The 20s. In a seaside resort where everybody is bored, Albert Marvuglia, a slightly shabby conjurer, makes Marta, the wife of the wealthy bourgeois Charles Moufflet, disappear, who takes advantage of this tour to escape for good.
프랑스령 폴리네시아에서 일어나는 정치권력 투쟁을 탐구한다. 섬 곳곳에선 프랑스의 핵실험이 재개될 것이라는 소문이 흉흉하다. 이는 독립 운동을 하는 주민들의 봉기를 촉발할 수 있다. 브노아 마지멜이 천연덕스럽게 연기하는 고위공무원 드 롤러는 항상 흰색 옷을 입고 프랑스 군과 지역 정치인 사이를 오간다. 마을의 소년과 소녀들이 성매매를 하고 네온 불빛이 점멸하는 나이트클럽의 숨 막히는 분위기 안에선 끊임없이 밀거래와 위협이 오간다.
Bruno Rodríguez
"Drinking, dancing and... killing me. It's the new life my neighbour Jose has decided to live. What better way to escape boredom than coming to kill me every thursday? His wife, Lucie, prefers to go to a shrink. To each their own therapy.
Paul Château-Têtard, a 45-year-old bachelor from the best of Parisian nobility, has – for the first time in his life – to take the Metro, and even buy a ticket. It is with extraordinary luck that the beautiful young Ava happens to be sitting at the counter: a spark ignites and wedding bells begin ringing in the distance.
Autumn 2015. Profoundly affected by the picture of a little boy who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, lifeguards Oscar and Gerard travel to Lesbos (Greece). Once there, the reality is horrific: thousands of people risk their lives every day, crossing the sea in precarious boats and fleeing from armed conflicts. But nobody bothers to rescue them. With Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do what they came to do, helping those who need it. For all of them, this initiation voyage will become a life-changing odyssey. Mediterráneo is the struggle to survive in the sea, an often hostile medium where every life counts.
Family Roland lives in Etretat. Jeanne, the youngest, inherits Mr Marechal's fortune, a friend of the parents. Pierre the elder brother, bogged down in questions, questions the sacredness of the family. Is this money hiding a heavy secret?
Two daring test subjects, Adán and Orión, seek to prove the existence of God by submitting themselves to a scientific experiment conducted by a mysterious religious organization.
The story of a married American couple who go to the San Sebastian Film Festival. They get caught up in the magic of the festival, the beauty and charm of Spain and the fantasy of movies. She has an affair with a brilliant French movie director, and he falls in love with a beautiful Spanish woman who lives there.
Josep Bartoli (voice)
1939년 2월. 스페인 공화주의자들은 프랑코 독재를 피해 프랑스로 탈출한다. 프랑스 정부는 피난민들을 수용소에 가두지만, 목욕 시설도, 음식도, 식수도 마땅히 제공해 주지 않는다. 가시 돋친 철조망으로 경계 지어진 수용소 중 한 캠프에서 두 사람이 우정을 쌓아 나간다. 한 명은 프랑스 헌병 세르주이며, 다른 한 명은 프랑코 정부와 맞서 싸운 일러스트레이터 조셉 바르톨리(1910~1995)이다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
20세기의 문턱에 들어선 바르셀로나. 부유한 가문의 어린 딸 테레사가 실종되면서 모든 언론이 집중하고 도시 전체가 술렁이기 시작한다. 취재에 나선 베테랑 기자인 세바스티아는 경찰이 지목한 용의자인 ‘바르셀로나의 뱀파이어’ 엔리케타와 만나게 된다. 그녀와의 인터뷰가 계속되면서 세바스티아는 도시 최상위층의 은밀하고 사악한 비밀이 도사리고 있음을 알게 된다.
Rosa is about to turn 45 and realises that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else. So she decides to leave it all behind, take charge of her life and fulfil her dream of starting her own business.
Patrick Ballester
'기욤'은 전 아내와 10살짜리 딸 레아의 양육권을 두고 다투는 중이다. 변변찮은 직업에 작은 원룸 집 때문에 양육권 소송이 불리한 상황에서 까다로운 조향사 '발베르그'의 운전기사로 일하게 된다. 사람을 냄새로만 판단하는 발베르그는 고마워할 줄도, 미안해할 줄도 모르는 여자다. 하지만 발베르그에게도 아픔이 있었으니...
