Yury Eller

출생 : 1943-01-01,

참여 작품

더 캐슬
Closely based on Franz Kafka's book "Das Schloß", the movie shares the same action on a land surveyor who is called to a village to do a job that no one seems to have ordered. Once there, he takes up the struggle against bureaucracy emanating from the castle.
Living With an Idiot
The main character is an intellectual from Russia, who sees it as his duty to bring an idiot from an mental institution to his house. He can pick someone out, after bribing the boss of the institution, with two bottles of vodka. He chooses Vova, at first sight a silly man, and takes him home. His wife is at first not very happy with this choice. Vova says and does nothing at all. Then he becomes an aggressive man, who terrorises the house and bashes everything to pieces. After she is raped by Vova, the wife gets sexually dependant on the Idiot. Vova isn't interested anymore, when she gets pregnant and doesn't keep the baby. The idiot goes now to the intellectual for his sexual needs. The wife can't take this anymore and forces her man to take a choice: Vova out, or she will go.
Feature film.
Prisoners of fortune
An attempt at a parody comprehension of the clichés and techniques of the Soviet adventurous comedy genre of the 50s-70s. This is a story about three heroes who return to their home city after escaping from prison. Truthfulness and sincerity help the characters find their place in the changed system.
Comedy of the Strict Regime
The action is set in 1970 as the Soviet Union (and the entire progressive world) are preparing to celebrate Lenin's centenary. Not to be outdone, the camp commander decides to have the prisoners put on a play about Lenin's life. However, the ensuing preparations turn everything upside down and seem to offer a God-given chance to plot an escape.
Air pirates
The chief of the airline agency gives the command to the special team not to drink, not to stand in the drafts and not to have contact with the girls, as these guys will have to hijack their own plane ... In order to identify weaknesses in the aviation services. During its implementation, our heroes are faced with real terrorists - this was not taken into account.
A Visitor to a Museum
It is the future, the world is in ruins and a large portion of the population consists of deformed mutants living in reservations. In this world a man decides to spend his vacation visiting the ruins of a museum that is now buried under the sea.
Having Lied Once...
Set in the Soviet Union the film is a chronicle of a life of one successful artist: his family, his friends, his clients, and his artworks.
개의 심장
거리를 떠돌던 개 ‘샤릭’이 외과의사 ‘쁘레오브라젠스키’에 의해서 부랑자의 뇌와 생식기를 이식 받음으로써 인간 ‘샤리코프’로 변형되어 가는 과정을 그린 소설을 영화화 한 작품이다. 개를 인간으로 변형 시킨다는 다소 부 자연스런 설정이 볼셰비키 혁명을 빗댄 것이라는 작가의 의도가 숨겨져 있다고 하는데 그 시대적인 배경의 의미를 충분히 이해하지 못하더라도 이야기의 과정을 통해 다른 의미들을 발견할 수 있다. 수술로 인해 개가 인간으로 변형이 되어 가고 있지만 천성적인 습성과 그리고 새로 이식된 부랑자의 습성의 혼돈, 불완전함이라는 전제하의 무례함과 뻔뻔스러움, 사회성 결여 등이 극중의 샤리코프에게 반면교사되는 관객의 입장에서 결코 자유스러울 수 없다. 우리나라에서도 ‘거장과 마르가리타’, ‘백위군’, ‘개의심장’, ‘조야의 아파트’ 등 몇 작품이 소개된 불가코프는 1930년 대 극작가이자 소설가다. 1917년 볼셰비키 혁명이후 러시아는 백위군과 적위군 사이의 내전에 시달렸는데 키예프의 중류층태생의사였던 불가코프도 백위군에 가담해 싸운 전력이 있다. 불가코프는 반동세력으로 간주되었고 그의 작품들 역시 당 이념에 맞지 않는다는 이유로 무수히 검열에 걸려 좌절하곤 했다. 실제로 그의 작품들 태반이 소비에트 시절에는 출판금지 대상이었고 대표작으로 손꼽히는 걸작 ‘거장과 마르가리타’ 역시 불가코프 사후 30여년이 지나서야 빛을 볼 수 있었다. 이율배반적이었던 스탈린은 남몰래 ‘반동 작가’ 불가코프의 재능을 아꼈다. 그래서 불가코프는 ‘조야의 아파트’나 ‘위선자의 밀교’ 등 다분히 체제 고발적이고 풍자적인 희곡을 무대에 올릴 수 있었지만 쏟아지는 비난 탓에 공연은 곧 막을 내려야 했다.
Exceptions Without Rules
пациент (новелла: Голос)
Without Family
A story about an orphan boy, abandoned by his family. He was raised by his kind adopted mother, and was sold by his adopted father in hardship to a traveling man who eventually, became his teacher and a father-figure. With his teacher, he learned to play music and perform on the street with 3 intelligent dogs and a monkey. He traveled through the towns of France, and through life twist and turn, eventually, lead to the ultimate search for his real family.
The Blonde Around the Corner
An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Mortal Fight
Moriarty's accomplice
After upsetting the criminal underground in 'the Master Blackmailer' case, Sherlock Holmes has to face his archenemy: Prof. Moriarty.