Cuauhtli Jiménez

Cuauhtli Jiménez

프로필 사진

Cuauhtli Jiménez
Cuauhtli Jiménez
Cuauhtli Jiménez

참여 작품

멕시코 만세?
It is a film that pretends to be a metaphor for an entire country and that questions our values, desires, and, above all, our idiosyncrasies; all this with a lot of black humor and framed in that little personal hell to which we all belong and that, for better or for worse, we all have: Family
A devastating earthquake hits Oaxaca and causes hundreds to fall victims to its effects. The drastic physical effects are felt in Mexico while across the globe its emotional effects are felt in Finland. This seismic movement has caused an emotional tremor in the lives of the Muxes.
La Traición
La oscuridad
Marina, who was a primary school teacher in life, emerges seriously injured from a lake and after a long journey, arrives at the school where she once worked.
Two Fridas
Julio Antonio Mella
This is not another standard biopic about Frida Kahlo. “Two Fridas” is a poetic film, based on the relation between the Mexican painter and the Costa Rican nurse Judith, who took care of Frida during the final years of her life.
Three men struggling to survive their spatial and temporal limits in front of and within a witness: the mountain.
우린 우리다
Gay 2
한 가정의 아버지가 죽고 나자 남은 미망인과 십대의 세 자녀는 가족의 전통을 계승하며 먹을 것을 구하기 위한 피의 사냥을 시작한다. 멕시코 한 가족에게 닥친 저주 같은 '카니발리즘'에 대한 처절한 생존 보고서. 평범한 악의 섬뜩함이 관객을 괴롭힐 것이다. (2011년 12회 전주국제영화제)