A creative documentary about becoming a parent... and how to reconceive yourself. Fiction director Josh Appignanesi turns the camera on himself and his wife as they undergo the ordeal of becoming parents in the era of man-children and assisted reproduction. Faced with fatherhood, Josh spirals comically into an envious career funk. But life-threatening complications emerge- the couple are tested to the brink, confronting shattering losses. It's a portrait of our generation going through a revolution in reproduction- forced to find new ways to think about ourselves as creative beings. We hear from Slavoj Žižek, John Berger, Darian Leader (20,000 Days) and Zadie Smith. Universal yet still taboo, it's a film for everyone who has children, wants them, or still feels like a child themselves.
Welcome to the monotonous, oppressive modern American byproduct of suburban sprawl: the urban strip-mall. Native to this environment and products of outdated pop culture are Rob (Mark Greenfield) and Manny (Coolio), the unsuccessful, unrefined and uncouth sales force behind Affordable Mattress. When new employee Isabelle (Rocío Verdejo) is hired in hopes of improving dismal sales, some things do change and after recruiting fellow strip-mall burnout Martin (C. Clayton Blackwell), she's got everyone working together to split a common goal - 200,000 dollars.
특유의 형식적인 실험 대신 전통적인 방식의 내러티브 영화를 제작했지만, 아미르 나데리의 호기심은 여전히 왕성하다. 말 몇마디로 가정을 붕괴시키는 것이 가능할까? 라스베가스의 단란한 가족. 어느날 낯선 남자에게서 그들의 집 뒷마당에 백만달러가 뭏혀있다는 이야기를 듣자 미세한 균열이 발생하기 시작한다. 반신반의하던 그들은 결국 마당을 뒤지기 시작하고, 일단 마당을 파내기 시작하자 중단할 수 없는 것이 되어버린다. 이 모든 것이 리얼리티쇼의 내기였다는 설명을 들어도 자신들의 돈을 탐내는 누군가가 방해 하는 것이라고 생각할 뿐이다. 생활을 포기하고 뒷마당을 파는 것에만 매달리는 그들. 스스로 제어할 수 있는 범위를 벗어난 인간의 탐욕은 광기로 이어지고, 아무도 믿지 못하는 불안과 의심 속에서 가족은 허무할만큼 순식간에 붕괴되어 버린다. 끝까지 밀어붙이는 아미르 나데리의 집요한 상상력이 빛을 발한다. (옥미나)
Vic is a struggling auto mechanic with a safe-cracking past and a lot of debt. His girlfriend runs a bar and offers to loan him the money she's saved for remodeling, but Vic is reluctant to take it. When a long-lost cousin from Ireland shows up on his doorstep, the two team up for one last heist.