Everyday, three sex workers cross the border from France into Belgium to practice their trade. At the end of one particularly hot summer, all three share a secret that will bind them together forever.
Lis is a teenager whose dream is to become a circus artist and leave her hometown, even if she knows that to do it she’ll have to fight her side against her parents. It’s summer and she spends her days playing with her friends and flirting with her boyfriend, a few years older than herself. The lack of privacy and the neighbours’ gossip force Lis to keep their relationship secret so that her parents won’t find out. A relationship which change her live forever.
Marta, a 17-year-old girl, is on holiday in an African resort with her with her estranged dad and annoying little brother. Martha’s fascination for Khouma, a Senegalese cameraman who works filming the tourists' excursions, will add even more tension to her already troubled relationship with her father.
Ordre: El veí
가족-연대-질서-소유-일-진보-헌신. 흔히 긍정적인 가치로 여겨지는 7가지 주제에 대한 무정부주의적인 블랙코미디. 같은 제목의 연극을 기반으로 하여 원작자를 포함한 3명의 감독이 의기투합해 사회와 지배질서에 대해 세게 한 방 먹인다.
Spanish Man
Alentejo, Portugal, 1950. In a desolate region, where the wind seems to speak, where misery and hunger reign over poorest, a desperate man takes his revenge on those who caused his ruin during the darkest night, unable to get honestly the bread needed to feed his family in the daylight.
Warren Phillips (voice)
1960년대, 서구 사회의 부조리와 인종차별에 저항하는 어느 청년의 활동을 중심으로 이야기가 펼쳐지는 애니메이션 영화
Siblings torn apart by the hazards of life meet in Spain to settle the family's modest inheritance. Gustave, the mover, on the brink of bankruptcy, Jules the anarchistic activist, and Lou, the youngest, lost between her brothers, yearning for the unknown. Each one has a different outlook on life and their personal projects for this inheritance will reawaken family disagreements and phantoms of the past.
시간이 멈춘 것 같은 아름다운 시골 마을 인비올라타. 라짜로는 이웃들과 함께 마을의 지주인 후작 부인의 담배 농장에서 일하는 순박한 청년이다. 요양을 위해 마을을 찾아온 후작 부인의 아들 탄크레디와 라짜로는 둘만의 우정을 쌓는다. 자유를 갈망하는 탄크레디는 자신의 납치극을 꾸며 마을을 벗어나려고 결심하고, 라짜로는 그런 그를 돕는다. 한편, 납치 신고로 마을을 찾아온 경찰에 의해 이웃들은 뿔뿔이 흩어지게 되고 라짜로는 홀로 남게 되는데...
보드카 광고 촬영을 위해 스페인의 작은 마을로 오게 된 잘 나가는 천재 CF 감독 토비. 촬영에 고전을 겪던 어느 날, 우연히 스페인에서 촬영했던 자신의 졸업작품이자 출세작 DVD를 보게 된다. 직접 촬영 장소를 헌팅하고, 고정 관념을 깨기 위해 현지 주민들을 배우로 섭외하는 등 모든 것에 열정이 넘치던 꿈 많았던 과거를 떠올리며 당시 영화 촬영 장소를 찾아간다. 그리고 그곳에서 진짜 돈키호테가 되어 버린 구둣방 할아버지가 자신을 산초라고 부르며 무척 반갑게 맞이하는데…
Two little siblings live in the island of Menorca at the turn of XX century. Their parents are gone so they live in the countryside with their uncle, “Es Conco”, who takes care of them while he cultivates the farm in the raw nature. The kids play around learning all about the island in a kind of a magic mode- not only by the things you see but by the stories related to them and all the legends that grow around in the stunning environment. The past, the present and the future meet in one place where tales and real facts intermingle. One day, the children discover a ship on the bay, which is like an icon of a human wish- present while unattainable.
Homer and Joé trace the rivers of Croatia aboard a small boat. In spite of being fifty years old each one, none of them knew of the existence of the other until the recent death of the father of both. Now, however, they are half brothers. During the voyage, they meet Sean, an enigmatic Irish adventurer who will join them on the journey.
