임산부가 청각 장애아인 아들을 산부인과에서 바꿔치기하면서 벌어지는 일을 그린 영화
A comedy about a family man and his foreign worker who is facing unbased accusations.
Dana's Father
A group of friends in a Tel Aviv suburb get together to watch Universong, a Eurovision-like television song contest. They gather to watch and are depressed by the lifelessness of the Israeli entry, a parody of many recent offerings, a flashy, grating song about "amour." Realizing that Anat is distraught over the crisis in her marriage, they decide to compose a song to cheer her up. As a lark, they enters their cellphone video of it in next year's contest, and it becomes Israel's entry.
이스라엘에 살고 있는 팔레스타인 청년 ‘나이머’는 더 나은 삶을 위해서 해외로 나가는 것을 꿈꾸는 학생이다. 어느 날 게이클럽에서 그는 이스라엘 청년 ‘로이’를 운명적으로 만나고, 그와 사랑에 빠진다. 둘의 관계가 깊어질수록, ‘나이머’는 그의 성정체성을 거부하는 팔레스타인 사회와 팔레스타인인 그의 국적을 배척하는 이스라엘 사회의 냉혹한 현실을 실감한다. 그는 자신의 가장 가까운 친구중 하나가 텔아비브(이스라엘 수도)에 불법체류를 하다 발각되어 웨스트뱅크 쪽으로 강제추방이 되고, 동성애자라는 이유로 잔혹하게 살해가 되는 것을 목격한다. 이러한 여러 위기를 겪으면서 ‘나이머’는 자신이 꿈꿨던 해외에 나가서 사는 삶을 살지, 로이와 함께 이스라엘에 남을지 선택을 해야하는 상황을 맞이한다.
In this bittersweet family comedy, shy teenager Libby moves back to Israel to live with her hapless father Shaul, unexpectedly finding herself without a home as war breaks out around them. Shaul devises a creative solution: posing as refugees, they are taken in by a wealthy family in Jerusalem. Finally in a “normal” household, Shaul and Libby begin to build their father-daughter relationship, but their false identities can’t last forever.
he film tells the story of two brothers from a poor neighbourhood in Tel Aviv where almost all the residents are of Iraqi descent. Avi lives with his domineering and manipulative grandmother. The return of Roni, Avi's elder brother from Europe, awakens old demons as Roni, a compulsive gambler, stakes all on the football games of Avi's beloved team, Bnei Yehuda. Avi has to choose whether to remain pure and risk losing everything, or sully his hands in order to save his world. A charming and at times hilarious look at the Mizrahi subculture of soccer-worship.
Is today's fanaticism tomorrow's policy? In a West Bank settlement, Rabbi Meltzer has a grand design: he's building a movement "to pray at the Temple Mount." His yeshiva has scholars, and the settlement is getting its own military company to be commanded by Menachem, a disciple of the rabbi. He also wants his daughter, Michal, to marry Pini, the yeshiva's best scholar. Michal has no interest in Pini, but she is attracted to Menachem. When she rebuffs Pini, he hatches a bold and secret plan. Is jealousy the motivation or something else? Meanwhile, the army and Moussad are closely watching the rabbi's activities and Menachem's military training. Who is trustworthy?