Karla Moreno

참여 작품

The Black Legend of Mexican Cinema
During 1950, Miguel Contreras Torres led a group of filmmakers to officially denounce William O. Jenkins' monopoly on film theaters, which was built throughout the country upon crime and corruption. Ever since, Uncle Miguel was ridiculed and eventually forgotten, but it is certain that his proclaim announced the separation of Mexican cinema and its audience. Discoveries may be found in the films made by Miguel, and bringing back to life these moving pictures might recover this history that was never told, a story that is almost lost and that Contreras Torres himself tried to pass on through his writings in The Black Book of Mexican Cinema.
우린 우리다
Prostituta 4
한 가정의 아버지가 죽고 나자 남은 미망인과 십대의 세 자녀는 가족의 전통을 계승하며 먹을 것을 구하기 위한 피의 사냥을 시작한다. 멕시코 한 가족에게 닥친 저주 같은 '카니발리즘'에 대한 처절한 생존 보고서. 평범한 악의 섬뜩함이 관객을 괴롭힐 것이다. (2011년 12회 전주국제영화제)