Bob Nesler

참여 작품

다이노 슈퍼게이터
하와이의 외딴 섬에 지어진 연구 단지에서 정체불명의 거대한 괴물 두 마리가 탈출하고, 이 사실을 은폐하기 위해 보내진 사냥꾼 로건과 연구소를 비밀리에 수사 중이던 FBI 요원 폴, 그리고 지역 환경 보안 요원 캐시디는 힘을 모아 괴물의 뒤를 쫓지만 수많은 사상자가 발생하는 것을 보고 망연자실 한다. 더 이상의 참사를 막기 위하여 괴물들과 목숨을 건 한판 승부를 펼치는데…
G.I. Joe: Sgt. Savage and His Screaming Eagles: Old Soldiers Never Die
In 1944, Master Sergeant Robert Steven Savage was betrayed by one of his fellow soldiers, Krieger, a double-agent for the Axis Powers. He had Savage's entire squad killed and used him for various genetic experiments. Savage was then cryogenically frozen and sealed inside a secret bunker. 50 years later, G.I. Joe discovered the hidden bunker, Savage now has super-human strength, speed and agility and is in charge of the Screaming Eagles. Krieger is alive and known as General Blitz, leader of the terrorist organization the IRON Army. Sgt. Savage and his Screaming Eagles must stop him!
Garfield's Feline Fantasies
Garfield and Odie fantasize that they are on a Middle-East mission to retrieve the Banana of Bombay, the symbol of humour to nations around the world.
Garfield: His 9 Lives
Garfield plays multiple roles including ancient Egyptian royalty, a fairyland kitten, a movie 'stunt cat" and more!