Vlad Ketkovich

Vlad Ketkovich


Vlad Ketkovich is a Russian filmmaker, producer and journalist. In 2000, he founded the documentary production company Ethnogeographic Research Foundation (Ethnofund).

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Vlad Ketkovich

참여 작품

The New Greatness Case
Anya was an ordinary Moscow teenager who found a chat group of her choice online. They talked about animals, the stars and social issues. A man called Ruslan D joined the group, who set up an office space for the online group to meet. Step by step, he began to lead young people who were critical of the Putin's regime towards political activism. Ruslan D placed a camera in the meeting room, and when he had enough footage, he handed it over to the prosecutor. The police raided the teenagers' homes and they were arrested on charges of planning to overthrow the government and terrorism. Three years of legal proceedings transformed Anya's mother from a loyal follower of Putin to a hunger-striking activist. Moscow-based director Anna Shishova followed Anya and her mother's life throughout the event and eventually revealed the true identity of Ruslan D.
Zimov Hypothesis
In Siberia Sergey Zimov and his son Nikita are attempting to slow down the melting of the permafrost, which holds huge carbon reserves, by reintroducing large mammals present in the area during the ice age. It is a mammoth project driven by the faith and convictions of a small group of adventurer-researchers.
이바나의 삶
다섯 아이를 둔 26살의 엄마 이바나는 시베리아 북서부 툰드라 지역의 유목민이다.. 기후 변화로 인해 순록들은 죽어가고 일자리를 찾아 러시아로 간 남편은 알콜 중독인 상황이다. 이바나는 어떤 선택을 할 수 있을까.
타운 오브 글로리
지난 3년 동안 촬영된 이 다큐멘터리는 러시아의 전형적인 작은 시골 마을 옐냐를 관객들에게 소개한다. 옐냐는 소련 붕괴 후 계속 경제적으로 소외되어 왔다. 하지만 이 곳 주민들은 푸틴 대통령이 과거 러시아의 영광과 힘을 되찾아 올 것이라 믿으며 자긍심을 되찾았다.
Beyond The Peaks
The mountains of Altai. Six people slowly rise up... Each of them has their own character, their own fate. And each of them has already overcome the most difficult route in their life – from a severe, deadly disease to a lung transplant, which brought them back to full life. Now these people set off on a difficult journey to show themselves and everyone how limitless their life has become. Meanwhile, in Moscow, the days of those who have yet to take their summit are slowly stretching – to wait and undergo a lung transplant operation. One year of life between Moscow and Altai mountains.
Shamanic lessons for beginners
American psychologist of Russian descent Alex comes to Tuva to open his third eye and learn shamanic practices. Chochagar Kes-Kam becomes his “teacher of shamanism”. Together, the master and the student visit the famous Tuvan shamans and travel around Tuva. But their relationship is being seriously tested.
Tarzan's testicles
Archival Footage Research
A research center in Sukhumi, the capital of today’s Abkhazia. Legend has it that it was built at the end of the 1920s to create a hybrid between man and monkey. The hypothetical creature never saw the light of day, but people and primates, like sad relics of the past, live together in the derelict wings of the medical institute to this very day. [KVIFF]
Russian Like No Other
Year after year, a simple farmer from Pskov, François Toulikounkiko, tries to find his original way to succeed in a Russian village and find an answer to the question: "What prevents us from living better?". This is the ironic story of a dreamer of the campaign and true patriot on the struggle against the difficulties of everyday life, big ideas and big projects, "success" that happens where you do not expect it .
Pavlensky. Life Naked
Pavlensky/Pawlenski, artist and activist, is leading the way in forging social change in Russia. Through an multiple courageous performances, he acts as society's conscience in the face of an increasingly totalitarian state. From lying naked in a coil of barbed wire, to nailing his scrotum to the floor of Red Square, his acts of defiance aim to spark debate and catalyse reform. This documentary follows his mission to challenge the state.
Four stories of young men's encounters with army recruitment commissions. Ardent pacifist Roman is sent through a series of humiliating court trials. Losha and Viktor endure long and condescending deliberations that undermine their personalities. Finally, LGBT movement veteran, Johnny is bluntly rebuked and handcuffed. All are put to test by a bureaucratic machine that doesn't sympathize with those who dispute the purposiveness of military service. The conscript enters a room packed with officials. The officials have to listen to his convictions that go in conflict with the idea of military service. It's for the officials to decide whether the conscript leaves the room as a soldier or as a civilian.
Gatherers of Sea Grass
Every year teams of seasonal workers come to Solovki islands to harvest sea kale. They go out to sea and mow it from car-basses. As the last of the teams go back to Arkhangelsk in October, only a watchman and his dog are left to pass the winter.
