Alex Amyot

참여 작품

Radio Silence
Relationship Therapist, Dr. Jill Peterman, had the highest-rated call-in radio show when her world was pulled out from under her following the on-air suicide of a female caller named Alexis. Shaken to her core, Dr. Jill walked away from her show vowing she would never go back. That is until Stuart, the station's General Manager, pleads with her to reboot the show in an effort to bring followers back to the station. Still haunted by what happened, Jill agrees to help her friend out and believes this will be the perfect remedy to put her year-long anxiety to rest. As Jill starts to settle back into her show, mysterious call-ins start happening forcing her to believe there could be a copy-cat out there. What Jill begins to uncover is a web of secrets and lies stemming from the mysterious voice she has come to know as Alexis.
Thicker Than Water
It has been a year since Paige and Nathan Petrovic tragically lost their teenage son Zach. Nathan and daughter Addie have slowly been putting their lives back together. Paige, however, remains consumed by grief and withdrawn, and is unable to work. In order to supplement Paige's lost income, the family decides to rent out their spare bedroom. Surprisingly, life starts to look up for Paige once their new tenant Brandon Wilson enters the picture.
Psycho Prom Queen
Following the suspected suicide of her friend and fellow teacher, Julie Taylor is hired to take over the senior math class for the last few weeks of school. It's been a difficult year for Julie and this is a fresh start for her and her teenager daughter Miya. Though Julie hopes that being both the new kid and the new teacher's daughter won't be too hard on Miya, she can't help but worry when her daughter becomes fast friends with the school's resident mean girl, Amy Turner.
Up until now, marriage has been smooth sailing for Jennifer Jones. But after suffering a miscarriage, she begins to question her happiness and whether the spark in her marriage has dimmed. She shrugs it off as just being the 7-year itch and gives her husband, Freddy, who is content in their relationship, the benefit of the doubt. Things take an unexpected turn when Jennifer catches Freddy in a few unassuming lies. And when a sudden accident throws Freddy into a coma, Jennifer is left to pick up the pieces and reconcile everything for herself. With Freddy in hospital, a larger story begins to unfold - something that might just be Jennifer's worst nightmare - prompting her to question if she ever really knew the man she was married to.
Separated at Birth
Lucy Pierce grew up believing she had a normal childhood. Until, one day, she discovers old articles about the "Baby Victoria" disappearance - a high-profile abduction case. She is shocked to see that her baby picture is front and center. Determined to find answers, Lucy tracks down her biological mother, Elizabeth Marshall, a criminal prosecutor running for Governor of Pennsylvania. While Lucy's reunion with Elizabeth is heartfelt, the same can't be said for her relationship with her newfound sister, Terri. The family reunion spirals out of control as Lucy finds herself in the middle of a police investigation. As Lucy questions who is really trying to defame her, is something more sinister happening to tear this family apart, yet again?
Girls' Night Out
McKenzie is a few months away from getting married when her three best friends from college surprise her with a bachelorette party.
메이드 포 머더
범죄현장 청소부가 현장에 남겨진 증거를 뒤늦게 발견하게 되면서 신입 형사와 함께 범인의 정체를 밝히는 이야기. (바다공원님 제공)
Deadly Hope
Joanne Connors is a successful obstetrician whose life is turned upside down when her partner at their fertility clinic, Dr. Jake Hines, is brutally murdered. Trying to rebuild her life, Joanne attends a lavish charity function, where she meets Michael. But by the end of the evening, Michael is dead - murdered. It quickly becomes apparent that the assassin's intended victim was actually Joanne. She must now race to find out who wants her dead before the killer can strike at her again.
Hidden Crimes
After her brother is attacked in jail and stays in a coma, Julia has to face her nephew's kidnappers, while trying to figure out what her brother meant with his last letter.
Legacy of Fear
A police detective catches wind of a brutal serial killer - the same serial killer who is responsible for the deaths of her parents, 30 years earlier.
악령의 숲
Chief Lighting Technician
염세적이고 반항적인 소녀 헤더는 부모님들에 의해 마을과 아주 멀리 떨어지고 숲으로 둘러싸인 여자 기숙학교에 들어간다. 아름답지만 왠지 음산한 느낌의 학교, 불길한 느낌의 여교장 트래버스 선생님과 교직원들 그리고 동급생들의 괴롭힘으로 학교 생활은 점점 힘들어가고 헤더는 절망한다. 그런 와중에 그녀는 학생들이 끔찍하게 죽는 환영과 악몽에 시달리고 학생들이 실종되기 시작한다. 헤더는 학교와 학교를 둘러싼 숲에 무언가 비밀이 있다고 생각하고 학교를 떠나고자 결심하지만 자신을 데리러 온 부모까지 끔찍한 사고를 당하게 되는데...
Flirting with Danger
A lawyer begins a sordid fling with an attractive young woman whom he slowly begins to suspect to be a serial killer of men.
Recently widowed Shelby Naylor (Sherilyn Fenn) listening to her husbands police scanner overhears a husband and wife arguing on the phone. The wife ends up dead and Widow Naylor points the finger endangering herself.
썸 오브 올 피어스
Chief Lighting Technician
1973년 4차 중동전쟁 당시 핵미사일을 싣고 골란 고원을 날던 이스라엘 전투기가 격추되고 미사일은 흙먼지 속에 파묻힌다. 30년 뒤 러시아에선 알렉산더 네메로프가 새로운 대통령으로 취임한다. 이 사실을 예견했던 CIA 정책연구원 잭 라이언은 윌리엄 캐봇 국장과 함께 핵사찰 차 러시아에 갔다가 세 명의 핵물리학자가 실종됐음을 발견한다. 중동에선 우크라이나를 향해 미지의 화물이 배에 실린다. CIA는 사라진 세 과학자가 우크라이나에 있다는 정보를 입수한다. 얼마 뒤 로버트 파울러 미 대통령이 슈퍼볼을 관전하고 있던 볼티모어 경기장에서 핵폭탄이 터진다. 미국은 러시아의 공격으로 단정 짓고 반격을 준비하지만 네메로프는 극구 부인한다. 세계 곳곳에서 벌어진 정신없는 사건들 사이엔 무슨 관련이 있고 핵 테러의 주범은 누구인가?
쭈쭈 공룡 바니
할아버지 댁으로 놀러간 코디(Cody Newton: 트레볼 모건 분)와 친구들, 바니라는 공룡 인형을 서로 갖고 놀다가 놀라운 일을 경험한다. 바니 인형이 살아있는 거대 공룡으로 변신 했을 뿐만 아니라 말까지 하는 것. 바니의 제안에 따라 코디가 '아주 제미있는 일이 일어날 수 있도록 해 주세요'하고 하늘에 소원을 비니까 별똥별과 함께 알록달록한 마법의 알이 떨어지는 신기한 일이 일어나는 것이 아니가. 과연 이 알의 정체는 무엇일까? 시간이 지나면서 점차 색깔이 변해가는 알의 모습을 본 아이들은 점차 궁금증을 더해간다. 한편, 바니와 함께 마법의 학교에 놀러간 아이들은 즐겁게 노래를 따라 부르다 그만 알을 놓쳐 버리고 만다. 굴러 떨어지면 깨지고 마는 알! 이때부터 바니와 아이들은 알을 구하기 위해 흥미진진한 모험을 시작한다.