Director of Photography
An indifferent speech professor doing hack work in an urban college suddenly finds herself challenged by a ghetto youth with an intense desire to get a good education in this issue-oriented drama.
Director of Photography
A young man is beaten to death. Now it's believed that he sought out sanctuary in the house of a man (Hughes), and that the man threw him out. And it's also believed that the boy being Hispanic was probably part of a gang and that the whole thing was gang related, so the police don't consider any need to investigate the incident. But a teacher (Kelly) doesn't believe this, and sets out to find out what happened that night by talking to the man, but he doesn't want to talk about it.
Director of Photography
Two doctors, a father and son, conceal their alcohol and drug problems in this potent look at the abuse of those substances that exist in the medical profession.
Director of Photography
A Dallas museum tour guide finds herself having dreams that foretell killings that are attributed to a killer known as "The Perfect Murderer." She asks her boyfriend, a police detective, for help.
Director of Photography
A musician living in an apartment building likes to check out the residents of the building opposite him--until he finds out one day that an attractive woman in that building is checking him out. He strikes up a relationship with her. Soon afterwards a string of serial killings occurs in the neighborhood, and suspicion begins to fall on the musician.
Director of Photography
This romantic melodrama features a book editor falling in love with his art director.
엘리(Eli MacCleary: 로니 콕스 분)와 캐로라인(Caroline MacCleary: 비비 베쉬 분) 부부는 신혼여행을 가던 중 사고로 인적이 드문 곳에서 헤매이다 엘리가 잠깐 없는 사이 캐롤라인이 이상하게 생기고 털로 뒤덮인 괴물에게 강간당한다. 이 일로 생긴 외아들 마이클(Michael MacCleary: 폴 크레멘스 분)이 17세가 되고 그가 이상한 증세를 보이기 시작하자, 엘리와 캐롤라인 부부는 다시 사고 현장을 찾아와 당시 사건과 관련된 증거들을 찾아다닌다. 그들 부부에게 무언가를 감추고 있는 신문사의 독, 장의사 등이 계속해서 괴물에 의해 살해된다.
Director of Photography
Lester is a homeless shoeshine boy living in a railway station. He's got this funny knack for picking the winning horses' names out of the paper while shining shoes. When word gets around, though, everyone wants a piece of the action.
Director of Photography
A new highway threatens a Chicago neighborhood, so to protest the residents throw a block party.
Director of Photography
Dan Gordon arrives in town on the edge of the Florida Everglades, planning to take part in a drug smuggling operation. He's aided by his friend, Mule Tucker, but runs into opposition from corrupt local cops.
Camera Operator
텍사스 교도소에 수감되어 있는 클로비스에게 아내인 루 진이 면회를 온다. 루 진은 클로비스에게 자신들이 가난하고 돈벌이가 마땅치 않다는 이유로 정부에서 아이를 부잣집에 입양하려 한다는 소식을 전한다. 클로비스는 형기를 거의 마치고 4개월 후면 출소할 상황이라 탈옥할 이유가 없었지만 이대로 있으면 아이를 영영 찾지 못한다는 진의 절박한 설득에 못 이겨 탈옥을 감행한 후 아이를 찾아 슈가랜드로 여정을 떠난다. 그런 와중에 이들 부부는 자신들을 추적하는 경찰을 인질로 잡아서 아이들만 찾으면 경찰관을 풀어주겠다는 협정을 맺는다. 어설픈 현상금 사냥꾼이 나타나고 매스컴의 주목을 끌면서 슈가랜드로 향하는 여정은 점점 시끌벅적해진다. 반면에 이들을 지지하는 사람들도 하나 둘 생기고 인질로 붙잡힌 경찰관과 이들 부부사이에 ‘스톡홀름 신드롬’이라 일컬어지는 묘한 동질감이 생겨나는데...
Camera Operator
미국 역사의 전설적인 범죄자인 딜린저와 그를 쫓는 FBI의 활약상을 그린 범죄 스릴러 영화. 영화를 자세히 보면 샘 페킨파와 아서 펜 감독의 영화들을 간접적으로 패러디하고 있다. 미국 중서부를 배경으로 은행털이의 전설적인 악당 딜린저의 일대기를 그리고 있다. 탈옥과 살인 그리고 무장 강도의 전력으로 미 전역을 치안 부재의 공포에 떨게 했던 희대의 은행털이범. FBI 국장 후버의 지원을 받은 요원 멜빈 퍼비스의 끝없는 추적으로 신출귀몰했던 그도 결국은 막바지에 치닫게 되는데…
Camera Operator
Enthusiastic young woman runs away to Chicago to start a new life. She is soon confronted with the emotional coldness of the big city and has to search for her place in the scheme of things.
Camera Operator
Soaring above the banks of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri, the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Arch stands today as the nation's tallest arch and national monument. "Monument to the Dream", at unnerving heights, traces the adventures of the Arch's evolution, from the early concepts on the drawing board to the fabrication of its stainless steel sections, and the triumphant placement, in a race against the sun, of its final section in the fall of 1965. Through the words of the master architect Eero Saarinen, and the ambient chorus of mallets beating metal sheets into graceful curves, the film reveals the innovative structural techniques and the brilliant design of this avant-garde monument, presenting one of this century's greatest civil engineering achievements as a metaphor for the struggle to win the West. This film went on to be nominated for an Academy Award® for Best Documentary Short in 1967.