Who will be my husband?
She was predicted the future of russian Coco Chanel of 21st century – untill her car accident. Consequences of a strong trauma fenced Nastya off from the whole world. But she doesn't intend to change the former way of life, to go on compromises in search of the life’s partner or to reduce the level of her claims.
Siberian Floating Hospital
In spring, as soon as the ice descends from the Siberian rivers, Plavpoliklinika goes on a semi-annual route. Doctors are taking medical care to remote Russian villages. Ahead of six months of testing the climate and living conditions, separation from the family and meeting people from the outback.
Men's choice
Many men in the world in order to support their families have to leave families. Our characters go J the North as shift w3ockers and produce gas. Dimity is ambitious engineer in the middle of his career. Alex is a plumber. He does not pump gas, he pinups feces, but he's old polar wolf. Andrew3, young guy, comes to the North for the first time. Each of our protagonists has his challenges and problems and family story lines. Each of them makes his mean's choice and pay for it. Their stories develop in front of our eyes.
At the peak of Perestroika, in 1987, in the village of Gorki, where Lenin spent his last years, after a long construction, the last and most grandiose museum of the Leader was opened. Soon after the opening, the ideology changed, and the flow of pilgrims gradually dried up. Despite this, the museum still works and the management is looking for ways to attract visitors. Faithful to the Lenin keepers of the museum as they can resist the onset of commercialization. The film tells about the modern life of this amazing museum-reserve and its employees.
Kushkash-ool. Bird boy
About ten years ago Sean Quirk, being a student at the College of Music in Chicago, heard for the first time in his hometown of Milwaukee the audio recording of the group "Hung-Hurtuu" - the world famous performers of Tuvan throat singing. And the life of Sean Patrick has changed dramatically. He moved to the capital of Tuva, the city of Kyzyl, married the Tuvinka Svetlana Sunduy, they had three children. Sean became Honored Artist of the Republic of Tuva, soloist of the National Orchestra of the Republic of Tuva, participant and manager of the folklore group "Alash", nominees at the Grammy in the field of World music. He received land as a gift from the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the suburb of Kyzyl and began to build his house.
Gentle Genre
Film-portrait of a village self-taught artist Polikarp Sudomoikin. He lives in a surpassingly beautiful place, a village Bichura in Zabaikalie and paints his quaint pictures on a hunch. Former carpenter Sudomoikin started painting only after the retirement. Naked beauties filled with love and bliss surrounded by wild animals, birds and clean pure waters are looking down from his canvases. The connoisseurs compare Polikarp Sudomoikin with Pirosmani, one of the best artists of naive panting.
Gentle Genre
Film-portrait of a village self-taught artist Polikarp Sudomoikin. He lives in a surpassingly beautiful place, a village Bichura in Zabaikalie and paints his quaint pictures on a hunch. Former carpenter Sudomoikin started painting only after the retirement. Naked beauties filled with love and bliss surrounded by wild animals, birds and clean pure waters are looking down from his canvases. The connoisseurs compare Polikarp Sudomoikin with Pirosmani, one of the best artists of naive panting.
Tundra Blues
At the heart of this film is a story that we know through two different sources. One version is akin to an amusing tale told in a bar by oilmen. The other is dramatic, a tale from the Nenets reindeer herders that have transformed into a national song, a khinabts. In the film, we present both versions of this same story in parallel.
Love Machine
The web-cam industry is now at its peak in Russia, thousands of ex-schoolchildren work from their homes or at private studios, selling solo or even group sex for money to anonymous customers online. Tanya and Vova are young and wild; they have easy money, sex, drugs, and freedom. They don’t give a damn about anyone judging them, or about taboos. The web-cam seems to give them everything, but also takes away important things. When real feelings enter their working relations, everything starts falling apart.
Ghost Train
Darya Khrenova — a documentalist and the granddaughter of Ilya Trauberg, a successful apprentice of the great Sergey Eisenstein — is trying to solve the mystery of her grandfather’s death at DEFA studio, which he headed after WWII. During the process of the investigation she finds her family, gains more confidence, and takes up a challenge from her grandfather by directing feature films.