Director of Photography
Zhenzhen is smuggled into Trinidad and is threatened upon her arrival. Her brother Wei, who is working on the island in construction, intervenes and although he doesn’t have the money, he promises to pay her debt. Wei finds Zhenzhen a job at a Chinese restaurant and tries to get an advance from his employer.
Director of Photography
A struggling inner-city mother sacrifices everything to give her son a good education. Unwilling to allow her son to stay in a dangerous school, she launches a movement that could save his future - and that of thousands like him.
Director of Photography
A look at the life of photographer Robert Mapplethorpe from his rise to fame in the 1970s to his untimely death in 1989.
Director of Photography
German American artist Eva Hesse (1936 – 1970) created her innovative art in latex and fiberglass in the whirling aesthetic vortex of 1960s New York. Her flowing forms were in part a reaction to the rigid structures of then-popular minimalism, a male-dominated movement. Hesse’s complicated personal life encompassed not only a chaotic 1930s Germany, but also illness and the immigrant culture of New York in the 1940s. One of the twentieth century’s most intriguing artists, she finally receives her due in this film, an emotionally gripping journey with a gifted woman of great courage.
Director of Photography
Two artistically inclined childhood friends, a comedian and a folk-rocker respectively, set out on a tour together in hopes of regaining their "mojo" and finding love in the process.
Director of Photography
In the 1950s, Tab Hunter was number one at the box office and number one on the music charts and was Hollywood’s most sought-after young star. Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren were just a few of the actresses he was romantically linked to. He was America’s Boy Next Door and nothing, it seemed, could damage Tab Hunter’s career. Nothing, that is, except for the fact that Tab Hunter was secretly gay. Now, the secret is out.
Director of Photography
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Director of Photography
Four couples meet for Sunday brunch only to discover they are stuck in a house together as the world may be about to end.
Director of Photography
그레이스와 카를로, 샤릴과 조엘은 오래된 친구이자 연인으로, 뉴욕을 떠나 새로운 곳에 정착한 샤릴과 조엘의 집에 그레이스와 카를로가 놀러 간다. 하지만 그들의 대화가 계속 될 수록 샤릴과 조엘의 사이에 문제가 있다는 것이 나타나고, 불편한 분위기로 인하여 네 사람은 사소한 모든 일에 대해 논쟁을 벌이게 된다. 결국 그 날은 두 커플에게 상처만 남기고 잊을 수 없는 날이 되는데…
Director of Photography
A short film that deals with the forbidden love of a woman for her pastor, which she reveals to him while confessing.
Director of Photography
1935년 뉴욕 출생의 유태계인 ‘우디 앨런’은 미국의 영화감독이자 작가, 배우이다. ‘우디 앨런’ 최초의 다큐멘터리를 위해 에미상 수상자이자 오스카 노미네이트 경력의 ‘로버트 B. 웨이드’ 감독이 1년 반 동안 ‘우디 앨런’과 함께하며 그의 사생활과 영화 제작 과정을 필름에 담았다. 영화 는 글쓰는 것을 좋아했던 소년 ‘우디 앨런’ 부터, 매번 화제작을 내놓는 거장 ‘우디 앨런’ 의 예술과 삶을 조명한다. 인기 코미디 작가에 이어 영화감독으로 데뷔 이후 거의 매년 한 편씩 40여 편의 영화를 발표해 온 그의 작품 활동이 이 한편에 모두 담겨있다. 숨겨져있던 개인사, 제작 비하인드는 ‘숀 펜’ ,‘스칼렛 요한슨’ 등 그와 함께 작업한 뮤즈이자 할리우드 톱 배우들의 인터뷰도 만나볼 수 있다.
Director of Photography
Ned is in the throes of a mid-life crisis. His work as a writer on an outrageous, semi-pornographic TV show is less than satisfying. His fifteen year old son has just told him he is gay and his eleven year old is afraid of, well pretty much everything. When his wife, Jeannie, moves her sick and embittered father from Detroit into their home in NY, it puts added stress on an already strained marriage. And when a sexy female co-worker puts the moves on Ned, the temptation sends him spiraling.
