Rosa Enskat

Rosa Enskat

출생 : 1967-01-01, Neubrandenburg, Germany

프로필 사진

Rosa Enskat
Rosa Enskat

참여 작품

Till the End of the Night
Monika Sterz
The undercover investigator Robert is supposed to win the trust of a criminal through a fictitious relationship with Leni. However, the feelings are not just a game. It is the spied criminal, of all people, who makes him confront his contradictory feelings…
애프터 워
레이첼 모건(키이라 나이틀리)은 쓰라린 겨울의 폐허가 된 함부르크에 도착하고 남편인 루이스(제이슨 클라크)와 재회하게 된다. 루이스는 영국의 대령으로 도시 재건에 대한 임무를 맡았다. 그러나 그들이 새로운 집에서 시작하려 할 때 레이첼은 루이스가 놀라운 결정을 했다는 사실을 알고 충격에 빠진다. 그들은 이전 소유주인 아내 잃은 독일인(알렉산더 스카스가드), 그의 문제많은 딸과 함께 대저택을 공동으로 사용하게 된다. 이런 감정이 잔뜩 고조된 분위기에서 증오와 비탄은 격노와 배신으로 변하게 된다.
Two friends want to stay awake as long as possible - without drugs. C. and Nike are 17, but pretend to be 20. They want to get out. Get out of the confines of the suburbs. They want to feel themselves.
Liebling, lass die Hühner frei
Petra Jänicke
Sugar Sand
Frau Knebelmann
End of the 1970s in East Germany: Fred and Jonas are close friends. The 10-year-olds live near at the German-German frontier. After the mother from Jonas has made an exit application, the boys have to recognize that they are soon separated from each other. But they want to dig a tunnel to Australia to meet there themselves again. When Jonas should leave the country with his mother this night changes everything.
Ein Mann unter Verdacht
Anja Altmann disappears after a birthday party. When the police ask husband Thomas about her , family attorney and friend Lavinia Bertok manage to dispel any suspicions about him. But soon Thomas is arrested. While the Altmann family start hurling accusations and recriminations at each other, Anja allegedly surfaces in Spain, raising a strange suspicion against Lavinia.
Die Eisläuferin
Chaos in the Chancellery: Prime Minister Katharina Wendt loses her memory during a spontaneous trip with husband Helmuth and wakes up every morning since then with the knowledge of 1989. The therapy aims to activate her emotional center. No easy task with such a sober woman! Chancellery Minister Dieter Kahnitz must get her fit again until the end of the summer break, otherwise the euro will fail and then Europe will fail! But the minister would not mind being chancellor himself. Will the Chancellor succeed in remembering in time?
Hedi Schneider Is Stuck
A model family's happy life unexpectedly goes off the rails when the carefree Hedi, played by Laura Tonke, suddenly starts having panic attacks. First mental illness and then drug dependency – the happiness that these happy-go-lucky thirty-somethings once took for granted suddenly seems unattainable, and their world fragile and uncertain.
Stefanie Benzko
Karos handball team is facing a big international competition. When it becomes public that her boyfriend is an active member of a far-right party, the team, the club, Karo's family and last but not least she is put to the test: Does Karo have to be marginalized in order to signal against exclusion in society?
아무르 포
1811 년 시인 하인리히 폰 클레이스트의 자살을 기반으로 한 "로맨틱 코미디".
Maria Dietz
1898년 여름의 캐나다. 독일 이주자들이 마차에 짐을 싣고 북쪽으로 이동하고 있다. 최근 발견된 금광으로 향하는 골드 러쉬. 에밀리도 전 재산을 털어 합류한다. 앞을 내다볼 수 없는 험난한 여정에 사람들은 우왕좌왕하지만 돌아갈 곳이 없는 그녀는 중도에 포기할 수 없다. 광활한 스펙터클이 서부극 장르의 새로운 해석과 함께 신선하게 다가오는 작품. [17회 부천국제판타스틱영화제]
Zu schön um wahr zu sein
Anke Neumann
Hausmeisterin Bungert
동독에 거주하는 소아과 여의사 바바라는 출국 신청서를 냈다는 이유로 수도 베를린에서 시골의 작은 병원으로 좌천당한다. 정부의 치밀한 감시와 압박으로 숨조차 쉴 수 없는 나날을 이어가는 그녀에겐 서독에 있는 연인과 서독으로의 탈출만이 삶의 유일한 희망이다. 새로운 직장과 동료, 자전거를 타고 오가며 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 여름날의 아름다운 풍경과 눈부신 햇살, 그녀에게 따뜻하게 다가가는 그 모든 것들은 무의미할 뿐이었다. 하지만 냉담함과 무관심으로 일관하는 바바라를 따뜻하게 배려하는 동료 의사 안드레와 동독 청소년 작업소에서 강제 노동과 학대에 시달리던 어린 소녀 스텔라와 만나 교감하면서 바바라의 마음은 조금씩 흔들리기 시작한다. 꿈에 그리던 탈출을 감행하기로 한 날은 다가오고, 바바라는 누구도 예상치 못한 선택을 하게 되는데..
Dora Heldt: Kein Wort zu Papa
Es ist nicht vorbei
Frau Rohde
Anja Kling kämpft in dem ARD-Drama "Es ist nicht vorbei" gegen das Vergessen der DDR-Gräueltaten.
Combat Girls
Marisa, a 20-year-old German girl, hates foreigners, Jews, cops, and everyone she finds guilty for the decline of her country. She provokes, drinks, fights and her next tattoo will be a portrait of Adolf Hitler. But Marisa's convictions begin to crumble when she meets a young Afghan refugee, and she learns that the black and white principles of her gang are not the only way.
Stadtgeflüster - Sex nach Fünf
