면 4년 동안 서로 사귄 사이라고 거짓말을 한다. 둘은 병원을 몰래 빠져나와 '붉은 다람쥐' 라는 캠프장으로 여행을 가게 되고 다재다능한 그녀의 모습에 호다는 혼란스러워하지만 둘 사이에 미묘한 감정이 싹트면서 둘의 관계는 이상한 방향으로 나아가기 시작하는데...
Anna Luz, a married woman, rethinks her life when she receives the visit of a stranger who claims to be her neighbor from the floor below. His arrival coincides with the entry of a series of extravagant characters who, as in a dream, invade his house. Ana is then immersed in this succession of strange and wonderful events that will forever ruin what until then was a normal life.
Pedro goes out searching for a girl, but the night doesn't seem to be good. While he is talking with a friend, he sees Sara breaking up with a boy. He goes after her, and they end up sleeping in his house. Time goes by and they continue together. But Sara has too many men around and Pablo can't stand that. Their relation is difficult, they love each other but, at the same time, they can not be together.
At the end of the 50s, after assassinating the legendary capo Goncalves and dividing their domains, Ventura and Otálora, rival and old friends, fight with their bands for the control of prostitution and contraband. Anabel, Ventura's favorite prostitute and her young lover, will live their passion among the violence that surrounds the port city.
Roberto Moreno
Two popular television actors, Ada and Bruno, are filming " Hotel de Fez ", a popular and popular television series that upsets the lives of its two protagonists. Together they will initiate a romance behind the small screen very particular since there will be no time or way to consummate it, which will cause a tremendous tangle sown with nonsense.