Lina Lužytė

Lina Lužytė

출생 : 1985-07-17, Vilnius, Lithuania

프로필 사진

Lina Lužytė

참여 작품

Blue / Red / Deport
Talib Shah Hossaini, a 37-year-old Afghan filmmaker and asylum-seeker, lives in Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos – the biggest refugee camp in Europe until it burnt to the ground in autumn 2020. One year into his life in the camp, Talib Shah finds himself on the verge of losing hope. Instead of giving up, however, he decides to shoot a film called Picnic − an insider’s look at the lives of thousands of refugees stuck in a place sometimes described as a humanitarian disaster. Exploring topics such as dreams versus reality, art as a means of survival, or the current immigration policies in Europe, the film invites us to become better acquainted with the people who will soon be our neighbours.
Blue / Red / Deport
Talib Shah Hossaini, a 37-year-old Afghan filmmaker and asylum-seeker, lives in Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos – the biggest refugee camp in Europe until it burnt to the ground in autumn 2020. One year into his life in the camp, Talib Shah finds himself on the verge of losing hope. Instead of giving up, however, he decides to shoot a film called Picnic − an insider’s look at the lives of thousands of refugees stuck in a place sometimes described as a humanitarian disaster. Exploring topics such as dreams versus reality, art as a means of survival, or the current immigration policies in Europe, the film invites us to become better acquainted with the people who will soon be our neighbours.
더 캐슬
아일랜드에 살기위해 이주한 13세 리투아니아 소녀의 이야기
더 캐슬
아일랜드에 살기위해 이주한 13세 리투아니아 소녀의 이야기
Jesús de México
On his way to school through the streets and canals of the Xochimilco neighborhood in Mexico City, Jesus talks about issues that move him and his family - such as access to water, environmental pollution, crime and inequality. - with a maturity that contrasts with his age.
영원히 함께
평범하고 행복해보이는 가족은 모든 이들의 부러움의 대상이다. 하지만 굳게 닫힌 문 뒤에는 각자의 관심사가 그들을 갈라놓는다. 아버지는 집에 거의 있질 않고, 어머니는 의사라는 직업에 몰두해있다. 홀로 집에 남아 정크 푸드만 먹는 딸은 부모의 관심을 끌기위한 처절한 몸부림을 치는데.
영원히 함께
평범하고 행복해보이는 가족은 모든 이들의 부러움의 대상이다. 하지만 굳게 닫힌 문 뒤에는 각자의 관심사가 그들을 갈라놓는다. 아버지는 집에 거의 있질 않고, 어머니는 의사라는 직업에 몰두해있다. 홀로 집에 남아 정크 푸드만 먹는 딸은 부모의 관심을 끌기위한 처절한 몸부림을 치는데.
영원히 함께
평범하고 행복해보이는 가족은 모든 이들의 부러움의 대상이다. 하지만 굳게 닫힌 문 뒤에는 각자의 관심사가 그들을 갈라놓는다. 아버지는 집에 거의 있질 않고, 어머니는 의사라는 직업에 몰두해있다. 홀로 집에 남아 정크 푸드만 먹는 딸은 부모의 관심을 끌기위한 처절한 몸부림을 치는데.
영원히 함께
평범하고 행복해보이는 가족은 모든 이들의 부러움의 대상이다. 하지만 굳게 닫힌 문 뒤에는 각자의 관심사가 그들을 갈라놓는다. 아버지는 집에 거의 있질 않고, 어머니는 의사라는 직업에 몰두해있다. 홀로 집에 남아 정크 푸드만 먹는 딸은 부모의 관심을 끌기위한 처절한 몸부림을 치는데.
Belarus. Town of Zhlobin. It's been 21 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Most of the locals survive solely by making and selling soft toys. Their only customers are the people passing through on trains. However, approaching a train with a toy in one's hands is illegal. The film tells the stories of ordinary people living in the town of Zhlobin. They all make toys, sell them, have chats, drink, go back to making toys, sing, fight and... make toys again.
It Would Be Splendid, Yet…
The year 1992. Lithuania is already independent. One day at her workplace a factory worker Danguole wins the SPECIAL prize . This means she will be entitled to welcome an American press-photographer who is coming to Lithuania in three days. She and her family are to represent the New Lithuania to the world in a photo reportage to be issued. This way the factory worker Danguole becomes a kind of a Lithuanian ambassador. Obviously, everything she owns is dated, soviet-tinged and cannot represent anything. The New Lithuania should be newly fashioned. The problem is... what exactly does the 'newly fashioned' mean?