Dimo Petkov

참여 작품

체르노빌: 지옥의 묵시록
지구상 가장 악명 높은 원전 사고로부터 30년이 지난 후, 사람들이 떠난 체르노빌 제한구역에 야생동물들이 돌아오기 시작했다. 한편, “스토커”라고 불리는 불법 하이킹 모험가들, 익스트림 스포츠 애호가들, 예술가들 및 여행업자들이 그 으스스하고 황폐한 장소를 새롭게 탐험한다. (2021년 제18회 EBS 국제다큐영화제)
Wantoks: Dance of Resilience in Melanesia
Featuring footage from the South Pacific islands, this documentary profiles the Melanesian artists and activists who are fighting for self-determination while trying to defend their homes against the rising sea.
Reach Your Limits
One of the best Bulgarian mountain runners – Kiril Nikolov, known as Disl, attempted to set a new record – to run through the longest and legendary Bulgarian mountain route – 600 km from the mountain peak of Kom on the west border to cape Emine on the Black Sea coast, in less than 5 days. Through steep mountain paths, pouring rain, and sticky mud, the glorious adventure takes him beyond the barriers of his own consciousness, facing hidden fears, pain and exhaustion. Tо the point where he has to make a tough choice – to quit or to push his will to the ultimate challenge, beyond his own limitations.
Reach Your Limits
One of the best Bulgarian mountain runners – Kiril Nikolov, known as Disl, attempted to set a new record – to run through the longest and legendary Bulgarian mountain route – 600 km from the mountain peak of Kom on the west border to cape Emine on the Black Sea coast, in less than 5 days. Through steep mountain paths, pouring rain, and sticky mud, the glorious adventure takes him beyond the barriers of his own consciousness, facing hidden fears, pain and exhaustion. Tо the point where he has to make a tough choice – to quit or to push his will to the ultimate challenge, beyond his own limitations.