Yvonne Dany

참여 작품

Zombie Lake
In a small village, somewhere in France, German soldiers, killed and thrown into the lake by the Resistance during WWII, come back.
The Big Delirium
A young peasant named Pierre makes friends with John and his sister Sonia, young bourgeoisie, who invite him to their home. Pierre soon falls in love with Emily, John's mistress. After the death of the father of his hosts, he has the idea of ​​transforming their peaceful house into a brothel.
The Golden Mass
A middle-aged couple invites a group of youngsters to their luxury villa to introduce them into the rituals and mystery of love and lust.
C'est bon pour la santé
La marraine
자칼의 날
Turkish Bath Desk Clerk
1962년 프랑스령 알제리의 독립을 허용한 이래 드골 대통령은 프랑스 국민들, 특히 알제리 주둔군이나 식민지 거주 국민들로부터 매국노로 크게 지탄을 받았으며 암살 기도까지 여러 차례 있었다. 군 출신의 드골 제거 조직인 OAS의 저격 사건 후 조직이 와해되고 대표가 처형당하자 후임자인 로댕 대령은 프랑스인이 아닌 외국의 살인청부업자에게 일을 시키기로 결정한다. 적임자로 선택된 것은 영국인으로 콩고나 도미니카에게 독재자들을 암살한 전력의 30대 미남으로 암호명은 재칼이다. 그는 오직 혼자서 일하고 철저한 비밀 유지를 위해 연락도 잘되지 않는 신비스러운 인물이다. 그가 요구한 돈은 50만 달러. 재칼은 랜트카를 타고 이태리를 거쳐 더건이란 이름의 위조여권으로 프랑스에 입국하지만 프랑스 첩보 부대에서는 레벨이란 민완 수사관이 나서서 재칼이라 암호명과 차종까지를 밝혀낸다.
아내 및 두 아이와 행복한 가정을 꾸려가던 남자 주인공은 우연히 우체국에서 일하는 여자와 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 더 커다란 행복감을 맛보게 된다. 그러나 아내에게 어떤 것도 숨길 수 없는 그는 자신의 외도를 고백하게 되고, 가족 나들이를 나간 날 아내는 호수에 몸을 던져 자살한다. 이전 아내의 자리를 대신하게 된 우체국 여직원은 마치 아무일 없었다는 듯이 집안 일을 하고 아이들을 키운다. 이렇게 새로 구성된 가족이 가을나들이를 나간 모습으로 영화는 끝이 난다.
Une spectatrice à l'audience (uncredited)
22살 아가씨 도미니크는 애인 질베르를 살해한 혐의로 재판을 받는다. 그녀가 어떤 이유로 전도유망한 지휘자를 죽였느냐에 대한 의견이 분분한 가운데, 검사는 도미니크가 명백히 계획적으로 살인을 저질렀으므로 사형을 언도해야 한다고 주장한다. 재판이 이어지면서 도미니크와 질베르 그리고 도미니크의 언니이자 질베르의 연인이었던 애니, 세 사람을 둘러싼 진실들이 모습을 드러낸다. 클루조의 치밀한 연출 아래 사랑의 지독한 진실을 파헤치는 법정 드라마. 브리짓 바르도의 열연이 돋보이며, 검사와 변호사 역을 맡은 폴 뫼리스와 샤를 바넬의 대결도 불꽃이 튄다. (영화의 전당 - 오래된 극장 2016)
Ils sont dans les vignes...
In 1935, in the Burgundian village of Valromey, Commissioner Desbordes was the very unpopular leader of the anti-alcoholic league. His own brother, Pimpin, is an unconditional defender of the vineyard. Pierre Moreau is, for his part, the representative of a hygienic drink, the "Koku-Kolu". The cafe owner's daughter, Rose, will find the man very to her liking and will manage to seduce him.
Les surprises d’une nuit de noces
A singer wants to get rid of his mistress to marry a young admirer.
Back from the war, Marceau Le Guern remembers. Educated in an orphanage run by Dominican brothers, he fell into misery when he left it. His only asset was his good looks, which did not escape the attention of Madame Alice, a shady woman who persuaded him to pose for pornographic photos meant for lonely aging women. Marceau also served as a gigolo before the war and captivity put an end to this juicy business. Now he wants to start a new life, all the more as ha has found love in the person of a pure young lady named Dominique. But Madame Alice won't hear of it...
Sins of Madeleine
Malou, a prostitute from Montmartre, and her pimp, have found a well laid scheme : whenever she (or he) wants to get rid of a lover, she announces to him in a tearful voice that she is pregnant. The reaction of the fall guy-is invariable: he gives her compensation money and disappears. But there is always an exception to the rule. And, as it happens, the exception is a widowed insurer, Monsieur Archibald. Indeed when he is told by Malou that he is going to be a father, he is...elated!