Director of Photography
맨하탄의 잘 나가는 변호사 루이스(멕 라이언)는 출장에서 돌아오는 남편 이안(티모시 휴튼)과 로맨틱한 주말을 보내기 위해 그들만의 별장으로 떠난다. 이안이 돌아오기 전에 미리 도착하여 그를 기다리려고 했으나 이안 또한 하루 먼저 도착해 로맨틱한 분위기를 연출하기 위해 꽃 장식을 하며 들떠있다. 하지만 아내 루이스는 자신을 위한 것이 아닌 새 여자친구인 사라(크리스틴 벨)를 위해서 이며 자신에겐 다음날 이별 편지를 남기고 떠나려고 했다는 사실을 알게 된다. 13년 결혼생활이 파경을 맞이하려는 순간, 루이스는 이안이 떠나지 못하도록 기절시키고 온 몸을 포장용 테이프로 묶어 감금하기에 이른다. 때마침 찾아온 사라를 잘 설득하여 돌려보낸 루이스는 유능한 변호사답게 이안의 마음을 돌려보려고 대화를 시도하지만 떠나려는 이안의 마음이 변하지 않자 어쩔 수 없이 변기 위에 묶어 두고 루이스 혼자 저녁 식사 준비를 위하여 외출한다. 꼼짝도 못하는 남편은 우연히 집 앞을 지나가던 잔디 깎는 청년(저스틴 롱)에게 도움을 요청한다. 낯선 청년은 변기 위에 묶여 있는 남자 꼴을 보고 도와주기는커녕 도둑으로 돌변하는데…
Director of Photography
A presumed-dead man's current wife and former wives squabble over his funeral arrangements.
Reveals the courageous lives of pioneer camerawomen from Hollywood to Bollywood, from war zones to children’s laughter, in a way that has never been seen before. Based on a book by Alexis Krasilovsky, the film tells the stories of camerawomen surviving the odds in Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Iran, Mexico, the U.S. and other countries, as well as exploring their individual visions.
Director of Photography
각기 다른 내용이지만 한 명의 배우(라이언 레이놀즈)가 주연을 맡은 3개의 단편으로 구성된 영화. 자택 감금을 당한 말많고 탈많은 TV 스타의 이야기를 담은 "The Prisoner", TV 드라마의 제작과정과 그 뒷이야기를 담은 다큐멘터리 형식의 "Reality Television", 잘나가는 비디오게임 디자이너와 그의 아내, 그리고 그들의 딸의 이야기를 담은 "Knowing"의 세 에피소드로 구성되어 있다.
Aspiring rock musician Neal Downs manages a cereal bar. Stylish Miss Pussy Katz is the creator of radically-themed art clothing. When the cereal bar, brings in an offbeat crew of locals, who debate the arcana of cereal history and ideal milk/flake ratios, an aspiring capitalist rips off their concept.
Director of Photography
Seemingly disparate portraits of people -- among them a single mother, a high school principal, and an ace student -- Distinctly American -- all affected by the proliferation of guns in American society.
Director of Photography
Sophie Jacobs is going through the most difficult time of her life. Now, she just has to find out if it's real.
Camera Operator
In the eighties, Hito Steyerl shot a feminist martial arts film on Super-8 stock. Her best friend Andrea Wolf played the lead role, that of a woman warrior dressed in leather and mounted on a motorcycle. The engagement expressed in the formal grammar of exploitation films later became Wolf’s political praxis: She went to fight alongside the PKK in the Kurdish regions between Turkey and northern Iraq, where she was killed in 1998. Now honoured by Kurds as an “immortal revolutionary,” her portrait is carried at demonstrations.
Director of Photography
Daniel Anker’s 90-minute documentary takes on over 60 years of a very complex subject: Hollywood’s complicated, often contradictory relationship with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The questions it raises go right the very nature of how film functions in our culture, and while hardly exhaustive, Anker’s film makes for a good, thought provoking starting point.
Director of Photography
A powerful drama of soaring ambition and shattered dreams that takes a provocative insider's look at the way the USA goes to war—as seen from inside the LBJ White House leading up to and during the Vietnam War.
