Ann Beach

Ann Beach

출생 : 1938-06-07, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, UK

사망 : 2017-03-09

프로필 사진

Ann Beach

참여 작품

Bad Night for the Blues
Blues rinses, portraits of the queen and stand up bingo. Chris Shepherd delves into his past and recalls the world of his Aunty Glad and her local Conservative Club. The hues of blue that make up the Tory heartland are more than just a party - they are a state of mind.
Double Act
Ruby and Garnet are identical twins, ten years old and inseparable. Since mother's death they live with father and grandmother in the big city. When one day attractive Rose steps into father's life, Ruby and Garnet's whole life is turned upside down. They must leave their beloved granny and move to the countryside with father and that much hated "new one" because father wants to fulfill his most ardent dream to open a bookstore. The girls consider this to be quite terrible and try everything to be thrown out of the new school. But then everything goes quite different: Ruby discovers that identical twin girls are being looked for to star in a TV series. Suddenly, they notice that they are not as similar at all as they thought, and that each one must find her own way.
노팅 힐
William's Mother
윌리엄 태커(휴 그랜트분)는 웨스트 런던의 ‘노팅 힐’에 사는 소심한 남자. 역시 독신의 괴상한 친구 스파이크(리스 아이판스 분)와 함께 살고있는 그는, 노팅힐 시장 한쪽 구석에 위치한 조그마한 여행서적 전문점을 운영하며 살고 있다. 그에게는 미래에 대한 포부나 설계는 사치에 불과하다. 여느 때와 마찬가지로 무미건조한 하루를 보내고 있던 그는 세계적으로 유명한 인기 영화배우 안나 스콧(줄리아 로버츠 분)이 그의 책방 문을 열고 들어와 책을 사고 나가자 잠깐 동안에 일어난 이 엄청난 사건에 어쩔 줄을 모른다.
A Question of Attribution
Mrs. Chubb
Sir Anthony Blunt, who was a Soviet agent for 25 years, is routinely questioned and gives no answers, but is knighted and works as Director of the Courtauld Institute, and presents his interrogator with a puzzle in the shape of a doubtful Titian painting. He also does art restoration work in Buckingham Palace, where he gets into an interesting conversation with HMQ.
킹 랄프
Miranda's Mother
라스베이거스 무명가수인 랄프가 영국 왕실의 손자라는 사실이 밝혀지고, 국왕이 되면서 일어나는 해프닝을 그린 영국 코미디영화. 어설픈 듯하면서도 진실함이 물씬 풍기는 존 굿맨의 연기가 영화를 단순히 슬랩스틱 코미디에서 벗어나게 만든다. 원작은 엠린 윌리엄스의 소설 'Headlong'. 영국 왕실이 기념촬영을 하다가 감전으로 전원 사망한다는 사실부터가 상당히 코믹한(?) 발상이고, 결국은 왕실의 안락보다 사랑을 찾아 떠난다는 점에서 '아나스타샤'를 떠올리게 한다.
Salad Days
Timothy's Mother
A boy, a girl, a tramp and a piano with the most amazing effect on people, find each other in a park in a heatwave.
Brecht and Co
Brecht's company of actors tells the story of Bertolt Brecht: his theatre, plays, poetry and his life.
The Vanishing Army
Career army man Bill Paterson faces discharge in this examination of the harsh treatment of British NCOs.
The Winslow Boy
The term at Osborne Naval College is not yet over. Why, therefore, has cadet Ronnie Winslow returned home? And why, moreover, is he hiding in the garden in the rain?
Monkey Tricks
'Alice's' attempts to help with house decorating result in disaster. She is banished to the tree-house but a violent storm drives her indoors, to the consternation of the children's mother.
On the Tiles
Alice's attempts to reach the children by climbing down the chimney of their grandmother's house result in various people being stranded on the roof. Eventually the Fire Brigade is called.
Baby Sitters
The Big Kick
The exploits of Judy, Joey and Josh and a chimpanzee called Alice.
Double Trouble
Wedding Bells
'Alice' and the children try to foil the attempt of thieves to steal the presents from a wedding reception, with hilarious results.
A Bit of a Lift
A man meets a woman at a wedding and manages to sweet talk her, only to end up inadvertently helping out another male.
Song at Twilight
Shirley Ritchie
Eddie Ritchie once ' played for England,' or did he? The team have their doubts.
Never Mind the Quality: Feel the Width
Two London tailors horse around, wind up robbed, go to Rome and disrupt the Vatican.
The Villa Maroc
A stolid British family from Bishops Stortford are adventurous and book a holiday in a villa in Morocco, where things befall them.
Under Milk Wood
Polly Garter
The delightful if peculiar story of a day in the life of a small, Welsh fishing village called "Llareggub" in which we meet a host of curious characters (and ghosts) through the 'eyes' of Blind Captain Cat.
The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer
Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses this as a springboard to get into politics and in the mini-skirted flared-trousered world of 1970 Britain starts to rise through the Tory ranks.
Sebastian is an undisciplined mathematics genius who works in the "cipher bureau" of the British Intelligence. While cracking enemy codes, Sebastian finds time to romance co-worker Rebecca Howard.
Hotel Paradiso
Monsieur Feydeau has writer's block, and he needs a new play. But he takes an opportunity to observe the upper class of 1900 Paris - Monsieur Boniface with a domineering wife, and the next-door neglectful husband Henri with a beautiful but ignored wife Marcelle. Henri traces architectural anomalies (most ghost sounds are drains), and plans a night at the Hotel Paradiso; but this hotel is the assignation spot of Marcelle and Boniface. One wife, two husbands, a nephew, and the perky Boniface maid, all at this 'by the hour' hotel, and consummation of the affair is, to say the least, severely compromised (not the least by a police raid). All of this under Feydeau's eye, and his play is the 'success fou' of the next season.
The Fast Lady
Miss Timpkins
A Scottish civil servant must learn how to drive a Bentley to impress his girlfriend's tycoon father.
On the Fiddle
Tricked into joining the RAF by a wily judge, wide boy Horace Pope sets his sights on the main chance, teams with slow-witted, good-hearted gypsy Pedlar Pascoe, and works up a lucrative racket in conning both his colleagues and the RAF. By means of various devious schemes Pope and Pascoe manage to avoid the front lines until they are sent to France - where they find themselves making unexpected and uncomfortably close contact with the enemy.
호러 호텔
대학교수 앨런은 17세기 매사추세츠 화이트우드에서 일어난 마녀에 관한 전설을 이야기한다. 수업을 듣던 밸로우는 이야기에 흥미를 느끼고 레포트 작성을 위해 앨런 교수가 알려준 화이트우드로 향한다. 마녀에 대한 정보를 모으던 중 밸로우가 사라지고 그녀를 찾기 위해 오빠와 그녀의 연인이 함께 화이트우드로 향한다. 영국을 대표하는 호러 영화 제작사인 아미커스사의 대표작으로 안개가 자욱한 흑백이미지와 서스펜스가 넘치는 이야기가 매력적인 작품이다. 마녀의 전설이 가득한 마을에서 사라진 밸로우를 찾는 과정은 서스펜스를 자아내고 마을을 연신 감싸는 안개는 흑백영화 특유의 명암과 조응해 아름다운 이미지를 만들어낸다. (한국영상자료원)