The film is adapted from the popular manga of the same name "Brotherhood". It tells the story of the twin brothers "White Tiger" and "Tarzan" who share a body after a car accident.
Director Lydia Han examines the passage of time and the profound life questions that surface when we're in that limbo between a sleeping and waking state - something we're all a little too familiar with, in this era of uncertainty.
The story follows a small-town youth who becomes the henchman to a debt-collector. His life is complicated by a cold and estranged parent-child relationship, and an ambiguous relationship with a young woman.
The story of Li Dazhao's revolutionary deeds from 1912 to 1927, and the story of the benevolent and revolutionary pioneers who were led by him to devote themselves to the great cause of Marxism
Somewhere in a southern county of China, summer has just begun and it’s already greeted by a series of indecent assault, victims are identical: Girl in one-piece dress. Captain Hu along with Officer Tsai are assigned to crack the case, meanwhile Tsai is suffering from hemorrhoids that makes his life more complicated. Little did Tsai know that he’d reunite with a nurse named Fen whom he first met in the hospital again at a matchup afterwards. Meanwhile, Papa Hu has other issues to deal with; he realizes his teenage daughter has grown up into a young woman overnight, he must now learn to reconnect with an adolescent. Elsewhere, his semi-paralyzed father-in-law has been awfully picky on choosing a desirable nanny. Obviously the old man is seeking for someone young, to make things worse, Hu’s wife, slippery like an eel, has gradually isolated herself from the family.
A man must attempt to clear his name after a theatre puts on a play that accuses him of committing a 30-year-old murder.
Liu Hao
In 1953, the Korean War is entering the final stage. The People's Volunteer Army of China has launched the last major battle in Kumsong. In order to arrive at the battleground on time and deliver enough force to the Kumsong front line, the soldiers have to defend themselves against the never ending bombing of enemy bombers and race with time to repair bridges, all under the circumstance of supply shortages and inferior equipment. The rarely told history slowly unfolds.
Dao Zi
제 2차 세계대전 중일전쟁 초기, 거듭된 패배로 많은 사상자를 내며 중국군이 퇴각하던 중, 제 524연대는 2만 명의 일본군으로부터 상하이를 지켜내라는 명령을 받는다. 외국인들과 부유한 중국인들이 모여 사는 조계지역 맞은편, 허름한 사행창고에 배치된 제 524연대는 우세한 전력으로 공격하는 일본군에 포기하지 않고 자폭까지 감행하며 나흘 밤낮 격전을 펼친다. 하천 너머 남의 일인 듯 구경하던 부유한 중국인과 외국인들도 이들의 투지에 감명받아 뜨겁게 응원하기 시작한다. 한편 쉽게 함락할 수 있을 줄 알았던 상하이에서 발목이 잡혀 초조해진 일본은 조계지역에 타격을 주더라도 격전지를 폭파할 계획을 세우고… 마침내 제 524연대 병사들은 창고를 나와 일본군의 무차별 총격을 피해 쑤저우 하천을 가로질러 조계지역으로 탈출해야 하는데…
Wang Xingxing
Suffering from a terminal illness, a mother finds renewed determination to catch the perpetrator who abducted and killed her daughter ten years ago.
Mao Cui
Diagnosed with ovarian cancer, iron-willed journalist Sheng Nan (“Surpass Men” in Chinese) is pressured to make a quick fortune and find mind-blowing sex before the costly surgery numbs her senses. Taking on a businessman’s biography writing job, she hikes into the misty mountains, where a chain of outbursts with her dysfunctional family, grumpy client, misogynistic co-worker and dreamlike romantic interest hilariously unfold. As deeply moving as it is luminously witty, writer-director Teng Congcong’s debut waltzes across the bitterness swallowed by her generation of women born under China’s One Child Policy, unprecedentedly burdened to “surpass men” while trying not to be “leftover women” at the same time. Saluting the 18th-century Chinese literature classic Dream of the Red Chamber in its title, the enchanting gem refreshes the novel's transcendent contemplation on desire, death and womanhood from a modern cinematic perspective.
It is the year of 2010, Xue Beijing, a 50-year-old director, is preparing to make a film about his youth and remarkable ages in late 60's.
Qiu Yong Hou / Hou Zi Jiu
학교 킹카이자 게임고수인 초내는 패미미에게 첫눈에 반하게 된다, 아름다운 모습뿐만 아니라 키보드 위를 날아다니는 섬섬옥수와 차분하고 침착한 그녀의 분위기에도. 그처럼 게임고수인 패미미는 컴퓨터 앞에서 질서정연하게 전투를 지휘하고, 완벽하고 휘항찬란한 전술들을 펼치면서도 자신의 곁에 이미 찾아와 있는 사랑은 알아채지 못한다. 이후 농구, 수영등 만능 우등생이자 게임회사 대표이기도 한 초내는 인터넷에서도, 또 현실에서도 그녀의 마음을 사로잡기 시작한다.
고교 시절부터 절친인 리우보, 쉬둥, 왕핑촨은 함께 차린 훠궈 식당이 잘 되지 않아 위기에 빠진 상태. 결국 식당을 정리하기로 하고 다행히 이를 사겠다는 사람도 나타나지만, 식당을 확장해야 한다는 조건을 내건다. 직접 확장 공사에 나선 세 사람은 공사를 해나가고, 그러던 중 자신들이 파던 굴이 은행 금고와 연결되었다는 사실을 알아낸다. 돈이 필요한 이들은 은행을 털기로 결심, 마침 그곳에서 일하는 동창 샤오웨이의 도움을 받기로 하지만 계획을 실행하기 직전, 프로 은행 강도단과 맞닥뜨리는데...