Luís Zagalo

Luís Zagalo

출생 : , Portugal

사망 : 2010-06-27

프로필 사진

Luís Zagalo

참여 작품

O Inimigo Sem Rosto
A plot that surrounds police officers, politicians and consultants who crudely demonstrate the lines apparently hidden of the political system and public institutions.
Ruy Blas
Chased out of the Spanish court, a nobleman uses the services of his valet to take revenge. He orders him to seduce the queen in order to better compromise her.
Les frangines
Le prêtre
After the death of her father, the model Alix Castelac discovers that she must share the will, and the family property, with a half-sister hidden by the name of Noémie Boileau, a truck driver.
Madame De...
Le bijoutier portugais
The action takes place in Paris in the 30-ies. The Countess Louise de... has made debts and she urgently needed cash. She decided to sell the family jeweler Remy earrings — a gift from her husband…
Amo-te Teresa
Amo-te Teresa tells the forbidden love story of Teresa and Miguel, aged 35 and 15, respectively. Teresa is a doctor and, after a frustrated love life, she decides to abandon Lisbon and returns to her native land. Immediately, a strong attraction forms between Teresa and Miguel, a friend of her oldest son.
While the three heir sons of a hotel owner want to bring their establishment back to the glamour of former times, a Department of Health official tries to find the way of closing it permanently.
Two girls meet on a train: Prune is looking for her father whom she has not seen since she was a little girl, Marina is looking for the mother she has never had. Prune learns that her father took his life and then she accidentally dies by drowning. Marina decides to assume her identity and begins a correspondence with Prune's mother.
One Foot in the Algarve
Photo Shop Owner
The Meldrews go on holiday to Portugal with Mrs Warboys, who is hoping for romance with her penpal Alfonso. Photographer Martin Trout follows them there, believing they have a roll of film that belongs to him.
아름다운 시절
스페인의 군주제가 공화제로 바뀌던 1930년대, 반군국주의 반란에 참가했던 젊은이 페르난도(Fernando: 조르지 산즈 분)는 탈영을 하고 어느 마을로 흘러 들어온다. 그는 우연찮게 마놀로 씨(Manolo: 페르난도 페르난 고메즈 분)의 집에서 네 명의 딸들과 함께 지내게 된다. 일년 전에 남편을 잃은 첫째 클라라(Clara: 미리암 미아즈 아로카 분), 남자같은 면이 강한 둘째 비올레타(Violeta: 아리아드나 길 분), 셋째 로시오(Rocio: 마리벨 베르두 분), 막내 루스(Luz: 페네로프 크루즈 분) 등 네 딸과, 요리를 잘하는 페르난도는 화목하고 즐겁게 보낸다. 서로 가까워지게 되면서 페르난도는 세 딸을 차례로 사랑하게 되지만 지나치게 자유로운 여자들에게 회의를 느끼게 되고 결국 막내딸 루스와 사랑을 이뤄 결혼하고 새로운 삶을 찾아 기회의 땅 미국으로 떠난다.
Luísa e os Outros
Sr. Martinho
The tumultuous lives of a woman and her three daughters who used to live in Paris, and are now living in Bairro Alto.
The Sea Serpent
A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.