남편과 파리로 이주해 작은 학교의 선생님으로 새로운 삶을 시작한 여자, 르네. 하지만 어느 날 옛 동료 타라가 찾아오면서 르네는 피할 수 없는 네 개의 기억과 마주하게 된다.
오래전 실종됐던 아이가 내성적인 10대 소년이 되어 추운 알프스 마을에 다시 나타난다. 슬픔에 잠겨 있던 가족은 이 소년이 사라졌던 아이가 맞는지 의심하기 시작한다.
The wife of senior Tomás (José Sacristán) passed away, but they don't let him bury her, because the family of the deceased wants to repatriate the body to Paris. So Tomás steals the corpse to be able to bury it in Quatretondeta, a little village in the region of Alicante (Spain), as his wife had wanted.
무더운 여름, 꺄롤린은 엄마의 장례식을 위해 프랑스 남부의 작은 시골마을로 향한다. 이 곳에서 꺄롤린은 음담패설을 즐기는 패티를 알게 되고, 곧 열리는 파티로 온 마을이 떠들썩 한 가운데 어느 날, 엄마의 시체가 사라지고 마는데!
After a massive destruction on Earth, a white girl Alba (14) and a black boy Didac (9), are the only survivors on the Earth. They must start a new world. A Second Origin. Population is over. There are only two survivors. Now, our future depends on them.
국제 구호기구 소속의 맘브루(베니치오 델 토로)는 발칸 반도에 위치한 어느 한 마을의 우물 속에 있는 시체 인양 작업을 하던 중 밧줄이 끊어지는 사태를 맞고 만다. 마을에는 여분의 밧줄이 없는 상황에서, 맘브루는 그의 동료 B(팀 로빈스)와 소피(멜라니 티에리)에게 도움을 요청한다. 그렇지만 도착한 B와 소피 역시 방법이 없기는 매 한가지고, 그때부터 구조대원들의 밧줄 찾기 대모험이 시작된다. 인근마을 위주로 밧줄을 찾는 B와 통역관 다미르(페자 스투칸)과 달리 UN 주둔군 기지를 찾아가 도움을 요청하려던 소피와 맘브루는 UN기지를 찾아가던중 길에서 괴롭힘을 당하는 소년 니콜라(엘다 레지도빅)를 구조하게된다. 도착한 UN 기지에서는 원론적인 답변만을 듣게되는 맘브루는 그곳에서 자신의 전 연인 카티야(올가 쿠릴렌코)를 만나게된다. 이제 여섯 명으로 늘어나버린 구조대원들은 밧줄을 구하기 위해 세상에서 가장한 완벽한 날을 보내게 된다.
In a lonely spot near the sea, a boy flies a kite made by his father. It's windy and the kite has become entangled in the vegetation. The boy needs an adult to help him keep it flying. Together, lost in the middle of nature, they will launch into the narration of a tale with myriad episodes.
South of France. In the sultry August heat, Geronimo, a young social educator, tries to ease tensions between the youngsters of the St Pierre neighborhood. The mood changes when Nil Terzi, a teenage girl of Turkish origin, flees an arranged marriage, running to the arms of her gypsy lover, Lucky Molina. Their escape sparks hostilities between the two clans. When the jousting and the musical battles begin, Geronimo struggles to quell the ensuing unrest around her.
El Jefe
Isaki Lacuesta presents a social satire in which five common or garden citizens, from a country pretty much identical to our own, see their lives ripped apart by the economic crisis. With nothing more to lose, they come up with a crazy plan to save the Spanish and world economy: kidnap the chairman of the Central Bank and demand that he return everything to the way it used to be.
