Shinji Yamada

출생 : 1937-03-25, Tokyo, Japan

사망 : 2007-10-15

참여 작품

붉은 유성
동경에서 상대편의 보스를 죽인 스기우라 고로는 고베로 도망치고, 그 곳에서 경비원으로 일하며 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 평소 알고 지내던 보석상인 고지마가 행방불명이 되자 고로는 고지마의 약혼녀인 게이코와 함께 그를 찾아 나서는데...
Saga from Chichibu Mountains - Sword Cuts the Shadows
Tadamasa Murakami
During the 1880's a young swordsman, Saotome Gengo, on his way to Tokyo stops at an inn in a small town. But he does not know that his prowess has already attracted envious attention and that Senzo, the boss of the local gang, plans to have him killed. Seiji, the disowned son of the innkeeper, has run up a big gambling bill and, to settle it, the hoodlums decide to kill him. He is saved, however, by Hanako, star of the dancing troupe also staying at the inn. Gengo meets Hanako and learns that the troupe cannot open their show because the local police corruptly demand too much of the receipts. After another fight, Gengo sees the police-chief on behalf of the troupe, but is refused. So he suspects that the police and the hoodlums are implicated with each other. There seems no way to open the show until they hear that the governor is coming to the town for a local banquet. They appeal to him and he promises to investigate. It is decided that a duel will settle the matter...
All About Marriage
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Ultra-perky model likes single freedom but feels ryosai kenbo ("good wife, wise mother") pressure, exemplified by her bored-to-tears sister.
The Princess of Badger Palace
Japanese fantasy film.
On Wings of Love
Shinichi Yoshioka
On Wings of Love is a 1957 Japanese romantic musical film directed by Toshio Sugie. It was Toho's highest-grossing film of the year and the first film released in Tohoscope.
Birth of Romance
Yûji Takada
The cabaret «Romance», run by Masami Daisaku's father, is experiencing financial difficulties, and Masami is betting on changes and asks singer Hibari Misora to perform. Musical youth comedy with young actors, passion, funny songs and laughter. Hibari Misora appears as herself.
Aishu no machi ni kiri ga furu
Tomoyuki Saiki (college student)
Tokyo no hito sayonara
Shin'ichi Ono
Young Tree
Tatsuo Hotta
A young girl moves to Tokyo and endures the rivalries between other high school girls of varying cultural and economic backgrounds.
To Love and Forgive
So Young, So Bright
A musical starring 3 Japanese pop music and TV stars.
Stray Sheep
1955 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.