In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientists want to find a more permanent solution, and have to fight for the very survival of humanity.
딸을 만나지 못하게 되자 절망감에 빠진 남자. 어떻게든 딸과 재회할 생각으로 총을 소지한 채 헤어진 아내가 일하는 의료 센터에 난입해 아내를 인질로 납치한다.
Gone Ghosting is a popular ghost hunting team that earned millions from live broadcasts and selling merch. One day, their cameraman leaves and leaks evidence that Alex faked the investigations. Lise, Catta, Sandro, and Polly join the group to live-stream a ghost hunt to prove that everything is real. They break into a place where legend says everyone has died and do the craziest broadcast ever live.
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which an ancient Swedish witch is said to live.
Astrid Becker
Violet realizes that her entire life is built on fear-based decisions, and must do everything differently to become her true self.
Marianne Hanoush
A candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize is brutally stabbed to death in central Stockholm just after a meeting with two lawyers from the war tribunal in The Hague. One of the witnesses worked with Alex when she was in the Middle East.
Dr. Woods
시간을 초월하는 애나 슈얼의 고전 작품을 현대적으로 재해석한 이 작품에서, 관객은 미국 서부에서 자유롭게 태어난 야생마 블랙 뷰티의 여정을 따라간다. 인간에게 잡혀 가족들로부터 떨어진 뷰티는 버트윅 말 훈련소로 팔려 오고, 그곳에서 기개 있는 10대 소녀 조 그린을 만나게 된다. 뷰티와 조는 끊어지지 않는 결속 관계를 맺고, 뷰티는 이에 의지해 삶의 다양한 시기와 관문, 모험을 헤쳐 나간다.
A yearning for cold hard cash echoes through the ghetto, while rich Swedes spend each weekend bathing in champagne in Stockholm's hot spots. Sara and Amida refuse to get stuck being flat broke, and from their friendship an idea is born for an adventure in spilled champagne. A "booster bag," a night on the town in snatched clothes, and a smooth Swede who takes everything that used to be tough, but at least stable, and turns it upside down.
‘더 스퀘어’라는 새로운 전시를 앞둔 스톡홀름 현대 미술관 수석 큐레이터 ‘크리스티안’ 누구보다 완벽했던 그에게 예측불허! 기상천외한 트러블이 빵! 빵! 터지기 시작했다. 통제 불가! 짜증 유발! 그럼에도 불구하고, HELP HIM, PLEASE!
In the late 19th Century, a poacher and his wife move into a cave. They fight against society for their right to stay, as well as for their own relationship.