Danielle Petzold
Als sie den Angeklagten Robin Böhme (Simon Licht) zum ersten Mal Auge in Auge sieht, bricht die Staatsanwältin Esther Dorwald (Ann-Kathrin Kramer) unter Schock zusammen. Sie hat in ihm den Mann wieder erkannt, der sie vor etwa zwanzig Jahren im Park überfiel und schwer sexuell demütigte und nötigte. Damals waren die Ermittlungen im Sande verlaufen, jetzt ist der Geschäftsmann wegen Waffenhandel und Mord angeklagt. Die Staatsanwältin will ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen lassen, muss jedoch feststellen, dass die Tat verjährt ist. Der aktuelle Prozess gegen ihn droht ebenfalls zu platzen. Verzweifelt setzt Esther alle Hebel in Bewegung, riskiert den Bruch mit ihrem Mann Lukas (Klaus J. Behrendt) und schreckt auch vor illegalen Maßnahmen nicht zurück, um Robin Böhme dingfest zu machen.
그녀가 떠날 때
이스탄불에 사는 우마이(시벨 케킬리)는 진정한 삶의 의미를 빼앗긴 불행한 결혼생활로부터 벗어나기 위해 아들 챔과 함께 고향 독일로 떠난다. 하지만 갑작스런 그녀의 등장은 오랜 관습을 지켜온 가족들에게 큰 파장을 불러일으킨다. 전통적 가치와 그녀에 대한 사랑 사이에서 갈등하던 가족들은 결국 챔을 이스탄불로 돌려 보내기로 결정하고, 우마이는 또 한번 가족의 곁을 떠나기로 결심한다. 언젠가는 가족들도 자신을 이해하고 사랑으로 받아줄 것이라 굳게 믿는 우마이. 하지만 그녀는 상처의 골이 얼마나 깊은지, 자신의 선택이 얼마나 위험한 결과를 초래할지 깨닫지 못하는데…
This Is Love
Set in Vietnam and Germany, This Is Love centers on Chris and the nine-year-old Jenjira on the run from the mafia. Together with his friend Holger, Chris bought the young Vietnamese girl's freedom from human traffickers – without actually being able to pay. Meanwhile, the female detective Maggie learns after 16 years why her husband up and left her without a word. These two worlds come together when Chris is accused of murder and Maggie is charged with interrogating him.....
The Guy, 13 Kids & Me
Frau Pohlmann
Leon has banished everything from his life that could remind him of his childhood. As an orphan, he grew up with his uncle Walter, the owner of a china factory, where he is currently working as a designer, trying to bring a breath of fresh air to the company. But Walter is a traditionalist. Since Leon’s girlfriend Marina is also dedicated to the company, children have no part in Leon’s life. Until he meets Esther who is raising 13 at once. Leon is trying to convince Esther on Walter’s behalf to forfeit her run-down house, so that Walter can use the estate for his investment plans. But then, Leon falls in love with Esther, and all his plans begin to crumble…
Der Tote in der Mauer
Jeanette Lehmann
Messy Christmas
A holiday celebration with the extended family gets stretched to the breaking point in this comedy from Germany. Sara is happily married to Jan, though this wasn't always the case -- Sara is Jan's second wife, while Sara has three ex-husbands, Gunnar, Andi and Erich, and she and Jan are raising children from each of their previous marriages. Jan is less than thrilled with the prospect of spending the holidays with Sara's mother, but things get worse when he learns his wife has planned a surprise for Christmas eve -- they'll be joined by Gunnar, Andi and Erich, as well as Erich's new wife Pauline, Andi's current spouse Rita and his own ex-wife, Eva. To call the atmosphere uncomfortable is an understatement, and things only get worse when Sara announces she's pregnant, which is quite troubling for Jan since he's been waiting for the right time to tell her he had a vasectomy several months before.
Unter Mordverdacht - Ich kämpfe um uns
Die Abrechnung
A reporter has only one purpose after the death of his daughter: find the fugitive driver responsible for the accident.
잃어버린 딸을 찾아 베를린을 정기적으로 방문하는 프랑수아즈. 청소년 보호소에 몸을 의탁하게 된 니나와 보호소에서 만난 토니. 세상과의 소통을 간절히 희망하는 소외된 세 여자는 불안정해 보이지만 친밀함으로 연결되어 있다. 우연히 프랑수아즈는 니나를 만나 그녀에게서 신기할 정도로 자신을 닮은 모습을 발견한다. 또한 잃어버린 딸의 어린시절 얼굴에 난 상처와 같은 상처를 니나의 얼굴에서 발견하고 새로운 희망을 찾는다.
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
Love and Desire
A new English teacher who is secretly a lesbian is hired by a small town school. The wife of the school's principal dislikes her, but the two women end up falling in love and begin a passionate affair. That's when the trouble starts.
Das beste Stück
Mark Demski (Jan Sosniok) discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him and thinks it has happened because of his small penis. Sad, he dumps the girl and promises himself never again to fall in love, but he fails. When he encounters Lara Singer (Doreen Jacobi) he must fight with his own fears.
Krähensommer - Die geraubten Kinder
Gerti Nowack