엘 니노는 모터 보트를 수리하고 테스트하는 지브롤터 해협과 가까운 라니나에 사는 어린 청년이다. 친구인 엘 컴파와 한밤의 파티가 끝난 후, 그들은 삼촌인 마약 판매상 라치드의 친구인 젊은 이슬람교인 할릴을 만난다. 엘 컴파에 의해 확신을 얻은 엘리노는 아프리카에서 모터 보트로 스페인을 가로지르는 마약 운반책으로 일을 하기로 한다. 한편 경찰인 “지서스“ 는 그의 파트너인 에바의 도움을 받아 지브롤터의 해협에서 활동하는 중요한 마약품 판매상인 엘 잉그리스를 찾고 있던 중에…
상류사회 예술계와 관련이 있는 여인의 도움을 받아 패션학교에 들어가게 된 서민 출신의 알리스(여주인공)는, 그 보답을 하기 위해 그녀의 집에 갔다가 그녀의 아들인 앙투완(남주인공)을 만나 사랑을 싹틔우게 된다. 그렇지만 점점 상류사회와 자신의 차이점을 느끼게 되는 알리스는 앙투완과의 이별을 고민하게 되고, 그런 와중에 앙투완은 알리스에게 누드 사진 모델이 되어 줄 것을 요청하게 되는데...
Cardenal Joseph Ratzinger
Since he arrived in Sao Felix do Araguaia, in Brazil, the Catalan bishop Pere Casaldàliga fights for the disadvantaged and the indigenous peoples. Casaldàliga must confront the landowners of the region and rethink the role of the Catholic Church.
An 8-year-old boy tracks down his father.
A documentary about erotic obsessions by Laure Michel.
The Armless
말 중개상을 하는 미하엘 콜하스(매즈 미캘슨)는 다른 지방으로 넘어가려는 다리에서 새 남작이 강압적으로 통행료를 받고 있음을 알게 된다. 이에 반발하자 그에게 돌아온 건 여윈 말과 폭행 당한 하인, 그리고 소송장을 내러 갔다가 싸늘한 시체로 돌아온 아내였다. 급기야 딸의 목숨까지 위협해오는 공권력에 분노한 미하엘은 남작에 대한 복수를 계획하는데…
Monsieur Delgado
This is the story of four French friends: the Greek (an osteopath), Fifi (who lives with his mother), Fortuné (a West Indian) and Freddy (a gambler). They meet up regularly at a Parisian bookmakers’, their favourite haunt. Tired of frittering away the little spare cash they have, they agree to give up gambling. But no sooner have they taken this pledge than Fate intervenes, in the guise of the turf king, Monsieur Paul. The latter persuades the four friends to buy a champion racehorse, not knowing that it is in fact an old nag…
This is the first film by Hänsel based entirely on her own script and gives a wise and loving significance to the concept of personal and anecdotal. With beautiful leading roles by Canto as mother and Gourmet as her ex. Together, they drive to a ski resort to fetch their son, a ski instructor with a broken leg.
A prison guard is attracted to a woman at his weekly tango class. They meet again when she visits her husband in the prison where he works and he is drawn into her complicated romantic life. Meanwhile the prisoners are learning the tango.
Vincent lives in Dubaï. When his wife Livia goes missing, he is immediately concerned and sets out to look for her. She may have gone off with another man, or there may be a more sinister explanation. In a car park, he comes across a young woman in tears. They strike up an instant rapport and together they begin to scour the region between the city and the desert, a place where dreams and reality melt seamlessly into one another...
Le débauché
A virtuous monk descends to the depths of sin and depravity after Satan sends an unholy temptress to lead him astray.
Roland Cortes
Judith, a young nurse, is so meek in front of her husband Roland, that she can't manage to tell him that she has lost her job. When he learns this, he starts to follow her...He discovers that in a secret life, she is another mysterious and sublime person.
Manuel Carrega
그가 사라지고 내 인생이 뒤틀리기 시작했다... 가족을 위해 은행강도가 된 아드리안은 사랑하는 아내와 딸에게 돌아갈 몇 개월 후만 바라보며 복역 중이다. 어느 날 그는 자신보다 먼저 출소하게 된 동료 모렐에게 가족을 부탁한다. 소심하고 착하기만 했던 모렐의 출소와 함께 연락이 끊긴 가족… 그리고 아드리안을 찾아 온 한 남자… 사라진 가족, 조작된 진실, 살아남기 위한 단 하나의 선택! 아드리안은 그에게서 모렐이 소녀들을 강간, 살해한 지능적 연쇄살인범이라는 충격적인 사실을 듣게 되고, 곧 새로운 피해자가 나올 거라는 말에 탈옥을 감행한다. 하지만 얼마 못 가 아내는 죽은 채로 발견되고 생사조차 알 수 없는 딸을 찾아나선 아드리안은 모렐의 조작으로 살인 누명까지 쓰게 되는데… 8명의 목숨을 앗아간 살인마에게 납치된 딸을 구하기 위한 한 남자의 필사적인 도주가 시작된다!