Director of Photography
In this dark comedy, a teenage misfit helps a depressed loser try to end his life. But her plan gets complicated when love gets in the way.
Director of Photography
데이비드는 사라와 5년간 사귀고 있다. 구속받는것을 싫어하는 데이비드. 그녀를 사랑하지만 도무지 그녀와의 결혼은 할 수가 없다. 그것은 바로 그가 어렸을 때, 식구들과 비행기를 타고 휴가를 갔다가 만났던 소녀에게 그의 반쪽임을 느끼고, 그 후로 운명 같은 사랑을 믿었기 때문이다. 그런 사실을 모르는 여자친구는 데이비드가 결혼을 미루자 일 때문에 뉴욕에 다녀올 동안 서로 생각할 시간을 갖자고 말하고, 결국 유능한 그녀는 사장에게 스카우트 제의를 받게 되면서 둘은 헤어진다. 여자친구와 헤어지게 된 데이비드는 본격적으로 평생을 함께 하고픈 반쪽을 찾아나선다.
Director of Photography
A compendium of three short science-fiction films, each with a decidedly feminist slant.
Director of Photography
After a stint in a juvenile detention center, Treasure is transferred to an adult prison where her mother, whom she has never met, is also imprisoned. Before long, Treasure encounters Brownie, a lifer and gang leader. Brownie reveals that she is Treasure's mother, and takes the girl under her wing, protecting her from the dangers of hardcore prison life. But some women in Brownie's gang resent Treasure's presence, leading to violent conflict.
Director of Photography
A remarkable film that takes a special look at the first war to be truly reported and recorded by one of the more unsung heroes of World War II: the combat photographer. Through the unflinching eye of their camera's lenses, these courageous soldiers continually risked their lives in their brave attempts to capture history.
Director of Photography
[블레어 윗치]의 성공으로 버킷츠 빌에는 관광객의 발길이 끊이지 않는다. 이 마을 사람 제프(제프리 도너반)는 '블레어 윗치 헌트' 투어라는 관광상품을 기획해 인터넷으로 참가자를 모은다. 영화에 매료된 킴(킴 디렉터), 마술을 숭배하는 에리카(에리카 리어슨), 민속학을 연구하는 트리스텐(트리스텐 스카일러), 그리고 가 일으킨 붐을 집단 광기라며 일축하는 스티븐(스티븐 바커 터너) 등 네 명의 젊은이가 투어에 참여하여 버킷츠빌로 떠난다. 그곳에서 하루를 묵은 뒤 그들은 지난 밤의 기억을 까맣게 잃어버린다. 차근차근 기억의 조각들을 맞춰보던 그들은 전설 속의 악령에 의해 끔찍한 사건에 휘말린 사실을 알아낸다. 숲을 떠났지만 숲의 악령은 그들을 떠나지 않은 것이다.
Director of Photography
Beijing, 1902: an enterprising young portrait photographer named Liu Jinglun, keen on new technology, befriends a newly-arrived Englishman who's brought projector, camera, and Lumière-brothers' shorts to open the Shadow Magic theater. Liu's work with Wallace brings him conflict with tradition and his father's authority, complicated by his falling in love with Ling, daughter of Lord Tan, star of Beijing's traditional opera. Liu sees movies as his chance to become wealthy and worthy of Ling. When the Shadow Magic pair are invited to show the films to the Empress Dowager, things look good. But, is disaster in the script? And, can movies preserve tradition even as they bring change?
Director of Photography
Corrupt record company executives kill a singing sensation with a drug overdose rather than letting her leave their label and join another company. They then frame her cousin/manager for the murder forcing him to go on the run and to try to get the goods on the real killers.
Influenza 1918 is the story of the worst epidemic the United States has ever known. Before it was over, the flu would kill more than 600,000 Americans - more than all the combat deaths of this century combined.
