밝은 성격에 예쁘장한 외모로 남성들의 마음을 홀리는 능력을 지닌 '에이프릴'은 부모님이 돌아가시고 철없는 남동생과 단둘이 남게 된다. 그런데도 여전히 밝은 에너지를 지닌 채 살아가는 '에이프릴'. 그러던 어느 날, ‘에이프릴’은 끔찍한 교통사고를 겪게 되고, 그것은 그녀의 삶을 송두리째 바꿔 놓는다. 모든 사진에 등장하는 섬뜩한 가족. 계속해서 '에이프릴' 눈에만 보이는 낯선 여자와 아이들의 형상. 이제는 다정한 남자친구마저 수상해 보이는데... 과연 이 모든 것은 환각일까? 그 섬뜩한 가족의 비밀은 무엇일까? 예측하지 못한 소름 끼치는 순간을 마주하게 된다!
There are more refugees in the world today than at any point in history. And half of them are children. Let Me In is a cinematic experience which reimagines the refugee crisis as if it was happening on America’s shores. Written and directed by Jonathan Olinger, this tale of survival and the remarkable power of the human spirit is inspired by the stories of real refugees. Starring Alicia Keys, the film follows her and her family's quest to survive after they experience unimaginable violence and embark on a journey that will forever change them. Along with thousands of Americans fleeing the conflict in Los Angeles, they must seek safety by attempting to cross the border into Mexico. Guided by their resolute love for each other and utter determination, the refugee family must navigate oceans and desserts in their unrelenting pursuit to find refuge and reunite.
Felix (Cameron Dallas) is a legendary prankster who gets expelled from his high school and, with his friend’s help, stops at nothing to hide it from his parents.