Pedro Gonzales
Le chauffeur du camion
잘나가는 우산 공장을 운영하는 로베르 퓨졸을 남편으로 둔 수잔느는 늘 남편을 위하고 자식을 생각하는 전형적인 현모양처다. 그러던 그녀의 생일 날, 우산 공장의 직원들은 로베르의 독재적이고 일방적인 경영에 반기를 들게 되고, 그를 인질로 잡는다. 하는 수 없이 이를 해결하기 위해 직접 경영에 나선 수잔느. 그녀의 인간적이고 따뜻한 경영으로 공장은 정상화를 넘어서, 훨씬 순조롭게 운영 되게 된다. 그런데 남편 로베르가 돌아오게 되고, 다시 사장 자리를 내놓으라고 몰아붙이게 되는데...
In the harsh post-war years' Catalan countryside, Andreu, a child that belongs to the losing side, finds the corpses of a man and his son in the forest. The authorities want his father to be made responsible of the deaths, but Andreu tries to help his father by finding out who truly killed them. In this search, Andreu develops a moral consciousness against a world of adults fed by lies. In order to survive, he betrays his own roots and ends up finding out the monster that lives within him.
Le Taupier
During the war, on the banks of the Garonne, there is a café, the Café du Pont, where workers and sailors gather. Ten-year-old Pierrot's parents dedicate all their time and energy to the place. The German Occupation imposes restrictions and fear, but Pierrot knows that his father discreetly carries out brave actions and that his mother, both strong and fragile, knows how to settle any conflict - in her own way.
그를 알기 전, 일상은 메마르고 세상은 고요할 뿐이었다. 어시장 잡부와 킬러라는 두 가지 삶을 살아가는 류(키쿠치 린코). 항상 고독한 표정을 한 그녀의 유일한 친구는 나이 든 음향기사뿐이다. 일상의 소리를 수집하는 데에 몰두하는 음향기사와 류는 많은 대화를 나누지 않아도 서로를 이해한다고 생각하고, 류의 침묵까지도 특별하게 느끼던 음향기사는 그녀 주변의 모든 소리들에 귀를 기울이기 시작한다. 그를 느낀 후, 사랑이라는 새로운 감각을 느끼다. 어느 날, 새로운 의뢰를 받게 된 류. 그 타겟은 바로 와인샵을 운영하는 데이빗(세르지 로페즈)이다. 그를 제거하기 위해 데이빗이 운영하는 와인샵을 찾아간 류는 의도적으로 그에게 접근하는데 성공하지만, 계획과는 달리 데이빗과 잊지 못할 하루 밤을 보내게 된다. 그 날 이후, 그녀는 이제껏 알지 못했던 새로운 감각에 눈을 뜨고, 항상 무표정했던 얼굴에는 미소가 감돈다. 그 동안 류를 잘 알고 있다고 생각했던 음향기사는 조금씩 변해가는 류의 모습을 심상치 않게 바라보는데..
Oncle Ramon
In addition to an incipient fondness for greyhound racing, the young Arnau has two inseparable companions: a songbird and a fox. Both accompany him in his journey to adolescence, a difficult transition due to some hard circumstances: the mother of the boy is locked in prison, and he is forced to live with his uncles.
Alex, 15, lives alone with his dad, enduring relentless physical violence, rebelling against everyone. To escape from this daily life, Alex rows on the Meuse river, and has only one obsession: to win the Belgian Singles Championships at any cost. Sergi, his coach, and Muriel, the young girl he's in love with, will enable Alex to rediscover the human values he has lost. A long and tough learning curve...
Robinson, appropriately named as we will soon discover, is on vacation in Biarritz with his wife. What follows is the story behind the loss of his arm, a story that becomes increasingly bizarre and eventually apocalyptic, leading us down a narrative path of labyrinthine complexity. The resulting film is an extraordinary feat of imagination and daring, set against the backdrop of a world on the verge of destruction.
