Hajo Tuschy

참여 작품

Jockstrap Jesus
Wild times are behind them. Now married, Gino and Benjamin live an idyllic family life with their adopted daughter Lina. Both are doting parents, and deal easily with her medical issues and occasional symptoms of illness. So when her symptoms become increasingly severe, Gino suspects she is being poisoned. Inspired by real events, Munchausen syndrome by proxy: and the killer is in the house.
Lehrer Rebmann
Hilla grows up in the 60s, her father is a worker and her mother a charwoman. But she wants a different future for herself, wants to study. After a violent incident she needs a strong shoulder. Who of her life will do?
집념의 검사 프리츠 바우어
1957년 독일, 검사장 프리츠 바우어는 수많은 유대인을 수용소로 보내 학살시킨 나치 중령 아돌프 아이히만의 행방에 대한 결정적 증거를 넘겨받는다. 독일의 사법제도를 불신한 그는 이스라엘 정보국 모사드와 접촉한다. 반역죄를 저지른 그를 독일 당국은 주시하는데...