Daido Moriyama

Daido Moriyama

출생 : 1938-10-10, Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


Daido Moriyama (b.1938, Osaka) is a photographer.

프로필 사진

Daido Moriyama

참여 작품

사진가 모리야마 다이도: 과거는 항상 새롭고, 미래는 늘 그립다
81세의 나이에도 여전히 아티스트로 활동하고 있는 모리야마 다이도는 아마 사진계에서 가장 유명하고 카리스마 있는 인물일 것이다. 예술, 패션, 디자인을 자유롭게 넘나드는 작업으로 전 세계적으로 사랑과 존경을 받으며 수많은 상을 거머쥐었다.
写真家 荒木経惟 77歳の切実
記録 / Movie In London, Daido Moriyama
Kiroku(RECORD)| Movie in LONDON, DAIDO MORIYAMA” is a Documentary Film about the acclaimed photographer Daido Moriyama's journey through his own legendary personal photo magazine “Kiroku”.
Memories of a Dog: Daido Moriyama's Journey to Photography
NHK documentary about the renowned Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama, with special focus and interview of Takuma Nakahira - the founder of avant-garde magazine "Provoke" in the late 60s.
Extremely Beautiful Landscapes
In the late 1960s, photographer Takuma Nakahira published the legendary photography magazine Provoke with Daido Moriyama. With this edgy writings and photographs, Nakahira rejected preexisting photographic expression. In 1977, an alcohol-induced coma resulted in a permanent partial memory loss. In the following years, with gradual recovery, Nakahira started photographing stray cats, homeless, and thatched roofs in the neighborhood near his home in a monomaniac manner. This is documentary is a portrait of the Nakahira's daily life. Directed by photographer Takashi Homma.
Near Equal Moriyama Daidou
A documentary that follows the life of photographer Daido Moriyama in the present, which has never been revealed before. Even though his charismatic presence has reigned over the world of photography since the late 60’s, his true persona had been hidden behind a veil of mystery, since he had refused any major appearances in front of any media in the past. Follow the charismatic photographer Daido Moriyama as he takes his first digital photos and observe his style of quick snapshots without looking in the finder. His stark and contrasting black and white images symbolize his fervent lifestyle.