Suzanne is a well to do married woman and mother in the south of France. Her idle bourgeois lifestyle gets her down and she decides to go back to work as a physiotherapist. Her husband agrees to fix up a consulting room for her in their backyard. When Suzanne and the man hired to do the building meet, the mutual attraction is sudden and violent. Suzanne decides to give up everything and live this all engulfing passion to the fullest.
7살짜리 딸 '리자'와 단둘이 생활하던 싱글맘 ‘케이티’(알렉산드라 라미)는 '파코’(세르지 로페즈)’와 사랑에 빠진다. 이 평범한 두 남녀는 사랑의 결실로 비범한? 아기 ‘리키’를 낳는데… 리키의 비밀… 그리고 리키의 운명은?
Georges Clou
Georges Nail lives in a new suburb. He's married, loves his wife, son and dog. Paul Hammer is good looking, rich and intelligent. But he is torn by his severe judgment of the world and a desire to be part of it. One day, their paths meet. Nail sees this meeting as an opportunity to create a new friendship. On his side, Hammer sees it as a new reason for living : to crucify the perfect image of the happy western man and his incarnation in the person of Georges Nail. A nail is the perfect victim for a hammer.
Malo has separated from his wife and a divorce is in the works. His children leave with his wife on holiday, and he is lonely and depressed. His friend Rémi drags him to a party in the country, and driving back they see by chance a notice of a house being sold at auction by creditors. The low reserve price surprises them and they go round to have a look. Finding the door open, Malo picks up a letter from a little girl to her father saying she misses him - moved by the resonance with his own daughter, Malo accidentally takes the note with him when they leave in a hurry. He then resolves to return the note to the now grown-up little girl Cloé, but of course it's awkward to explain how he got it. He learns that she really doesn't want to sell the house, which is all that remains of her childhood. The relationship between them develops, and emotions run high at the auction. Ultimately the film explores whether Malo can give both or either Cloé and his daughter what they want/need,
Capitán Vidal
먼 옛날 인간들은 모르던 지하 왕국, 행복과 평화로 가득 찬 환상의 세계에 공주가 있었다. 햇빛과 푸른 하늘이 그리웠던 공주는 인간 세계로의 문을 열고 만다. 하지만 너무나 눈부신 햇살에 공주는 기억을 잃은 채로 죽어갔다. 꿈 많은 소녀 오필리아는 만삭인 엄마와 함께 군인인 새아버지의 부대 저택으로 이사를 간다. 하지만 자신을 못마땅해 하는 냉혹한 새아버지에게 두려움을 느끼는 데다, 신비한 숲으로 둘러싸인 저택의 이상한 분위기에 잠을 못 이루던 오필리아에게 요정이 나타난다. 신비로운 모습에 이끌린 오필리아는 요정을 따라 미로로 들어가게 되고 거기서 판이라는 기괴한 요정을 만나는데...
Short stop motion animation film based upon the work of Pierre Corneille.
An affluent, middle-aged couple's uneventful lives are forever changed when they move into an isolated house in the country and befriend an odd, younger couple.
Clara is afraid of words. Her daughter, Anna, is afraid of others. Vincent is afraid to grow up. But he won't be afraid to love them.
Victor, a father, travels the roads with his teenage son, Felix. For Felix, the trip is a school of life, as his first romantic encounter helps him better understand his father and get closer to him.
Pablo Sterni
Insurance salesman tries to get money from his hippie cousin by fulfilling his dream: Arraigning for John Lennon and Janis Joplin's "second coming".
Raoul de Ventadour
11th Century AD. In a world that burns with the heat of battle, a world torn apart by Crusades, one knight traverses the desolate wastes laid bare by bloody conflict. Prepare yourself for a descent into a brutal hell, where armies clash and blood flows like rivers, and where a sharp blade is the only means of defense against an army of evil.
At Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, a beautician on her way to a new job in Mexico accidentally meets a cook who is on his way back from America. Labor strikes, bad weather, and pure luck cause the two of them to share a room overnight at the airport Hilton hotel. Will their initial mutual indifference and downright hostility turn into a one night stand or perhaps something more?