Director of Photography
대학에서 연극을 가르치는 제리, 섹스 무용담을 가장해서 잘 이야기하는 회사원 배리, 모든 일에 시간을 재는 강박관념에 걸려있는 산부인과 의사 캐리는 절친한 친구 사이다. 이 세 명의 친구에게는 공통점이 하나 있다. 모두 자신의 아내와 만족할 만큼의 부부생활을 갖고 있지 못하며 섹스에 대한 컴플렉스에 시달리고 있다는 것. 배리의 아내 매리의 생일날, 제리와 그의 아내 테리까지 넷이 모여 생일파티를 한다. 파티 도중 제리는 와인을 마시다 엎지르고, 친절하게 닦아주는 친구의 아내 매리를 보고 아내에게서는 느끼지 못했던 여성스러운 매력에 마음이 흔들린다.
Director of Photography
The FBI and Texas police make ready to storm the headquarters of a heavily armed sect of religious fanatics. But the operation goes horribly wrong and a couple of agents seek protection at an abandoned farm. But they are not the only ones there.
Camera Operator
A film scrapbook, images, phrases from our past, hiding their meanings behind veils. Let's lift those veils, one by one, to find how images, at one time seeming innocent, have revealed, after decades, to have homosexual overtones.
Director of Photography
Chrysty walks through the desert carrying nothing and heading nowhere. She enters a very small town called Silver City. The local community of woman is intrigued by the sudden arrival of an attractive stranger and they find out that Chrysty left a husband and three kids behind. One of the women, McGill, calls Chrysty's husband, West to tell him where his wife is and he comes to town.
Director of Photography
A rather dull minded bank robber suddenly suffers from a change of heart and decides to give the money back. However, he then learns that getting the money back into the bank is much more difficult than taking it out.
Director of Photography
On the run from the law, desperate drug runner Astor and his beautiful prisoner struggle through the savage heat...
Director of Photography
A documentary reflecting on women in film and the entertainment industry through the ages led and hosted by some of its most beloved female icons.
Director of Photography
This documentary highlights the historical contexts that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals have occupied in cinema history, and shows the evolution of the entertainment industry's role in shaping perceptions of LGBT figures. The issues addressed include secrecy – which initially defined homosexuality – as well as the demonization of the homosexual community with the advent of AIDS, and finally the shift toward acceptance and positivity in the modern era.
When Sarah begins to have doubts about her impending marriage to longtime boyfriend Jake, smooth-talker Nick makes his move. Meanwhile, Sarah's friends, Nicole and Cara, are also having romantic problems.
Camera Operator
The life story of Colin McKenzie, a forgotten pioneer of international cinema who was born in rural New Zealand in 1888.
Director of Photography
영화 탄생 100주년 기념으로 만들어진 스콜세지 개인에 대한 다큐멘터리
Director of Photography
Private investigator and former police detective Jack Ramsey is enjoying an affair with the local district attorney's wife, but no longer, after she is strangled soon after he has departed following a session of amorous activity.
Director of Photography
Cameramen and women discuss the craft and art of cinematography and of the "DP" (the director of photography), illustrating their points with clips from 100 films, from Birth of a Nation to Do the Right Thing. Themes: the DP tells people where to look; changes in movies (the arrival of sound, color, and wide screens) required creative responses from DPs; and, these artisans constantly invent new equipment and try new things, with wonderful results. The narration takes us through the identifiable studio styles of the 30s, the emergence of noir, the New York look, and the impact of Europeans. Citizen Kane, The Conformist, and Gordon Willis get special attention.
Director of Photography
A series of unrelated amorous lovers are connected by a chain of desire.
Director of Photography
Documentary - A secret political prison unit in the USA? In 1986, a controversial high security unit was opened in an underground chamber of Kentucky's federal prison. Its three female prisoners received sentences of unprecedented length for nonviolent crimes. - Susan Sarandon, Dean Irby
Director of Photography
A sheriff's deputy, some escaped prisoners and two young girls find themselves trapped in a mine shaft where a cannibalistic mutant is hunting them for food.
Assistant Camera
The camera goes to live among a group of 12‐year‐old girls in a middle‐class New England neighborhood. It accompanies them to school, goes to their slumber parties, listens to their gossip about their largely incorporeal boy friends, buys clothes with them and interviews them, their teachers and their parents.
A Native botanist, grieving the death of a beloved aunt, travels alone to northern Mexico, where she is nourished by images of the last trip they took together traversing the Colorado River.