The Two Girls
A famous singer disappears in a plane crash. Her two little girls are given a new home by their grandfather. Unfortunately the good man has an old housekeeper who goes out of her way to make their lives impossible. In desperation the two brats run away to Paris. Meanwhile, the girl's father manages to steal important documents. In the end, Gaby and Ginette track down their mother who had not got killed at all. All is well that ends well.
파리의 하늘 아래
파리에 사는 여러 계층의 사람들의 어느날의 사건이 그려진다. 주인공은 좀 이상스런 얘기이지만 '파리'라고 보아야 할 것이다. 펜팔 애인을 만나러 파리 시내까지 찾아온 시골처녀가 편지의 내용이 거짓말이었다는 것을 알고 실망한 채 걷고 있는데 그만 정신 이상이 된 조각가에게 살해되며 조각가는 경찰관에게 사살된다. 패션모델은 애인인 의과 대학생이 금년에도 국가시험에 실패했으므로 실망하게 된다. 미치광이 조각가를 쏜 경찰관의 유탄(流彈)으로 중상을 입게 된 공원(工員)은 시험담력(試驗膽力)이 없는 의과 대학생의 대수술로 연명을 한다. 이 공원은 동맹파업으로 일을 쉬고 있었으므로 결혼기념일의 축하 술에 취해서 들떠 있을 때였다. 무작정 고양이를 좋아하는 늙은 처녀는 고양이의 먹이를 찾아 헤매며 어느날 하루종일 파리 시내를 걸어 다닌다. 공부를 몹시 싫어하는 계집아이는 집으로 돌아가지 않고 사내아이와 센강에서 보트 놀이를 하다가 날이 저물어서 미아가 되었는데, 미치광이 조각가의 도움으로 자기 집으로 무사히 돌아간다.
Rue des Saussaies
The brother of Jeanne Masson, a young nightclub singer, has been murdered by Brasier, a criminal who pretends to be a respectable man. Jeanne has resolved to avenge her brother but she just cannot take action herself. The way she finds is to ask police detective Pierre Leblanc to help her do it. Pierre gives his agreement and starts following the trail. He soon finds out that Brasier belongs to a gang whose boss, Cortedani, has ordered the murder.
Gunman in the Streets
An American is on the run in the streets and back alleys of France.
Born of Unknown Father
By taking the defense of Raymond Denis, accused of having killed his mistress, when she committed suicide because he did not want to recognize his child, the lawyer Claude Nogent, learns that he himself was born of unknown father.
Le traqué
Manhunt in Paris and as far as Belgium to catch an American gangster escaped from a police van.
Tête blonde
When he finds a package in the metro, given this period of restrictions, Mr. Truche thinks it may be a good deal, he takes it home but discovers a woman's head inside. A friend of Mr. Truche having just disappeared, the superintendent accuses her of having murdered her and discovers the head buried in his cellar. But the girlfriend, whom Mr. Truche loves platonically, returns from the countryside and at the same time we spot the assassin of the unknown woman.
Sending of Flowers
Middle-class person
Envoi de Fleurs is based on incidents in the life of French composer Paul Delmet. Played by popular French singing star Tino Rossi, Delmet is depicted as a man all too willing to give up personal happiness in favor of blind ambition. After carrying on a romance by correspondence with beautiful young Suzanne (Micheline Francey), Delmet is on the verge of marrying the girl. Instead, he allows himself to be talked out of leaving France to further his own career, with disastrous results for all concerned.
A provincial ingenue leaves her mother’s tobacco shop with dreams of a life in the Parisian theater, only to become entangled in relationships with a lecherous aristocrat, his starry-eyed nephew, and an old ham actor.
Farewell Mister Grock
The life of Adrien Wettach, famous in the annals of the circus under the name of Grock, world famous Swiss clown. A series of images from Épinal, retracing the career of a European artist, within the framework of world history. Lots of children, wars, an eccentric Russian countess, Countess Barinoff, who grows old admiring the clown, and a very long quibble about a party wall, all serve to highlight the star's final number.
The Heroic Mr. Boniface
A simple man gets involved in an implausible story of gangsters in the wake of the discovery of a criminal's dead body in his own bed.
Cage of Girls
Micheline, who fled to Paris with the man she is in love with, finds herself on her own when he abandons her. She lands in a reformatory from which she manages to escape.
L'homme aux mains d'argile
The fictionalized life, and interpreted by himself, of the popular boxing champion Marcel Cerdan. Training sessions, matches, victories, flight to the U.S.A. where the title of world champion is disputed, form the whole subject of the film.