Executive Producer
1930년에 만들어진 독일의 무성영화로 73분짜리로 만들어졌다. 일요일을 즐기는 사람들을 다큐멘터리 형식으로 스케치한 작품이다. 영화의 주인공으로 등장하는 다섯 남녀 , 택시 운전사, 모델, 와인 딜러, 영화 엑스트라, 레코드 가게 직원은 실제로 그 일을 하는 일반인을 캐스팅하였다.
Based on the play Henry IV by Luigi Pirandello. Conrad Veidt plays Count di Nolli, a nobleman who, after a head injury, imagines he is the medieval emperor. His friends and relatives choose to play along, dressing up as medieval courtiers, but is di Nolli truly mad, or just pretending? The art direction was by Hermann Warm. It was shot on location in Italy. 6 acts, 1856 meters.
The proprietors of a small inn on the Italian coast suddenly have to cater for a company of conscripts on their way to a nearby port. One of the sergeants recognizes Resa as a former "camp-follower". When her husband hears of this he becomes insanely jealous and decides to join the company.
Power-crazed scientist Professor Ravello desires Evelyn. He also has a marauding robot. In comes our hero, Harry.