Claude Duty's feature-length debut Filles Perdues, Cheveux Gras (Hypnotized and Hysterical, (Hairstylist Wanted)) is an offbeat comedy about three women. Elodi (Olivia Bonamy) is a struggling single mother. Natacha (Marina Fois) is an upbeat alcoholic hair stylist whose beloved pet cat has disappeared. Marianne (Amira Casar) is drawn to a roguish, sexually adventurous art dealer. Their lives intertwine in a variety of ways. Song and dance numbers, as well as animated sequences, punctuate the film.
Sneaky / Juan
고향 나이지리아의 의사였던 오크웨는 런던으로 와 낮에는 택시 운전사, 밤에는 호텔 야간 당직으로 근무하며 힘든 하루하루를 보내는 불법체류자다. 한편 터키에서 온 세나이는 망명을 요청 중이지만 불법으로 오크웨와 같은 호텔에서 일하며 언젠가는 친척이 있는 뉴욕에 가기를 꿈꾸는 여인. 어느 날, 그들이 일하는 호텔 객실의 변기에서 사람의 심장이 발견되고 오크웨는 호텔에서 장기가 밀매되고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 그런데 장기매매의 장본인은 다름 아닌 오크웨가 일하는 호텔의 사장인 후안. 그는 불법 체류자들의 장기를 사서 그 대가로 그들에게 불법 여권을 만들어 주는 일을 하고 있었던 것이다. 한편, 이민국의 눈을 피해 일을 하던 세나이는 호텔을 그만두고 공장에 취직하게 되고, 세나이의 어려운 처지를 이용한 공장 사장에게 농락을 당하는 등 우여곡절을 겪는다. 이런 상황에서도 세나이는 오크웨에 대한 사랑을 접지 못하고 같이 미국으로 가자는 제안을 하지만, 오크웨는 그 마음을 매정하게 외면한다. 세나이는 결국 미국에 가기 위한 여권을 마련하기 위해 후안에게 자신의 장기를 팔려고 나서고, 이를 보다 못한 오크웨는 자기가 직접 세나이의 수술을 하겠다고 하는데...
Tom, a Spaniard, is married to Sylvie and lives a quiet but a bit boring life in the Britanny countryside (west of France). Trouble comes when Tom ex girlfriend reappears, asking for help, announcing him that she had a girl from him 9 years ago.
A women meets a charming man and falls in love, they get married and start a family. As they age and have children, the man's becomes violent and abusive.
Luis Del Sol
Some days turn out to be simply unforgettable. For Marie, it all starts with a pregnancy test… that proves positive, a car accident and being fired from her job... For Hortense, mobile phone in hand, the frantic quest for sexual satisfaction begins in a traffic jam... For both Luis and Maurice, the unexpected appearance of a loved one pitches them into a world of dreams and nightmares. While some of the characters know each other, others come into contact by chance. One woman profits from all this, the other is shattered. One will have gone looking for trouble, the other will have asked for nothing. There'll be no fatalities.
A woman, scared by motherhood and her new born baby, runs away from her home and family to find a shelter at her upstairs neighbour's place.
Jean and Sylvia left France with a stolen diamond to start a new life in South America. They land in Lima to live their passion. But the diamond is not easy to sell. They meet a French couple and hope to sell them the stolen diamond.
Miguel, a young psychiatrist working in Madrid, learns that his wife has just dumped him for no one else than his own father while he's expecting his mother-in-law's visit, who's come to the city on a medical revision, and doesn't know anything about her daughter's affair; to make things worse, one of Miguel's deranged patients has just stolen his wallet. Going to his patient's home to retrieve his wallet he'll meet instead his spontaneous and outspoken hairdresser sister Jasmina, who's bound to change Miguel's ordered, upper-middle-class world for good.
30대 가장 미셸(Michel: 로랑 루카스 분)은 가족과 함께 바캉스 길에서 우연히 옛날 친구 해리(Harry: 세르지 로페즈 분)를 만난다. 평범한 가장으로 겪는 현실과의 타협이나 한 가족의 가장으로서의 책임 뿐만 아니라, 몇 년전부터 마련한 여름 별장의 부실이 일으키는 사소한 문제들까지 그동안 잊고 지냈던 과거의 아련한 향수를 해리를 통해 다시 생각케 된다. 작가가 되기 위해 시를 쓰고, 학교 신문 기자로서의 즐거웠던 시절들... 하지만 해리가 생각해내는 사소한 추억 하나하나는 점점 스트레스로 다가오고 급기야 공포로 치닫게 된다.
