Greg finds Rachel, his bride-to-be, just a few minutes before their wedding. Referring to a joke from the series 'Friends', Greg exclaims "Oh my god!, but Rachel is confused as she has never watched the show, and suddenly a crisis erupts.
Thomas, a blasé young man, spends his nights in clubs and his days in bed. Until his father, Dr. Reinhard, fed up with his son’s escapades, cuts him off completely and forces him to take care of one of his young patients. Mar- cus, 12, was born with a serious congenital disorder. He lives with his mother in the poor suburbs of Paris and spends his days either at the hospital or in a center for sick children. This encounter will disrupt their lives and change them both, profoundly and forever.
After 5 years of marriage, Ben is still madly in love. Until the day he discovers in public that his wife is cheating on him: humiliated and dumped in the process.
Mika, a little crook, took a quick tour of the prison, where he got to know "Putin", a crazy and unpredictable detainee. As soon as his sentence has been served, he decides to start from scratch and start his life over again. As he prepares to marry the daughter of a wealthy businessman, his past catches up with him: Putin arrives without warning! Mika will quickly realize that we do not easily get rid of such a ball ...
응급실은 밥 먹듯이, 엑스레이는 셀카 찍듯이, 주사는 미친 듯이…?! 역사상 가장 미친 캐릭터, 슈퍼 초울트라 예민남의 등장! 훈훈한 외모, 능력, 유머까지 겸비한 남자 ‘로망’(대니 분) 하지만 결벽증, 건강염려증, 신경쇠약증까지… 세상 모든 질병을 끌어안은 슈퍼초울트라 예민함 때문에 그의 삶은 외롭기만 하다. 로망을 돌보던 오랜 친구이자 의사 ‘디미트리’(카드 므라드)는 그의 병을 고치기 위해 진짜 아픈 환자들이 가득한 의료 캠프에 그를 데려간다. 하지만, 로망은 바이러스 가득한 그 곳에서 급기야 기절을 하게 되고… 설상 가상으로 자기도 모르는 사이에 환자와 신분증이 바뀌면서 하루 아침에 이 시대 최고의 전쟁 영웅으로 오해 받게 된다! 그리고, 그를 영웅으로 따르는 ‘안나’(엘리스 폴)때문에 계속해서 영웅 행세를 하게 되는데… 전국민 웃음+전염+코미디가 온다!