Music fairy tale
20세기 소련의 축구 영웅 ‘에두아르드 스트렐초프’, 그의 파란만장했던 일대기! 시골 변두리에 살던 축구 천재 스트렐초프는 소련을 멜버른 올림픽 우승으로 이끌며 온 국민이 사랑하는 최고의 기대주가 된다. 그러나 자유분방한 그를 비판하는 사회주의 세력에 의해 그의 경력은 위기에 처하고, 벼랑 끝의 순간 그는 챔피언의 가치를 스스로 증명해야 한다.
Fedya is 20 years old. He works as a projectionist in a provincial cinema called "Rodina" (Motherland), and tries in vain to pull in spectators. When the local authorities decide to transform the "Rodina" into a shop, there is only one way out: to make a successful film and thus rescue the cinema! But what is required to get a good box office? Of course, a star! Desperate times demand desperate measures, so the children kidnap a celebrity from a passing train. And this is not just any star, but Dmitri Diuzhev! Well, maybe he does not exactly burn with the desire to be filmed here, but it doesn't matter as long as they have enough ropes, gags and sleeping tablets. Then here is a desperate producer who has just been demobbed, a philosophizing wedding photographer and the karate-practicing actress Zhenya, with whom Fedya is secretly in love.
A young man Ivan finds himself in his hometown, leaving this place 17 years ago. He looks around incredulously, trying to see in the surrounding fragments of his childhood. In this city lived his first love - little Anya. Now she is no longer 12, and he, too. But thoughts about the feelings of the past days still do not give him rest ... Vanya specifically changed his ticket to see Anna, but is she here? Does she remember him? But what if her life was too much shabby? 3 hours to plunge into the abyss of first love ...
A young man Ivan finds himself in his hometown, leaving this place 17 years ago. He looks around incredulously, trying to see in the surrounding fragments of his childhood. In this city lived his first love - little Anya. Now she is no longer 12, and he, too. But thoughts about the feelings of the past days still do not give him rest ... Vanya specifically changed his ticket to see Anna, but is she here? Does she remember him? But what if her life was too much shabby? 3 hours to plunge into the abyss of first love ...
Two get into the room, it's unclear how, it's unclear where. They could go out, but the doors suddenly close ...
Two get into the room, it's unclear how, it's unclear where. They could go out, but the doors suddenly close ...
Two get into the room, it's unclear how, it's unclear where. They could go out, but the doors suddenly close ...
A lone trumpeter does not know how to deal with life's routine, except with a pipe. But one day his life changes dramatically ... He acquires a friend. What adventures are waiting for new friends?