An executive and a dowdy working-class woman, both unemployed, married and parents meet at a supermarket. They become friends but find it hard to accept that they may be in love with each other.
After having been in jail, Manuel becomes a bullfighter following dangerously his father's steps.
If one person's destiny were altered (in this case, not dying), how might that event change the lives of numerous other people, or in this case, prevent seven others from dying.
Seven "Word Attack" situations involving two people each.
A man and a woman meet to fulfill her sexual fantasy.
Joao sells video tapes in road bars between Portugal and Spain. One day he finds a middle aged woman in the middle of nowhere. Somebody is looking for her and she has to escape to Lisboa. But what is the secret of this woman? Why does she want to go to Lisboa?
Camille is an emancipated 30-something woman who has no desire to settle down and have a family, preferring to coast along on a succession of ephemeral relationships and one-night stands. However, her lifestyle fails to satisfy her fully, and in a moment of depression she runs into a complete stranger, Alexis, whom she instantly falls in love with. Alexis, alas, is married, with two children, and works for the Socialist Party. None of this is going to deter Camille though…
Miranda, a sex addict, works for a radio station and is married to a cop. She signs up for therapy in order to deal with her sex addiction. Also in the group is Javier, a sex-phone junkie. The two misfits hit it off and a torid affair ensues. But things get a little complicated when Javier finds out that his phone sex trysts have been secretly taped and being distributed all over Madrid and that his ex-wife is living with his business partner. Elsewhere, while investigating a murder case, Felix discovers Miranda's affair with Javier.
The eroticism exudes in the eleven interconnected stories that recount difficult relationships and violent sexuality
Paco Cazale
Catalonian Paco is a traveling rep for a shoe manufacturer. When he stops to pick up Russian emigree hitchhiker Nino, Paco soon finds himself on the side of the road with everything stolen out from under him. Local gift shop owner Marinette gives the Spaniard a lift. Their mutual attraction manifests itself quickly, and Paco, who was fired over the stolen-car episode, hangs around. When he happens to spot Nino in the same town, he beats up the scrawny Russian, who lands in the hospital. Oddly enough, this marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Paco and Nino soon take the trip down the road together
Spanish teacher
September, 1986. Alice and Martin are 17 years old. They come from provinces to Montesquieu high school in the capital. Like many youngs of their age, born in the 70s and nostalgic of a too comfortable childhood, they progress carefully in life.
While Alice and Martin are finding their footing, demonstrations against the Devaquet law and the tragic death of Malik Oussekine are happening.
In this French drama, an urban professional gives up his fast-track life in favor of the quiet of country life. Benoit now lives as a toymaker who sells games at his chic Paris art gallery. The film opens with young Lila as she is being released from prison. Immediately, she sets out to see her sister in Brionne, a tiny Normandy town. As soon as he sees her, the rather quiet Benoit falls in love. Eventually, the emotionally scarred young woman falls in love with him too. Soon they move in together, and Lila gets to meet his ne'er-do-well friends. The couple are very happy for a while, but when Benoit's gallery goes belly-up, he begins acting strangely, leaving Lila feeling very unsure. Eventually she leaves him. Benoit then struggles to cope with his depression; after many drunken nights, a lost dog helps him find the peace he has been searching for.
It's a simple love story. Antonio likes Claudie. But Claudie is not so simple ... Claudie is a young woman who stumbles into reality. Little by little, we discover the life of her and those around her. Her friends, her family, her past ... And Antonio, who loves her and takes her by the hand and does not want to let go. He would certainly like to succeed in understanding her. And it's important to understand when you love. Claudie has her whole life in front of her, what is she afraid of?
Mireille Stockaert is a lonely and broken woman. In love with painting and poetry, she makes do with her work in the cafeteria of the Beaux-Arts in Namur. Her life changes when she chooses to live in the large family house she inherits. Not having the means to maintain it, she decides to take in three tenants. Three men who will upset her routine.