Robert Storr

참여 작품

바스키아: 부에 대한 분노
Self (Artist, critic, curator)
팝아트 계열의 자유구상화가로서 지하철 등의 지저분한 낙서를 예술 차원으로 승화시켰다는 평가를 받는 전설적인 아티스트, 장 미셸 바스키아. 영화는 그 동안 한 번도 인터뷰에 응하지 않았던 바스키아의 두 여동생들과의 인터뷰를 통해 천재적이면서도 비극적으로 짧게 끝난 바스키아의 삶을 이야기한다. 그의 가장 가까웠던 친구, 연인, 동료 예술가들은 그가 항상 직면해야만 했던 인종차별과 마약, 그리고 돈의 유혹에 대해 밝힌다. 또한 수많은 숨은 의미와 저항정신의 시각적 표현이었던 그의 예술작품 또한 중요하게 다루어진다.
Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, The Mistress And The Tangerine
A journey inside the world of a legend of modern art and an icon of feminism. Onscreen, the nonagenarian Louise Bourgeois is magnetic, mercurial and emotionally raw-an uncompromising artist whose life and work are imbued with her ongoing obsession with the mysteries of childhood. Her process is on full display in this intimate documentary, which features the artist in her studio and with her installations, shedding light on her intentions and inspirations. Louise Bourgeois has for six decades been at the forefront of successive new developments, but always on her own powerfully inventive and disquieting terms. In 1982, at the age of 71, she became the first woman to be honored with a major retrospective at New York's Museum of Modern Art. In the decades since, she has created her most powerful and persuasive work, including her series of massive spider structures that have been installed around the world.
Elizabeth Murray: 4 Decades
"Elizabeth Murray: 4 Decades" tracks the artist's career and shows her moving forward fearlessly toward new shapes and concepts for her unique style of painting. Inspired by artists of the Abstract Expressionism movement such as Willem de Kooning and Philip Guston, Murray was privy to their technique and motive. Though she may share ideals with her artistic predecessors, Murray has created miraculously original work which she discusses with curator Robert Storr as they explore her MoMA retrospective.
Gerhard Richter: 4 Decades
Curator Robert Storr takes us through the 2002 MoMA Gerhard Richter retrospective.