Sage Mayer

Sage Mayer


Actor and Writer. Loves Hip Hop. Creating Stories, playing the guitar and his keyboard. Has been nominated twice for the Young Artist Award. Once in 2019 and again in 2020. Host and Creator of the podcast, Retro Reads with Sage. Lives in Los Angeles.

프로필 사진

Sage Mayer

참여 작품

Roswell Delirium
Mickey (Sick Kid)
During the 1980s the US is hit by a wave of nuclear attacks, and after the fallout those who remain pretend like everything is normal even though they are all experiencing radiation poisoning. A young girl named Mayday tries to make contact on a series of ham radios with her father who is in space on a shuttle mission.
Young Will
After a drug deal goes south, four heroin addicts barricade themselves in a country bar as the cops close in. Withdrawal sets in, further complicating their hostage situation, while a secret one of them is hiding could destroy them all.
헨리에타 랙스의 불멸의 삶
Young Boy
아프리카계 미국인인 헨리에타 랙스의 세포들은 첫번째 불멸의 인간 세포계를 만드는 데 사용되었다. 그녀의 딸인 데보라 랙스(오프라 윈프리)의 시선을 통해서 결코 알지 못했던 어머니에 관한 사실들을 알게 되고 어떻게 1951년 랙스의 공인되지 않은 다량의 암세포들이 전례없는 의학적인 돌파구를 마련했고 의학의 모습과 무수히 많은 삶을 영원히 변화시켯는지 이야기한다.
Pre Teen Flynn
Musician is a short film about a young boy whose father abandons him to pursue a career in music leaving him to rely on others to help shape and guide him.