Jesse Dana

참여 작품

The Making of MPK 21
Second Unit Director of Photography
The latest addition to Facebook's Menlo Park campus, MPK 21, is now open for business, and it’s truly a marvel to behold. The film features an interview with legendary architect Frank Gehry, who provided unique insight into the building’s design and functionality. Also featured are Facebook’s VP of Global Facilities, John Tenanes, and VP of HRBP, Diversity, Programs & Operations, Janelle Gale, who speak to the cultural values and priorities that drove MPK 21’s construction– from being environmentally friendly to helping Facebook to be a better neighbor in the community.
로버트 라이시의 자본주의를 구하라
Director of Photography
파국은 시작됐지만, 비관하기엔 이르다. 미국의 경제학자이자 전 노동부 장관인 로버트 라이시. 분노와 좌절이 만연한 불평등 사회에서 기어코 희망의 좌표를 발견한다.
Life After Life
After decades behind bars, three men set out to prove success can lie on the other side of tragedy. Follows the stories of Harrison, Noel, and Chris as they return home from San Quentin State Prison. After spending most of their lives incarcerated, they are forced to reconcile their perception of themselves with a reality they are unprepared for. Each struggles to overcome personal demons and reconstruct their fractured lives. Grappling with day-to-day challenges and striving for success, they work to reconnect with family and provide for themselves for the first time in their adult lives. Told in an unadorned vérité style, we experience the truth of their heartaches and triumphs. As their stories unfold over weeks, months and years, the precarious nature of freedom after incarceration in America is revealed.
Life After Life
After decades behind bars, three men set out to prove success can lie on the other side of tragedy. Follows the stories of Harrison, Noel, and Chris as they return home from San Quentin State Prison. After spending most of their lives incarcerated, they are forced to reconcile their perception of themselves with a reality they are unprepared for. Each struggles to overcome personal demons and reconstruct their fractured lives. Grappling with day-to-day challenges and striving for success, they work to reconnect with family and provide for themselves for the first time in their adult lives. Told in an unadorned vérité style, we experience the truth of their heartaches and triumphs. As their stories unfold over weeks, months and years, the precarious nature of freedom after incarceration in America is revealed.
Director of Photography
‘돌로레스 우에르타’의 여정은 부당한 처우 속의 노동자들을 돕고자 했던, 순수한 마음에서 시작되었다. 춤과 음악에 대한 열정을 뒤로 한 채, 돌로레스는 1962년 농장노동자조합(UFW)을 공동 설립하고, 연합의 핵심인물로서 여러 활동의 중심에 섰다. 이 다큐멘터리는 반세기에 걸친 지대한 영향력에도 불구하고 크게 조명되지 못했던 돌로레스의 발자취를 따라갈 뿐만 아니라, 여성으로서 그녀가 마주해야 했던 딜레마를 보여준다.
The Love Remains
Assistant Camera
Charged with spreading the ashes of her dead girlfriend, Lena struggles against a flood of unwanted memories. The gnawing memories force her into dealing with her grief in hauntingly unpredictable ways.
Director of Photography
Fearing her own, displacement, Anna torments her stepbrother's new fiancee.
Chuck's Chicken
Director of Photography
Despite being held captive and enslaved to work for her father and his fast-food worshiping, cult-like family, Samantha is determined to find love and possess the boy of her dreams. Chuck's Chicken is a morbid, surreal comedy that dares you to laugh.